This place comes from all over Lithuania – it was loved not only by children, but also by adults.


Fortunately, we will not have to go to Sweden, because Pepė Ilgakojinė, played by Laura Grigaliūnė, arrives at her magical home in Lithuania “Pepės vilaitė”, located in the adventure park “Lokės pėda”, during the summer. Here Laura, using the character of Pepe, teaches not only children but also their parents to enjoy their childhood, and the woman herself says that she is simply doing what her heart tells her to do.

(12 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. This place comes from all over Lithuania – it was loved not only by children, but also by adults.

Pepe since adolescence

Laura tamed the character of Pepe at the age of twelve. The interlocutor says that she traveled for the children’s parties and birthdays with a small suitcase. Five years ago, when her son was born, the woman had the idea of ​​building “Villa de Pepė” so that Pepė would have a permanent home and so that the children themselves could come as guests.

Laura does not hide the fact that she saw such a hut in Sweden: “From the outside, the two huts are almost no different, but the inside is already my doing.” He tried to decorate the interior according to the book and according to his own imagination.

“I really admire the Scandinavian style. It’s that simple, but you’d never say it’s poor. I tried to install everything as well as possible, and I understand from people’s comments that I succeeded ”, the interlocutor rejoices.

Laura says the house was built by a contracted company, she wanted it to be really completely safe and meet all the requirements. The construction took only three weeks, according to Laura, it is a surprisingly short period of time and the friends could not even believe that everything happened so quickly.

“It may have seemed crazy to someone, but we believed so strongly in the idea that it caught us all,” says the interlocutor.

When asked why she chose Pepė’s long-legged character, Laura reveals that this character is very similar to her: “By character, this character is the closest to me, I don’t even have to play. I am exactly like Pepe: active, stubborn, childish and never growing up ”. The interlocutor says that she likes to communicate very much, and meeting new people brings her incalculable happiness.

This place comes from all over Lithuania - it was loved not only by children, but also by adults.

Not only children but also parents enjoy it

According to the woman, children of all ages come to visit “Pepės vilaitė”, sometimes even very young visitors, two or three years old. Limit, it can be said, of ten years, from this age it is a little more difficult to believe the fairy tale created by Pepe, but Laura says that there are several cases:

“Sometimes even an eight-year-old is no longer interested, and other times we are also interested in a twelve-year-old.” It depends on what interests the child.

According to Laura, Pepe is very interested in adults because they just grew up with Pepe Long Legged. Now children are growing up with other famous characters, so before coming it is recommended to read a book or watch a video, meet Pepe to be interesting not only for parents who know this character well, but also for children. After all, Pepė seeks to educate, enjoy and educate the little ones.

A miracle without much effort

“Simply, without too much effort, I manage to create a true miracle,” the woman rejoices. Exploiting the surrounding environment, Laura tells the children about the nearby witch forest, which is home to witches of various sizes. It turns out that a witch even left traces that children are willing to follow.

And in the courtyard of the villa you can find animals with the strangest names: rabbits are called lions, goats are called horny bears and pigeons are called parrots. For children it is a great surprise, but so is Pepe and a fairy tale, a sense of mysticism that always attracts young visitors.

The story continues inside the village, where the raven Vanda lives, who loves the brightness that children must stay away from. Inside Vilaitė, we also find the Quarkel frog, a lazy dreamer, whom, according to Laura, the children themselves are similar, because they are also dreamers. We also see Pepe’s footprints on the ceiling.

“Imagine, Pepe smeared the soles of his shoes with paint and tried to stand on the ceiling and finally fell off when taking off his shoes. Those shoes stayed on the roof anyway. Children really like these miracles ”, laughs the interlocutor.

Inside, we also find Pepe’s famous kitchen, where everyone can enjoy gingerbread and even cakes. Unfortunately, the kids are disappointed that Pepe accidentally bought a sealant foam instead of cream, so the taste is not very reminiscent of a traditional sweet cake. Laura says that the children don’t mind at all, because Pepe feeds them a magical witch elixir, which can even lift a horse after drinking!

“Children also want these miraculous powers, which is why they try an elixir that, although sweet in taste, is said to be made from frog legs and strawberries, which is why children feel the strangest flavors: both bitterness and salinity, and they even swear they actually taste like frog legs. That is such a limitless childhood fantasy! Laura cannot be surprised.

This place comes from all over Lithuania - it was loved not only by children, but also by adults.

Offers a variety of services

“Pepės vilaitė” offers a wide range of services for children: children’s birthdays, baptisms, excursions, kindergarten graduations or even summer camps.

“We organize day camps. Children spend time outdoors, participate in creative activities, go on various excursions. In our case, everything is related to nature and Pepe’s crazy way, ”says the woman. Children are encouraged to have fun, relax, not be afraid to be themselves, and think in non-standard ways, not according to generally accepted norms.

Laura says a girls camp will be set up in the near future to spread the word that there are no activities, jobs or even things for boys or girls. Everyone has to do what they want, what they feel in their heart.

Vilaitė operates only in summer, because, according to the interlocutor, the cabin is adapted only for the warm season of the year. As a result, the number of COVID-19 people did not decrease during the pandemic. Laura is delighted that the quarantine restrictions are released in the summer and she can successfully open the villa for the summer season.

Asked about the secret of her success, Laura sums up: “A man comes into the world with a mission. What he has to do is within him. You don’t always have to listen to your mind, it is full of fears. Sometimes you need to hear what your heart says. The most important thing is to start doing it and do it with a lot of courage, a lot of desire, then the whole world will help you ”.
