This operation not only improves vision, but also rejuvenates – for some people, the procedure is paid for by health insurance funds.


This is the lifting of the droopy upper eyelids. People who have had this operation are happy to look almost ten years younger after it.

Ingrown upper eyelids are a fairly common problem, usually with age. Not a single person sees it only as an aesthetic problem. However, often the upper eyelids, also known as dermatoclase, can also cause health problems. It is no coincidence that the State Medical Insurance Fund (VLK) reimburses for lifting operations of the upper eyelids that have fallen.

We spoke with Dr. Goda Miniauskienė, an ophthalmologist at the Kaunas Clinics Eye Disease Clinic, about the causes of contamination of the eyelids, the possible consequences, the ways to solve the problem and to whom and when this operation can be compensated.

– What are the causes of contamination of the eyelids?

– A droopy upper eyelid (dermatoclase) occurs when the elasticity and skin tone of the eyelid decreases, stretches and excess skin forms. This process generally depends on age: the structure of the skin and connective tissue changes over the years, the muscles weaken, wrinkles appear, and the skin of the upper eyelids settles on the eyelashes.

In part, this problem has to do with lifestyle. The main risk factors are obesity and smoking. Dermatochalase is also more common in people with pale skin, but we cannot change this risk factor.

One of the most important risk factors is family inheritance. So, infected eyelids can also be at a young age, e.g. Ex twenty.

– Is this disorder more common in women?

– This disorder affects men and women equally. However, as practice shows, women are more likely to consult a doctor earlier for this problem.

– As I understand it, envelopes tend to get old. At what age does this problem begin to affect? Can the envelopes fall on the youngest?

– Very often, the elasticity of the eyelid skin begins to decrease after the age of forty and progresses with age. If the envelopes fall on a young person, it is usually due to hereditary or anatomical characteristics. The youngest operated patient was 24 years old.

– For many, the eyelids seem to be just a cosmetic problem. But, as far as I know, the operations are also reimbursed by the State Health Insurance Fund. Why? What other inconveniences, besides aesthetic, does this cause?

– Fallen envelopes cause not only cosmetic changes in appearance, but also disturbances of others.
