this is what you need to know about the lambda variant


Mutations got attention

The lambda strain was first found in Peru and soon began to spread to other countries in South America.

Professor Saulius Čaplinskas, an infectious disease expert, explained that the three mutations make the virus more resistant to antibodies formed after vaccination. This variant of the virus is also characterized by two mutations that facilitate its penetration into the cell, which increases the infectivity of the lambda strain.

It is true that the World Health Organization (WHO) has so far classified the lambda variant as a “strain of concern”, and the alpha and delta strains have been classified as “of concern”.

The professor stressed that the virus mutates according to its natural laws. “The virus tries to enter a new cell as soon as possible so that that cell can produce as many new copies of the virus as possible,” S. Čaplinskas told Lietuvos Rytas “Nauja diena” television program.

It is true that he assured that viruses rarely mutate “on the worse side.” This is because the survival of its hosts is essential for the survival of the virus, because if they died, they would no longer have the means for the existence of the virus itself.

“It still takes some time to achieve a balance between the human immune system and the ability of the virus to adapt to our cells. It is likely that if not this year, next cold season there will be some balance.

More and more people will have acquired immunity and perhaps the virus will cause less and less clinically expressed disease. After all, we now see that those who have not been vaccinated often get sick. And those who were vaccinated, even infected, are in a much lighter form, “noted S. Čaplinskas.

You don’t see any major threats

For his part, Daniel Naumov, director of the Biobank of the Santara Clinics at Vilnius University Hospital, a senior medical biologist, does not believe that the lambda strain should not compete with the delta variant that is already common in Lithuania.

“In my opinion, the lambda variety is not and will not be as dangerous as the delta variety. The delta strain is likely to become more widespread in the world, competing with that terrible beta strain, the gamma variant. We can already see that it has already competed. with the alpha variety ”, explained the biologist at a press conference this Tuesday.

Vaccines are effective

S. Čaplinskas denied the always blunt information that vaccines do not work against new strains of coronavirus.

According to him, laboratory observations have shown that antibodies formed after vaccination are less effective in neutralizing the lambda strain, but he emphasized that the vaccine still works. For example, if the efficacy of a pre-Wuhan vaccine were 60 to 90%, according to the manufacturer, a more resistant variety would only reduce efficacy by a few to 10 percentage points.

“In this case, we see that the quality of the antibodies will be lower. However, this can be offset by quantity. It is very important that there is a sufficient amount of antibodies that can neutralize lambda or other strains of the virus, ”explained S. Čaplinskas.

The professor also assured that fearing the effects of vaccines really does not make sense. Its widespread use only guarantees the safety of vaccines.

“Hundreds of millions of people around the world have been vaccinated and are getting the same results as clinical trials. Not seeing this and saying that vaccines are not safe or too fast means not understanding the world we live in now.” said the professor.

Opening schools is a challenge

The Communicable Disease Specialist has confirmed that the start of the new school year will certainly not alleviate the epidemiological situation. However, he assured without hesitation that children need to reconnect with education.

“The challenge for all adults is to make the presence of children in schools as safe as possible. We will not be able to completely prevent the virus, but the means to do so are already known,” said S. Čaplinskas.

He added that wearing face masks and regular testing work best in schools. Important and good ventilation of the premises and vaccination of older students and personnel of educational institutions.
