This infection can cause cancer in both women and men: the consequences can be easily prevented


Currently the European Week for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer is taking place. Professor Ž. Bumbulienė says this is a good time to remember that cervical cancer remains a huge and uncontrollable threat, killing several hundred women every year in Lithuania.

“Cervical cancer usually affects women young enough of reproductive age, but the risk arises even earlier and lasts a lifetime. Early intercourse, big changes in sexual partners, long-term use of oral contraceptives, Smoking and other immunosuppressive factors increase the risk of cervical cancer. However, the main cause of the disease is HPV infection, which affects 75-80% of people at least once in their lifetime. sexually active people ”, explains Prof. Ž. Bumbulienė.

Žana Bumbulienė

Žana Bumbulienė

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

Even early detection of cervical cancer has dire consequences

HPV is a very widespread virus that is generally transmitted through sexual contact. HPV often clears up without causing more serious health problems, but if the human immune system fails, the consequences begin with genital warts and end with a variety of cancers. HPV is an insidious virus that, according to the professor, can remain in the body without symptoms for up to a decade, and when oncological changes occur, it is often too late.

“Some people find out they have HPV when they develop genital warts. Women may also discover that they have HPV when they undergo a cervical cancer test with an abnormal cervical cytology (CAB) smear. Unfortunately, many people hear the diagnosis of cancer earlier than HPV carriers, ”says prof. Ž. Bumbulienė adds that the diagnosis of cervical cancer is always painful.

Associative photo.

Associative photo.

“Even if the cancer is found at an early stage, the cervix is ​​removed during the operation and this leads to fertility problems in the woman. There is no other treatment. In advanced stages of cancer, the entire uterus or more tissues may be removed, depending on the extent of the cancer. If surgery is not possible, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used. Our goal is to save a woman’s life, but fertility is no longer talked about. “

HPV causes not only cervical cancer but also cancers of other organs

The doctor emphasizes the importance of protecting HPV infections in both women and men.

“For some reason, there is a widespread belief that HPV is only dangerous for women because it causes cervical cancer. Yes, that is almost 100 percent. the virus that causes the disease, but HPV also causes genital cancer in women and penile cancer in men. And for both: genital warts, anal, oral and pharyngeal cancers. The latter is more common among men ”, says prof. Ž. Bumbulienė.

It is important to mention that these oncological diseases are not only caused by HPV, but it is responsible for more than 90% of cases. female genital cancer cases, 80 percent. – anal cancer, up to 70 percent. – oral and pharyngeal cancer and about 40% cases of penile cancer.

The doctor emphasizes that to avoid the consequences of this common virus, it is necessary to use condoms that protect at least partially against HPV, have periodic medical check-ups and participate in a preventive health program that helps detect precancerous changes in the cervix. However, the most effective means of protection in all cases is vaccination.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer

“This is especially true for men, because there are no health screening programs for them for GPP, and the virus does not cause any characteristic symptoms to identify the threat. When pathological and oncological changes develop, doctors often diagnose the disease. too late ”, says Prof. Ž. Bumbulienė.

Vaccines are the most effective prevention and the best investment in health

In Lithuania, according to the vaccination schedule, 11-year-old girls are vaccinated against HPV with state funds. Prof. Ž. Bumbulienė says that this prevention program is very important and doctors have been waiting for it for almost a decade, but there is still room for improvement.

“In Lithuania, according to the state program, only girls are vaccinated. For immunization to be effective, it must be 80% vaccinated. Eleven-year-old girls even better: 90 percent. And today in Lithuania we only reach 65 percent. – Certainly, these are not enough volumes. To also protect children, we must also vaccinate them or expand the scope of girls to be vaccinated according to age to 13 years and over ”, the doctor is convinced.

This infection can cause cancer in both women and men: the consequences can be easily prevented

To date, there are 3 types of HPV vaccines: divalent, quadrivalent, and nivalent. All protect against the two most aggressive types of HPV, which cause 70 percent. cases of cervical cancer. However, according to the professor, there are about 150 types of GPP, of which about 40 types are found on the mucous membranes of the genitals. Therefore, the quadrivalent vaccine provides additional protection against the types of HPV that cause genital warts, while the nivalent vaccine helps the human immune system develop an additional response against five high-risk HPV types.

“Unfortunately, when a tender is announced for the purchase of an HPV vaccine, the price is what is most taken into account; in this case, a bivalent vaccine is cheaper, so it is vaccinated in Lithuania. But if a woman decides to vaccinate on her own or the family wants to protect their children, both girls and boys, there must be an unequivocal vaccination with a nine-valence vaccine. Until now, this can only be done privately, but there is no better investment than in the health of oneself or of one’s children ”, advises Prof. Ž. Bumbulienė.

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