This has not happened yet: the perpetrators face fines of up to € 320, they will have to move and attend special courses


The Ministry of Social Security and Labor registered on Monday the pertinent amendments to the Code of Protection against Domestic Violence and the Code of Administrative Offenses.

(Lithuanian police photo)

The alleged abuser must temporarily move abroad

Under the terms of the court order, an adult at risk of violence is required to temporarily leave his place of residence if he lives with a person at risk of domestic violence, regardless of who owns the home.

It is also prohibited to visit the place of residence of a victim of violence, approach him, communicate, seek contacts with him.

The police officer will have to make the decision to issue a violence protection order immediately, but no later than 12 hours after receiving the notice of possible domestic violence.

According to SADM, the goal is to improve the assistance mechanism for both those who have suffered domestic violence and those at risk of violence.

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Approach will not be able to 72 hours and more

Jūratė Šeduikienė, Chairman of the Board of the Lithuanian Association for the Enforcement of Women’s Rights and Director of the Women’s Information Center, told news portal in June that the perpetrator would have to find a place to stay temporarily. .

“A police officer who arrived at the scene and saw that there was not enough data to initiate a pre-trial investigation would issue a protection order. The abuser must leave the place of residence and stay away from the victim for 72 hours.

Where the abuser will stay is your business. The police will give you a list of possible places to stay drawn up by the shelter or the municipality, but it is the person’s choice whether they will travel to their parents, friends or to the shelter, ”said earlier.

The district court can extend a police officer’s decision to issue a violence protection order for 72 hours up to 12 calendar days. The term of protection against violence against a person who presents a risk of domestic violence cannot exceed 15 calendar days.

“Officials sometimes lack the tools to protect victims when a pre-trial investigation is not launched. Our goal is to establish an order of protection against violence, aimed at the prompt protection of the victim, whether or not a pre-trial investigation is opened. This would protect the victim from violence or intimidation at an early stage. We will also seek to strengthen care for victims in specialized comprehensive care centers and increase their accessibility, “said Monika Navickienė, Minister of Social Security and Labor, in a press release.

According to J. Šeduikienė, to protect victims of violence, not only the Order for Protection against Violence is needed, but also the contribution of self-government in terms of violence prevention and assistance to victims.

It is envisaged not only to ensure more effective protection of the victim and the provision of assistance, but also to carry out public information campaigns in order to eliminate stereotypes that promote violence, reduce tolerance for violence and raise awareness about assistance opportunities. to victims of violence. violence.

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There is a fine of up to 320 euros and up to 780 euros for repeated offenses.

Responsibility for the violation of the requirement of protection against violence is provided for in the new draft of the Registered Code of Administrative Offenses.

The person who has violated the obligations of the order of protection against violence will incur administrative responsibility in accordance with the procedure established in the Code of Administrative Offenses. Compliance with the obligations of the order for protection against violence is supervised by police officers.

Failure to comply with the obligations established in the Order for Protection against Domestic Violence will result in a fine of between eighty and three hundred and twenty euros.

The offense is committed repeatedly, incurring a fine of three hundred to seven hundred and eighty euros.

New measure: the aggressor is obliged to attend special courses

Another novelty is that for the planned administrative offenses, the perpetrator may be subject to an administrative penalty.

It is an obligation to participate in programs (courses) for the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction, early intervention, health care, re-socialization, improving communication with children, changing violent behavior or ”.

The number of reports of domestic violence in the country has grown rapidly over the decade as people experiencing violence have begun to seek help more courageously. According to data from the Police Department, in 2020. In 2012, a record number of complaints of domestic violence were received: more than 58.5 thousand. – a little more than 18 thousand However, last year crimes of domestic violence were registered – only 7132.
