This has not been the case for 5 years: using zeppelins and cold beets, the cafes hide thousands


On a hot summer day, we often like to make delicious beetles that look delicious and refresh the soul at home. It is not uncommon for a compatriot to order them and come to a coffee.

However, tax inspectors announce that through this no less popular dish and zeppelins in Lithuania, which have already become a traditional food, entrepreneurs carry out financial machinations and hide taxes. Inspectors found that most cafes in Lithuania, which indicated that they had bought ten kilograms of potatoes during the summer, could make hundreds of servings of zeppelins with them.

Audrius Morkūnas, Head of the Klaipėda County State Tax Inspectorate, says: “Firstly, these are offenses, such as non-issuance of checks, non-recording of income, and secondly, infringement of cash registers computer registers. And especially for those dishes that have a high profitability. These are cold borscht, coffee, tea, zeppelins. Because there are cases in which zeppelins are manufactured and potatoes are not bought throughout the year. “

Vida Okuličienė, Director of the Control Department, says: “Its cost is very low. And if you do not read the selling price of this or that plate, the indicators do not deviate significantly, because the cost is a very small part.

Up to eight out of ten coffees inspected by inspectors found a wide range of financial irregularities. It has also detected almost three million euros of unaccounted for revenue this year alone. That’s a million more than in the pre-quarantine period.

“We also observe cases in which taxpayers, I will mention as an example: if a day’s lunch costs 3 or 5 euros, depending on the coffee, instead they earn cents. That is 30, 50 cents. These amounts fall on the tax receipt, but they are 10 times smaller, ”says V. Okuličienė.

The hen of unscrupulous entrepreneurs has been quarantined, a service that is especially used and loved by compatriots to order food at home. While popular moving companies work honestly and report all income, most of those orders don’t stay on the food manufacturers’ books.

“It is even strange that we export and pay through the platforms through the banks, but after reviewing 800 companies, even 120 companies, we see that there is completely unaccounted income. And especially, the most difficult situation is that if we make cash reimbursements to those companies, 9 out of 10 do not read that money, ”says A. Morkūnas.

Tax inspectors name two cities as the forerunners with the most unscrupulous entrepreneurs. These are Vilnius and Palanga. But employers are surprised by the findings of such inspectors. It is said that scams these days require great skills and only in the summer the main income, which will be necessary to survive the rest of the year, the resort entrepreneurs say that a rare can decide to take such risks and lose business.

“It just came to our attention then. Because there are computers, there are programs, the waiter cannot change anything. Not at all. Because there is a fixed computer, organized as follows. Not at all. turn around. Maybe in Soviet times there were no such computers, maybe they cheated. Not now, there are no possibilities, “says the manager of the cafe” Jūros akis “Kęstutis Blažys.

Of the catering establishments where violations were found, the majority were cafes, coffee shops, pizzerias, but 12 percent were restaurants.
