This dental service is free; many do not know


According to Lina Dusevičiūtė, a dentist at the Dental Harmony dental clinic, children often need to have dentures. Young patients experience a variety of dental trauma, early tooth decay or genetic problems, then the question arises: how to repair a child’s teeth in the most reliable and durable way possible?

Dr. L. Dusevičiūtė says that the dental restoration method is chosen after evaluating the degree of dental damage. According to the dentist, if the dental crown tissues are damaged by more than 60 percent. or more than 60 percent. are no longer available, it is recommended to choose dental restoration with dentures. Depending on the situation, it can be a crown, overlay, inlay, or laminate.

In addition, the restoration of children’s teeth requires additional care and knowledge on the part of the doctor, because the skeletal bones of the child or adolescent are still growing and developing. It is important that the dentist assess the age of the patient in each case and select the appropriate permanent or temporary prosthetic structures.

The main differences

“Zirconia or ceramic restorations are created in the laboratory, so the materials are of higher quality and more durable than fillings formed on the tooth directly in the dentist’s office. The restorative material developed in the laboratory is stronger, resistant to temperatures, damage and more difficult to adhere to deposits. Of course, it is necessary to maintain daily oral hygiene, ”says the dentist in a press release.

The specialist points out that when restoring teeth, their shape, called dental architecture, is of the utmost importance, which determines the safe functionality and longevity of the tooth.

“Prosthetics are an opportunity to restore the shape and color of the tooth, which is the closest to the natural shape, it is much more difficult to implement during the filling. By creating crowns, overlays or laminates in the laboratory, we can control the quality to the maximum, ”says the dentist.

Fear that the tooth will need to be extracted

L. Dusevičiūtė says that he often hears the wrong opinion of patients about tooth extraction.

“It is believed that to restore a tooth it is necessary to pull it out, but this is not true. Modern methods are being developed and used to preserve as much of your own tooth as possible. Children have to extract a tooth in less frequent cases, when the roots of the tooth can no longer be preserved, ”says the Dental Harmony doctor.

According to the specialist, parents are also afraid that tooth restoration will weaken the tooth, but the situation is the opposite: high-quality prosthetics protect and strengthen dental crowns and allow them to function as safely as possible.

Dental restoration is free for children.

A child or adolescent with trauma, premature teeth, or unfavorable genetics not only experiences daily discomfort and more frequent dental repairs, but also embarrassment about their appearance or even intimidation.

No parent wants that for their children, but parents have to deal with finances. The doctor says that many people do not know that the Territorial Health Insurance Fund compensates the restoration of teeth to children under 18 years even up to 1724.10 Eur, so it is possible to choose a more durable and higher quality treatment for your children without incurring costs.
