“This card will not accompany me”


This time, money arbitrarily deducted from his daughter Marios Randers (21) came into view of the woman.

As a news portal lrytas.lt The boss himself said, everything happened a few days ago.

According to the businesswoman, no one faces such a problem.

“A person who has misappropriated money from a stranger’s account is called a thief and is liable.

And how to call the state offices Sodra and the Health Insurance Fund, which illegally, within two days, from the student’s account, without prior notice, misappropriates all the money and more than was in the account ?

When contacted, he explains that an error has occurred in the system, asks to complete a lot of requests, and promises to return the money within 20 days. Man on a negative account for babciu, whose offices in the 21st century. has not arrived yet, errors and please wait 20 days

Not to mention the bank’s damaged credit history.

Is this what you call them? Sharaškino offices or thieves? And since when have they been granted permission to digest after strange bills and cancel money? Especially when a person owes them nothing.

PS: I found that this “systemic error” is repeated very often. Reluctantly, you start to think that this is not a bug, but a system.

In the welfare state, a person is left without a euro and this is done by the state institution Sodra, 20 dd and more, through the illegal use of its funds.

But this card will not accompany me.

I upload messages that have been written to me. And these are just a few of the thousands … ”he shared his ideas on Facebook.
