This addiction is much harder to recognize than you thought: the signs that give everything away


Gambling ads are adjusted every year

Oleg Mackevich, a spokesperson for the Gaming Authority, says that when the target audience and their psychological portrait are known, it is not difficult to get a person interested in the advertised product: “Gambling ads really increase impulsivity, increase desire to bet. These ads also stimulate curiosity, and some ads, especially those that are completely out of control in certain states, show signs of encouraging gambling. Certain advertisements form inappropriate attitudes towards the game itself: the importance of material values ​​is emphasized, the illusion of a guaranteed win is created ”.

To limit the negative impact of gambling on society (especially on minors), as of 2019 November 1 Advertising of gambling in Lithuania has been strengthened: only the name, trademarks and types of gambling companies. Providing any additional written, visual or audio information in advertising is prohibited.
It is also forbidden to publish any information related to the game on websites aimed at minors. These are websites with at least 80 percent. The content is intended for children and adolescents.

From 2020 July 1 Licensed gambling advertising must include warning notices that participation in gambling may lead to gambling addiction or pathological gambling.

With the entry into force of the changes to the advertising ban in the Gambling Act, gambling operators have encountered difficulties and problems in tailoring their marketing campaigns or organizing proper gambling advertising. “In addition to our main functions, with this in mind, we pay special attention to this type of consultation, the problem of gambling addiction and the provision of methodological assistance,” says A. Dilba.

Gambling advertising bans in other countries

In other countries, the requirements for advertising gambling ads vary widely; This may imply a ban on any outdoor advertising (eg, in Latvia advertising is only allowed inside gaming venues), television advertising is only allowed at certain times (“advertising window” in Spain: only allowed audiovisual advertising by gambling operators (between 1 am and 5 am), ban on online casino services and television advertising of gaming products (Belgium).

Proposals to ban sports club sponsorship (in the UK, Belgium, to ban advertising on team jerseys) or to allow advertising based on the percentage of advertising space in public space (Belgium) are still they listen in foreign countries.

The parties also speak of ‘moderate consumption practices’ (Spain), and the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) has developed a responsible advertising code for its members (the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) published the first European Code of Realization on April 28 last year. Responsible remote gaming advertising). The code establishes essential standards for advertising content for all media platforms, as well as specific tools for social networks. The Code pays special attention to the protection of minors. This Code (Conduct on responsible advertising for online gambling) should be a complementary tool to the existing legal and self-regulatory frameworks in Europe.

Young people participate in the game several times faster

The results of the 2019 Survey on the Use of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substances in European Schools (ESPAD) showed that gambling became a popular activity among European students: 22%. respondents (29% of boys, 15% of girls) said they had played at least one game in the 12 months prior to the survey. In Lithuania, these figures are slightly lower: 19%, respectively, of which 25%. guys, 13 percent. Girls. It is usually played in lotteries or card games.

Regarding adolescent gambling, a large study was carried out in Europe, covering many countries in the European Union, and it was suggested that the percentage of adolescent gambling could range between 0.4% and 6% .

“In the Gaming Supervision Authority, we can rely on the registry of people who have restricted their access to the game. From it, we can see that last year 356 applications were submitted in Lithuania in the age group 18-20 , accounting for 6.2 percent of all applications submitted during 2020. Studies show that adolescents are four times more likely to participate in harmful gambling than adults. It can be concluded that Lithuanian adolescents do not differ much than their peers in the US or Scandinavia. This is a time when teens are self-seeking and are often at high risk of engaging not only in gambling, but also in substance abuse or other addictions like addiction to social networks, computer games, smart devices, etc. ”, says psychologist O. Mackevič.

“When consulting customers, listening to what they share, many say that the influence of friends to join the game is great. A large number of players shared that the first thoughts of trying to gamble came from hearing praise from friends about one or another amount won, fantasies about possible thousands of winnings that require neither education nor knowledge. It is very important for us as adults to realize that we must be responsible for the message we send to young people, especially those who, due to their young age, cannot make the right decisions and appreciate that certain entertainment can harm them ”, he points out. the psychologist.

“As with people of any age who have uncontrolled gambling problems, the young person is subjected to psychotherapy methods: individual consultations with a psychologist or psychotherapist, group psychotherapy, rehabilitation programs. When we receive calls from parents who suspect that a young person is involved in gambling, we generally refer them to Addiction Diseases or Mental Health Centers, which have specialists who work with young clients or patients, ”explained O. Mackevič.

This addiction is much harder to recognize than you thought: the signs that give everything away

The problem gambler is betrayed by lies and deteriorating financial situation

In counseling people with gambling problems and their families, the psychologist realizes that many seek help when problem gambling has been problematic for 2-5 years, or much longer. This is usually due to the fact that neither the player nor his family members can adequately assess the complexity of the actual situation, resort to completely ineffective or sometimes even harmful means of assistance, or not seek assistance at all.

“Problems with gambling are often underestimated in comparison to other addictions, such as alcohol or other psychoactive substances. One of the most important signs that is difficult to hide is the deterioration of the financial situation. As the game requires more funds, the player no longer has control over the monthly budget, borrows more frequently, especially from fast credit companies, hides mounting debts, and can start selling or mortgaging the assets of their loved ones.

Noticeable emotional changes are noted: irritability, annoyance, possible outbursts of anger, the person closes off from the environment, forgotten before the favorite activity. Mood swings are not uncommon either. Sometimes depressed moods, sleep disorders, psychosomatic disorders start to bother me, ”says O. Mackevič.

The problem player, according to the psychologist, is characterized by lying, evasion, denial: The problem player “does not smell.” These are usually neat looking, caring people with whom we shake hands at work, serve us at the bank, serve us in supermarkets, teach our children, perform surgeries. All this helps to hide your problem not only from yourself, but also from your family members ”.

When to stop playing immediately

“To prevent gambling from becoming entertainment, it is very important to remember three things, namely: time, money and emotional state. What does this mean? As with any entertainment, we usually calculate our budget and the time we can dedicate to entertainment, and we also expect emotional satisfaction both during and after entertainment, ”says O. Mackevič.

According to a psychologist, if we choose to have fun while gambling, it is extremely important to set a strict amount of money and time to gamble. If we do not pass at least one of those limits, for example, it is decided to spend 50 euros in games of chance but spend 60, or spend 4 or 5 instead of 3 hours in the game room – it is already worth asking ourselves if this does not it will cause problems in the future.

It is also important what emotion comes out of the game. If the mood rises, regardless of the amount of money lost (self-defined), all is well. But if there is regret or pain about money, annoyance or anger, the goal of the game is probably not to entertain but to make money.

“It is important to form the right attitude towards the game, which is only a form of entertainment, not a way to earn money. Following these limits or noticing that they are beginning to change, it is important to stop playing immediately, be sure to consult with professionals as this can help to avoid very serious and painful consequences that can unrecognizable change the life of the player and his loved ones, “said Mackevič.

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