They may need to take stricter measures against people who don’t vaccinate, they would have to pay for testing.


“Not for nothing has the debate on compulsory vaccination started in some countries, perhaps not in its entirety, but at least in certain sectors of society. We have not reached that stage yet, but, look, I will not hide: if the threats to the health of the whole society, to the interests of the State, continue to grow, it is also a matter of national security. This is ridiculous.

If you bunnies there will be more, other measures may need to be considered, “said A. Dulkys.

Shouldn’t they get vaccinated for the tests themselves?

In a meeting on Wednesday, the government decided to expand the list of areas where workers will need to take the COVID-19 test on a regular basis. Prophylactic tests will not be performed on people who have been fully vaccinated or who have been exposed to the coronavirus within 180 days.

This requirement will apply to the activities of international goods transport, public transport and passenger transport, leisure or entertainment, culture, artistic services, catering, retail trade, public administration, professional military service, people who work with illegal immigrants.

According to the minister, one of the possible measures to encourage these employees to continue vaccinated may be the obligation to pay for the test themselves.

“I also say openly: testing costs money. I understand that as we fight a great wave of pandemics, yes, it is in our interest that the state fund it. However, if the state already has a more efficient method that is proposed and not he wants to use it, it is very natural that we begin to argue that in some cases we must pay for the tests ourselves, “he said.

“Every Lithuanian citizen has a vaccine. Your vaccine. Jinai is waiting for you. You just have to come and pick it up,” added A. Dulkys.

We remind you that the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers has already approved amendments to the Law on Management of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection, which give employers the right to fire employees who have not received a COVID-19 certificate before the October 1st. this year. It is given to people who have been vaccinated or become ill.

Consider what to do with emerging cases

Asked whether the Ministry is already considering possible measures to slow the growth of cases when the number of coronavirus cases jumps, A. Dulkys admitted that certain scenarios are already being considered.

“Yes, we are considering, we are looking at criteria, we are considering scenarios. We are currently debating this at an inter-institutional level. We see it as a whole, because the country’s economy also supports it. (…) Let’s talk, we are looking. Every day, Every week everything can change and we can move forward again towards additional measures, ”said the Minister.

It is true that he pointed out that we can no longer use the same vision that we had during previous pandemic waves.

“A wave of the pandemic was when there was no experience, knowledge, vaccines, tests, there was nothing. We welcomed the next wave without vaccines, but we already have proof. Now we have the vaccines, the tests, so a different team has to work here.

We shouldn’t be looking at both the increase in the number of cases and the consequences: the extent of hospitalization, the severity of patients, how the health care system is filling up, or the ability to live with it. The main message is that you can become our constant companion in life and we must learn to live differently, ”said A. Dulkys.

The minister assured that if new restrictions or even quarantine were to be announced again, it would be different for vaccinated people.

“We are at a stage where we no longer have the right to ignore the half of the Lithuanian population that has been vaccinated. They have the right to question that we can no longer use the same tools. Naturally, those who does not barkthose who contribute to the good of the state, those who are vaccinated, advise others, help us solve this problem.

(…) Again, let’s get back to that: there are vaccines. Your vaccine is waiting for you. You can simply help your country, ”he urged.

A.Dulkys was criticized by President Gitanas Nausėda on Wednesday for the reduced rate of vaccination. The head of state said the ministry’s efforts to promote vaccination were lacking. For his part, the minister himself said that there was a lack of unity in the resolution of the COVID-19 crisis, and that the decision on his personal responsibility would be made by the Prime Minister.

In Lithuania, 46% have received at least one coronavirus vaccine. people, but vaccination rates in the country have recently declined. In total, Lithuania has received 3 million. 203 thousand 455 doses of vaccines, of which 2 million were used. 373 thousand 693 doses.
