“They have harassed me for two months”


At the same time, the head of the center apologized for the reflections expressed during the interviews on the pressure of “left” politicians and excused himself with the fatigue of the mobbing directed against him two months ago.

Experience mobbing

“I very much appreciate the decision of the board. This is probably the only possible solution in this situation. In a democratic society, if there are doubts about the possibility of occupying a position, it is always necessary to verify,” said A. Jakubauskas.

At the time, he said he would not voluntarily resign: “I cannot resign because of work not done or work done by predecessors.”

A. Jakubauskas also apologized for the idea expressed during the interview that the LGGRTC under his leadership “is under pressure from” leftist “politicians.

“I regret this speech. (…) We are all tired, I have been persecuted for two months. Probably, after reviewing this publication, I must admit that I was unhappy myself,” said A. Jakubauskas.

Although the employees fired by LGGRTC publicly mention the pressure exerted on them, A. Jakubauskas claims that he himself experiences the harassment.

“I would always ask for at least proof of my pressure or my bullying. Let me be honest: I have experienced bullying for two months and my family is under psychological pressure.

But I am a person from the academic community, I have never applied elements such as mobbing, pressure, terror, spiritual pressure. Believe me, this is not my moral attitude. I am a democratic man who tends to listen to all employees, ”said the head of LGGRTC.

Bug fixes?

After the Seimas Board resolution, A. Jakubauskas stated that it feels like he is between two mill boards of the Seimas: the Seimas Board resolution of the current term and today’s Board resolution.

“Half a year ago, when I started directing the Center, I began to correct the deficiencies indicated by the Board of the Seimas of that period – I tightened the rules of publicity, we tried to talk to historians about how to improve the quality of the research. This has caused dissatisfaction on the part of the staff, highlighted one sixth of the staff.

Today, I can say that the new Seimas Board took the opposite position: the attempt to correct the deficiencies identified by the Seimas Board in administrative terms and available resources such as supposedly undemocratic leadership steps, mismanagement, for some reason only 17 employees were They complained, but did not pay attention to 61 employees.

I have now received a request from 18 signatories on how to remedy the deficiencies identified by the Seimas Board during that period, and after today’s Board decision, I no longer know what to answer. Perhaps we should ask the signatories who participated in the meeting what they are like, “said A. Jakubauskas in the comment.

Pressure of “left views”

At the time, in an interview with Crimean Tatar television this week, he claimed that the LGGRTC, under his leadership, represented traditional views and was under pressure from “left-wing” politicians. He also says he has the support of a “healthy Lithuanian society” and has no doubt that the Seimas will not have enough political will to remove him.

“At this time, often all sorts of left-wing influences coming from the European Union very often confuse the minds of young people, leading to the desire to rewrite history. Unfortunately, a school of historians has emerged in Lithuania, which He treats his homeland, his country differently from the historians who worked for many years, especially after regaining independence, who created an image of the past of Lithuania, especially the German, Soviet occupation, the Holocaust, the armed resistance. “said A. Jakubauskas.

He cited a supposed “man in Germany” who thought that “the ghost of Marx and Engels is still alive, only it no longer waves red flags, but like all bacteria, it mutated.”

“The cases in which the younger generation is elected to parliament have their supporters, they try to introduce all these leftist views: homogeneous marriages, decriminalization of drugs, etc. in Lithuanian society. It happened that in Lithuania we also became part of these events, because we also represent traditional values, and the question arose of appointing certain officials to represent another wing in parliament, and such resistance arose, ”said the head of the Genocide Center.

“We fired a girl who was involved in intrigues, wrote letters to staff at night and it is as part of another thriving school at Vilnius University that she has become its advocate. “A letter has been sent to the Parliament of Lithuania in which we are allegedly violating our rights, but this is not true, believe me, it is not true. We have just come across two world views that I spoke about and a new world view that it comes from the European perspective. Union, “he said.

A. Jakubauskas said that “serious discussions” have been taking place for two months, but that “the crisis has subsided.” He is convinced that there will not be a single politician in the Seimas who will approve his dismissal.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Therefore, apparently, the rulers understood that I could not be fired in that way, so some other plan would probably be presented,” said A. Jakubauskas.

The history of forgiveness

On Friday, the Seimas Board proposed to parliament to remove Adas Jakubauskas, director of the Lithuanian Center for Studies on Genocide and Resistance (LGGRTC).

The proposal is based on the fact that A. Jakubauskas fails to guarantee the proper functioning of the institution, there is resistance and the situation discussed publicly in the center undermines the business reputation of the institution. Much discussion was sparked by A. Jakubauskas’s decision to fire the historian Mingailė Jurkutė, who publicly expressed his doubts about the management of the center and the aspirations to politicize the research.

During the Board meeting, it was emphasized that the activities of A. Jakubauskas are not satisfactory for about 20 of the Genocide Center and other scientists, lacking cooperation in decision-making, at that time about 60 unsigned employees expressed their manager support.

According to the law, the director of the center is appointed and dismissed by the Seimas. A. Jakubauskas began leading the LGGRTC last summer.
