These effects of the coronavirus can be expected in one in five patients: your doctor will tell you who can help


He also admitted that he had recently contracted the coronavirus himself, so he was able to assess such effects through the prism of his own experience. When asked if this study really showed entirely new consequences for people with COVID-19, he agreed with this statement only in part.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It is one thing for this research to be on this virus, but, for example, in the Laboratory of Behavioral Medicine, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences has been researching for a long time, where we found out that there are consequences for all diseases.

Consequences for psychological state, not mental illness, occur more frequently. So now we can clearly see that the virus directly damages our brain and the second thing is that indirectly through the psychological consequences, when we need treatment, to be left without a family for a while, all this becomes clear.

J. Nevarauskas assured that a person is really very affected by communication only at a distance, and there may also be anxiety that it is even worse.

“Therefore, there are many factors that affect people with COVID-19 infection. Also, a lot of data shows that the virus itself damages the brain. How do we know? One of the most obvious symptoms is that we are sick. kovidu or the person is sick koviduwhen the sense of smell and taste disappear.

This means that the nervous system is directly damaged, which is why people experience problems with attention and memory. When we talk about dementia, from what I have seen, it is more about patients who have already had some type of brain damage, and it is a secondary injury related to a virus. “

Anxiety, according to the doctor, is the reaction of people to some external event and depends a bit on their biology. Some people are more anxious, others less.

“If a person is willing to worry, then any challenge can cause him to have that state, and there is a double challenge here. The same happens with depression, since there are people who are biologically more prone to it. Of course, it is after the effect of this virus that it happens most often. “

Are the psychological consequences of the virus treated exceptionally?

Asked by J. Nevirauskas about whether the psychological states caused by the virus should be something exceptional to the usual treatment of depression or anxiety disorders, he highlighted some things.

“If we suspect that the brain is organically damaged, then some treatment should be specifically aimed at improving the organic metabolism of the brain. For example, I personally felt a very clear sleep disturbance effect. Anyway, I always slept very well, even perfectly, but when I had the COVID-19 virus, my sleep became 4-5 hours. and then went into a state of surveillance. In this case, we make a special effort, for example, to prolong sleep with medications or other means to help the brain recover faster.

So we have to treat it in two ways: one, we treat anxiety and depression disorders in the usual way, and in addition, we pay more attention to brain nutrition, metabolic recovery. It includes such measures, from vitamins to physical means, such as meditation, relaxation, etc. ”, He explained.

These effects of the coronavirus can be expected in one in five patients: your doctor will tell you who can help

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The main “cure” is to change attitudes

The psychotherapist admitted that when he himself had coronavirus, he had to spend time in the hospital and the images that were seen there could, in fact, have a psychologically negative effect.

“First of all, I think we should ‘activate’ wisdom and understand that we can only partially change something and we will have to deal with something. We must direct our attention and ask ourselves what we can change. First, let’s change our approach to what is happening. He had to be in the hospital with this virus and he was the easiest patient there, but there were very serious patients. Therefore, some people may have also been affected by images of other patients choking and bleeding nearby. That was the case in my neighborhood. “

In this case, says J. Nevarauskas, you should direct your attention to everything that is done at the will of the sick person: you must listen to the recommendations of doctors, follow their instructions, tell them what is happening with the body and monitor yourself. same.

We must also accept that the work of the sick ends here. Not accepting roles of higher powers that allow one hundred percent guarantee of their condition and safety. Just do what belongs. “

Answering the question of why serious diseases in general have a great impact on people who suffer from them, J. Nevarauskas that two routes of such action have been identified in the medical laboratory of their behavior.

“One is that all major diseases biologically alter homeostasis in our body. It affects everything from the brain to the heart, blood vessels, etc. We see that effect very clearly. The second thing is that it affects us psychologically and by the disease process itself. If it is difficult for people to accept uncertainty, discomfort, pain, or heaviness, then they engage in suffering, and as a result, it is much more difficult for them.

He assured that he always offers to simply accept the discomfort and realize that everything that can be done can be done. It is necessary, the doctor stressed, to refuse to suffer the discomfort caused not only covid during infection, but also in all diseases. He also summarized that there is already an increase in the psychological consequences of a pandemic in society.

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