There were also cases related to outbreaks in institutions operating in Jonava – JONAVOS ŽINIOS


The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports on the outbreaks of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection recorded in Lithuania during the previous day.

A total of 3,720 people were isolated the day before, for a total of 98,882 people in isolation, including people with confirmed COVID-19 disease.

There are currently 218 cases (of those for which epidemiological studies have been carried out) of cases in which the circumstances of the infection of the individuals are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that the people did not go abroad and did not contacted confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

On Thursday, 13 coronavirus infections related to the outbreak were recorded at the Zarasai welfare home. Since mid-November, a total of 176 outbreaks have been reported, including 61 workers, 104 residents and 11 secondary cases, that is, family members.

In addition, 6 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed yesterday, related to the outbreak at the Merkinė nursing home in Varėna district, where a total of 28 related cases of the COVID-19 disease have been registered since the beginning of December.

Likewise, on Thursday there were 4 cases, according to epidemiologists, related to the outbreak in the Prienai residence, where a total of 153 related cases have been registered since November, including secondary ones. Another 2 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded at the Ilguva welfare home operating in Šakiai district, where as of December 22, 14 related cases of COVID-19 were reported. In addition, the outbreak continues in the Didvyžiai nursing home located in the Vilkaviškis district, where a total of 100 cases of the COVID-19 disease have been registered.

The outbreak in the Vilnius Antaviliai pension also continues, since December 22. Coronavirus infection was confirmed in 161 residents and 53 employees. Specialists from the Vilnius Department of the NVSC visited this institution and provided consultations on the application of infection prevention measures. According to epidemiologists, the hypothesis of this outbreak is infections of asymptomatic workers.

Yesterday a new outbreak was registered at the Kalvarija Care and Employment Center, where the infection was confirmed in two workers. Due to the high risk, 3 more employees and 24 residents were assigned contact isolation.

There was also a new outbreak in the Alytus Fire and Rescue Service, where the infection was confirmed yesterday in three employees.

In addition, cases of outbreak-related infections were reported on Thursday at the Seirijai Food Industry Company (Lazdijai District). fish processing, yarn production companies in Raseiniai, consumer cooperative Raseiniai, fertilizer production company in Jonava, food industry company in Kėdainiai, milk processing company in Jurbarkas district.

Outbreak-related cases were also recorded in a furniture manufacturing company operating in Klaipėda district (a total of 74 infection cases are associated with the outbreak), in a metal processing company in Gargždai, shipbuilding companies from Klaipėda, as well as from Klaipda-based fish processing, wood and plastic production companies in Panevėžys. , In Biržai, road maintenance company in Šiauliai.

On Thursday, COVID-19 cases were also reported in connection with outbreaks in a food industry company operating in Kalvarija (18 cases in total), a sewing company in Vilkaviškis (58 related cases in total) and a plant in meat processing in Marijampolė (7 cases in total).

Cases were also reported, according to epidemiologists, related to outbreaks at the Raseiniai branch of the Lithuanian Post Office. Kupiškis District Municipality Fire Service, Pakruojis Fire and Rescue Service, Jonava District Disabled Activities Center, Jonavos vandenys, Klaipėda Bus Park.

Another 50 cases recorded the day before were related to outbreaks in medical facilities.

According to currently available data, 206 cases related to outbreaks in families were recorded in Lithuania on the last day.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

Information from the National Center for Public Health
