There were 2066 new cases of coronavirus in Lithuania, 9 more people died


9 more people died.

According to data from the National Public Health Laboratory on Friday morning, the illness caused by the coronavirus infection in Lithuania currently affects 24,284 people.

Death has already left 253 dead. 94 people infected with coronavirus have died from other causes, according to the National Center for Public Health.

There are 7,247 people who have recovered, there are currently 91,202 people in isolation.

From June 1. 433 import cases were registered in Lithuania.

By resolution of the Government of Lithuania of November 7. midnight to November 29. 24.00 The quarantine was announced.

The coronavirus disease outbreak, which began in Wuhan, China, in December last year has spread to most of the world and on March 11. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized it as a pandemic.

The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide has already exceeded 52 million. The United States remains the most affected country in the world.

In hospitals, COPID-19 treats 1,205 people and 87 in resuscitation

1,205 people are being treated for COVID-19 in Lithuanian hospitals, 87 of whom are in resuscitation, the Ministry of Health (SAM) reported on Friday.

According to the ministry, 595 patients are being treated with oxygen masks and 58 people are undergoing artificial lung ventilation.

Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 31,000 people in the country. 878 people, 24 thousand. 284 are still sick, 7247 people have recovered.

The ministry indicates that of 16,5 thousand. almost 9.2 thousand hospital beds were occupied.

More than half of the resuscitation beds were occupied: 351 of the existing 660 and a third of the beds with artificial lung ventilation equipment were occupied – 202 of 604.

6.3 thousand. about 1.9 thousand beds were occupied with oxygen, of which almost 6.3 thousand. the oxygen beds occupied more than 1.9 thousand. Data were provided by 60 out of 61 hospitals.

A total of 253 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania, and another 94 people died from other causes.

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