There is also a worker shortage in Lithuanian agriculture


In the spring of 2021, the market is in greatest need of mobile forestry and agricultural equipment operators, motor vehicle mechanics and repairers, and forestry workers.

An average of 11.2 thousand people register each year in the Employment Service of this sector. job seekers. The number of registered unemployed per year varies up to 10%.

“Last year, there were 7.3 percent more unemployed in the agricultural sector than in 2019, and the share of those people in the total structure of registered unemployed decreased by 1.2%. Point. This shows that there are significantly more sectors affected by the year of the pandemic, when the number of people who lost their jobs grew more ”, quotes the report Giedrė Vitė, deputy director of the Employment Service.

There were more openings for forestry workers and gardeners, gardeners, nurseries and nurseries than last year. 1.6 times more unskilled jobseekers than skilled agricultural, forestry and fishing workers. Those who want to work as skilled farm laborers are twice as high as those who seek a skilled livestock laborer.

March 1 12,7 thousand were registered in the information system of the Employment Service. clients whose last place of employment is agriculture, forestry and fishing. Most of the unskilled workers in mixed and livestock farming are looking for work. Last year, among the job seekers related to the agricultural sector (who had not necessarily worked in this sector before), there were mostly tractor drivers: 3.5 thousand (tractors are sought in both the construction and in the industrial sector), unskilled workers in mixed and livestock crops (1.2 thousand), forestry and related workers (0.7 thousand).

The need for seasonal workers

During the first two months of this year, entrepreneurs in agriculture, forestry and fisheries registered 900 vacancies in the information system of the Employment Service (78.7% for permanent jobs). Nearly 100 job offers were submitted for seasonal jobs. Strawberry growers, unskilled seasonal farm workers and auxiliary workers are the most sought after.

In 2020, entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector registered 8.9 thousand employees in the information system of the Employment Service. vacancies represent 3.6%. less than 2019 The largest number of proposals corresponded to the district municipalities of Vilnius, Pasvalys, Kėdainiai, Joniškis and Radviliškis.

UAB Skogran, AB Vilniaus paukštynas, SE Valstybio miško urėdija, UAB Baltic Champs, Pasvalys Vaškai district agricultural company, UAB Naradava, Kaišiadorių paukštynas AB, Olrevita Agricultural Cooperative, Dembavos medelynas UAB, AUGA Lankesa ŽŪB.

Last year more than 800 job offers were submitted for seasonal jobs. Second, for unskilled agricultural pickers, auxiliary workers, gardeners, unskilled temporary agricultural workers, strawberry growers, nursery workers, tractor drivers.

Last year, 6.2 thousand people were employed in the agricultural sector. job seekers, of which 81.1 percent. indefinitely. Among those who have been employed indefinitely, men represented 66.2%, while the proportion of women who started working for a fixed period was 53.6%. Among people with permanent employment, young people under 29 years of age represented a fifth (21.1%) and people of 50 years and over 36.6%. According to fixed-term employment contracts, more than 50 people were the ones who employed the most: 46.2%, and young people did not represent a tenth (8.9%). In the 60+ age group, fixed-term employment in agriculture accounted for 11.5%.

27.3% feel the shortage of employees. employers

A third of the employers in the surveyed sector emphasized that by 2020 the volume of activities of the company decreased (37.7%) and the number of employees (29.3%). Investment in equipment and technology fell by a quarter (26.3%) of employers. During the pandemic, the volume of activities increased by 18.2 percent. employers in the agricultural sector, and the number of employees grew by 12.1%. Business. Last year, 27.3% faced an employee shortage. surveyed agricultural employers who were having difficulty finding or attracting the right workers or were unable to find them.

A third of the companies surveyed in the agricultural sector (34.3%) expect to maintain stability this year. Small business growth is expected to be 4%. employers, the decline – 59.6 percent, of which 41.4 percent. expects a slight decrease in activity, 18.2 percent. anticipates a significant decrease in your business volume. Almost a third of surveyed agricultural employers (31.4%) who experienced a recession in 2020 predict that it will take more than a year to return to previous levels of activity.

74.7 percent. Agricultural employers forecast that the number of employees in companies will not change this year, 12.1 percent. intends to increase the number of employees by 13.1 percent. – diminish. The unchanged average salary is forecast at 77.8 percent. employers, 19.2 percent. he expressed plans to increase wages, 3 percent. – diminish. Almost a fifth of employers in the agricultural sector intend to reduce investment in equipment and technology and employee training: 19.2 percent, respectively. and 18.2 percent. Since March 26 of this year. persons engaged in individual agricultural activity (when the economic size of the agricultural holding or farm according to the calculations made by the Center for Agricultural Information and Rural Business of the State Company for the tax period of the previous year from January 1 to January 31 December exceeds 4 economy size units) also have the opportunity to apply for self-employed benefits.

After checking if the income declared by the self-employed for self-employed activities in 2020 decreased by 30%. or more compared to 2019, a self-employed worker will be considered a victim of COVID-19 and may receive a flat rate benefit.
