There is a rush to take care of health: vitamins and cold preparations are swept up in pharmacies


Pharmacies should be one of the indicators by which we can predict the health of the population. After 3,000 cases of coronavirus disease every day. Lithuanians, pharmacies say they are noticing people’s concerns and immunity.

They risk their health less often, they do not go to pharmacies and buy more vitamins.

Monika Žalytė (Camelia reference)

Send loved ones to pharmacies

Camelia’s pharmacist, Monika Žalytė, says that fewer sick people have come to pharmacies since the first quarantine. If in the past people who complained about the flu, cold symptoms came to buy medicines and vitamins themselves, now send your loved ones to buy.

“Patients who have a disability usually send their relatives to the pharmacy, and better still, relatives, friends or neighbors who have not had contact with the patient, and they also deliver non-contact medications, leaving the patient at the door. We very much welcome this initiative, as it reduces the spread of viruses and bacteria, it protects each other, ”says M. Žalytė.

Sometimes people who go to the pharmacy tell them to buy drugs for Covid-19. In addition to vitamins, medications to treat symptoms often end up in the basket.

“For people with mild coronavirus, drugs are being purchased to relieve symptoms: antipyretic drugs to relieve coughs, as well as additional drugs that can improve well-being, such as vitamin D, vitamin C. For patients who have had complications with Covid -19, doctors prescribe prescription drugs, ”says M. Žalytė.

Amber pharmacy

Order more online

Amber Pharmacy reports that the number of people purchasing medications online has increased since the start of the pandemic. Over-the-counter medications can be ordered and taken home.

“This year’s e-store sales are projected to be nearly 100 percent higher than last year. This is record e. Business growth driven by emergencies. Although the growth has been unprecedented, the development of the e-commerce has continued. We anticipate that next year our e. commerce network will grow 1.5 times “, – Irena Tėvelienė, marketing director of Gintarinės vaistinė, shares her knowledge with

According to I. Tėvelienė, although according to data from the National Center for Public Health, there has been a slight decrease in the number of people with influenza and acute upper respiratory tract infections (CVD), the cold season is being felt in pharmacies. Products to treat colds and boost immunity are also popular here.

“Last week we saw a significant increase in sales of runny nose sprays (+ 35%), cold lozenges (+ 15%), cough syrups (+ 20%), honey and bee products ( + 100%) compared to November. Final ”, says I. Tėvelienė.


Buy what’s popular

Laura Bielskė, Communications Director at Eurovaistinė, also points out that buyers are currently very sensitive to information provided in the media. If the media report that a product will save the sick Covid-19, as a rule, it will be rescued in pharmacies.

“For example, when it was announced that aspirin could be helpful in coronavirus disease, it was bought up to 50 percent the following week. more than before publication “, – says L. Bielskė

Today, cold medicines are also popular in drug stores. These products are also bought as Christmas gifts.

“Our customers pay much more attention to the measures that help support the immune system, which is why various food supplements and vitamins are bought very frequently today, and customers also choose them as gifts. Customers often look for vitamin C, D, or fish oil, ”says L. Bielskė.

Due to the quarantine, visits to pharmacies and supermarkets are recommended only when necessary. You can read about other quarantine rules and recommendations in the illustration
