There is a decrease in vacant space for construction in Vilnius, but real estate developers are creative: Vilnius residents doubt that such an apartment building was legally built


In the capital, Ozo Street, the real estate company Homa is developing a multi-apartment project “Paukščių takas”. Delfi Būstas has previously raised the question whether the apartment building project complies with the legislation, as it is obviously very close to the wall of the nearby sports club. Now the apartment buildings have also been noticed by Vilnius residents, who ask on social media whether this object has legally sprouted here.

“How fun it is to see that agony of real estate developers like 2007, when I was sweeping apartments still in the drawing stage. And there are some incomprehensible objects in the city. One such “Paukščių takas” is an apartment building around the sports club “Impuls” on Ozo str. I don’t know how many meters there are from the windows to the club itself, but I suppose if you do well, your hand is within reach. How did they manage to avoid insolation and perhaps fire rates? The gym and the apartments are located on the same commercial lot. The project was possibly formalized as a reconstruction, as if it were a single building: 51 percent. commercial (ie sports club) and 49 percent. Residential. And the distances do not apply to a building, because it is the same building! Well, isn’t he a genius? ”He says on Facebook.

The company ensures that the project is adequate

Already in January, when Delfi Būstas became interested in this project, the executive director of the real estate agency Homa Jurgita Kveselaitė stated that in this project the reconstruction of the sports building is being carried out. Upon completion of the project and the full implementation of all construction works, in the rebuilt building no more than 49 percent. The indoor sports building will have residential premises / apartments.

“According to the legal acts regulated by the laws, in the reconstruction of buildings for sports, commercial, administrative and / or other purposes, there cannot be more than 49% of residential premises. of the total estimated area of ​​the building, and commercial, sports, etc. Destination locations must be at least 51%. We orient ourselves in the development of this project in the indicated proportions ”, explained J. Kveselaitė.

There is a decrease in vacant space for construction in Vilnius, but real estate developers are creative: Vilnius residents doubt that such an apartment building was legally built

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Today, the CEO of the company says that part of the information that circulates on social networks does not coincide with reality.

First of all, we would like to respond to your comment in the letter about the false information about the changing rooms supposedly visible through the apartment windows. In private groups or forums, there are several rumors that have little to do with reality ”, emphasizes the interlocutor.

Delfi Būstas asked the interlocutors if there were apartments in the project, the windows of which would open to the wall of the sports club.

“The architecture of the project consists of several buildings of 105 apartments. The sports club building is 7-10 m. at a distance from one of the walls of the residential house, its height – 2 floors. In a project building, the windows of all apartments are provided only on the park side, and the windows of the internal corridors of the building face the facade of the Impuls building. In the following building, we have designed only 6 apartments out of 105 apartments, whose windows open onto the business premises of the Impuls building. All 6 apartments mentioned were sold, their average sale price was 1300 to 1500 euros per m2, while the average price of all other vacant apartments is currently around 2200 euros per m2. Each project has liquid and less liquid projects, their price and customer segment differ accordingly. Another 3 apartments, only the bedrooms face the Impuls wall, where there are several small offices. It is likely that when a person gets up there is nothing when they go to sleep, just like office offices. The 6 apartments overlooking the office are already for sale. We have not received complaints from residents who have purchased apartments. Of all the project departments (105 units), only 8% are currently unoccupied, ”says J. Kveselaitė.

The interviewee also assures that the multi-apartment project meets all the requirements: “All our projects, like this one, comply with the technical construction standard STR 2.02.02: 2004: it maintains distances, insolations and many other requirements. All furnished apartments will be residential. “

There is a decrease in vacant space for construction in Vilnius, but real estate developers are creative: Vilnius residents doubt that such an apartment building was legally built

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Delfi Būstas also sought the opinion of the Vilnius city chief architect, Mindaugas Pakalnis, on this object. Speaking at the time about the distances between buildings, as well as the above-mentioned example on Calle Ozo, he noted that if a building permit is issued, it means that all the requirements of the construction project are met.

Do not forget that there may be windows in the apartment in two directions, it may be that those rooms that are closer to another building are for stairs, corridors, etc. People do not live in such premises and are no longer subject to lighting requirements, there may be enough compact solutions. It all depends on the architect of the building, he has to find a solution so that the place where the people will live is a house that meets the requirements of living space. Sometimes, if they do not meet these requirements, then creative workshops, bathrooms and other spaces appear in those places, and when buying such premises, you always have to think why they were not called an apartment ”, emphasized the interlocutor.

Residents – active

Asta Kazickienė, chief specialist of the Consultancy Division of the State Building Inspection and Spatial Planning, said on Delfi’s “Four Walls” TV show that residents actively request the Inspection and ask not only about construction nearby of their houses, their legality, but also on the technical requirements for the new construction, the building or buildings in which they would like to acquire a property. There are also complaints.

“We receive inquiries and complaints. Complaints are not always substantiated. The most frequently asked questions are about the requirements for the number of parking spaces, children’s play areas, etc.,” said A. Kazickienė.

The interviewee went on to say that before buying an apartment, a person should find out what the purpose is in the extract from the real estate register.

“I hope that when a person buys, they know what they are buying. <...> Apartments are for living, so if you need real estate for life, buy an apartment, not a warehouse, garage, or something like that. Because the facilities are used for their intended purpose. Facilities for any purpose are subject to certain safety and hygiene requirements, which must comply with the design and must be built in accordance with that design. The designer assumes responsibility for the elaboration of this project, he follows the legal acts, the technical construction requirements ”, emphasized the representative of VTPSI.

According to A. Kazickienė, the requirements for an apartment, regardless of the purpose of the building, are the same: the same building rules apply.

There is a decrease in vacant space for construction in Vilnius, but real estate developers are creative: Vilnius residents doubt that such an apartment building was legally built

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Homes are subject to certain insolation requirements (must be maintained between March 22 and September 22, there must be at least 2.5 hours of sunlight), parking spaces per apartment are calculated accordingly, there must be playgrounds, which are also calculated from the number of apartments in the building. The minimum area should be 50 square meters. You have to take into account the noise requirements, etc. “, said the interlocutor.

He added that, with regard to noise requirements, the buyer should take into account that the sound insulation class of newly built residential apartment blocks should be at least “C” and that of the premises changing to other residential buildings as well. it must be at least “C”.

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