There is a crisis of prostitutes in the spa discovered by the Lithuanians: they reach the last drop without reaching the customers


If it weren’t for the coronavirus pandemic, hardly so many Lithuanians would have bought tickets to Mexico on the other side of the world this winter. This Central American state is one of the few that has yet to impose strict restrictions, not even asking newcomers to report a negative COVID-19 test. All you have to do is fill out an electronic form, in which one person has to check the box that no one is sick. If he notices, the country door is open for him.

Mexicans are trying to take advantage of the situation while most of the resorts are closed, they invite all the thirsty for a solo vacation. The number of cases of the dangerous virus in the country is growing rapidly, but the flow of arrivals is not diminishing yet.

Currently, the Cancun resort is experiencing special interest. Fifty years ago, the beautiful Yucatan Peninsula created a paradise for tourists on the Caribbean coast, one of the favorite vacation spots for Americans. Cancun for them, like us in Antalya in Turkey. Many people go on vacation year after year to this noisy and sinful city. There are always so many guests from the states here that you might even forget that you are in Mexico.

Still, here, as around the world, the number of tourists has fallen dramatically as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Far fewer vacationing families with children, as well as older Americans.

The losses are offset, at least partially, by an increase in arrivals from Europe and South America. As the Cancun Tourism Office explained to me, there have never been so many vacationers from the old continent. Many were unable to go to Turkey, Egypt, or the Spanish islands; they chose to try much further.

There is a crisis of prostitutes in the spa discovered by the Lithuanians: they reach the last drop without reaching the customers

© Orijus Gasanovas

In fact, Turkish resorts have many similarities to Cancun. One of them is the large number of large hotels with all-inclusive catering. There is even a special area in that city called “hotel zone”. It is during this period that many of our compatriots can be found there. During the day, they jump into the waves of the Caribbean Sea and, at night, they head to Cancun, Cancun’s main entertainment venue.

The street of bars, restaurants and nightclubs is very different from what many Lithuanians are used to seeing in tourist centers. One of the most striking differences is the particularly active prostitution business. As in the more well-known resorts, vendors offer to buy souvenirs, perfumes and clothes marked by famous designers; in Cancun, they are offered to have sex for money. This surprises some Lithuanians, especially when they hear the offer for the first time.

There are 32 states in Mexico and all of them handle prostitution matters individually. In some it is illegal, in some it is completely legal and in some there are ‘tolerance zones’, such as red light neighborhoods where it is legal to trade sex. Here Cancun is one of the leaders in this regard. In this tourist city, prostitution is legal and here is one of the busiest spots in all of Mexico. I couldn’t find such an ad online, but an employee at the hotel I stayed in said Cancun used a prostitution hook even in the city’s self-promotion a good five years ago. “Come here, relax and have fun,” was the temptation.

There is a crisis of prostitutes in the resort discovered by the Lithuanians: they reach the last drop without reaching the clients

© Orijus Gasanovas

Although sex for money is legal, there are many nuances to this business. For example, it is illegal to be a pimp and run prostitutes or organize their activities in any way. Separately, they can only run their own business as individual freelancers and in no other way. Everyone must register with the municipality, receive hygiene and health passports. Law enforcement agencies constantly investigate whether there are violent workers or young people among them, but these inspections often provoke angry reactions. Representatives of the sex industry complain that the constant control of officials “prevents them from working.” It should be noted that in Mexico there is a very big problem with child prostitution. Cancun too.

Interestingly, most free-spirited girls do not stand on the streets as usual in Europe, but simply sit and wait for customers in bars and clubs. At least that was the case before the coronavirus, but with the number of tourists declining, sitting quietly in a bar and waiting for a man to come alone is a luxury for many. As a result, girls and women are increasingly looking around the streets or rubbing themselves near hotels and offering themselves cold-faced. For both single men and couples.

There is a crisis of prostitutes in the spa discovered by the Lithuanians: they reach the last drop without reaching the customers

© Orijus Gasanovas

While it’s not possible, there are certainly plenty of aggregators in Cancun, mostly middle-aged men who aggressively trap potential customers on the resort’s central streets. They go to tourists and put them on laminated cardboard with photos of women, or even let them browse home catalogs that contain images of the most diverse beauties. Blondes, brunettes, redheads. Some even have nationalities: Brazilian, Mexican, Venezuelan, Russian, Czech, etc.

As the girls explained to me, offering Alberto – the worker’s nationality – one of the biggest hooks to try to attract a client. The highest demand, according to him, is for immigrants from Puerto Rico and Dominicans. I asked, and why is that? The girls manager could not explain. “They are very good,” he replied.

Until the dangerous COVID-19 spread around the world, some tourists went to Cancun with the purpose of making love as much as possible. With two, three, four panels. However, the situation has changed dramatically since last spring. Although there is no shortage of men on vacation, many people are afraid to buy intimate services. If previously a prostitute received 3 to 4 clients per night, now some do not receive any orders during the entire shift.

There is a crisis of prostitutes in the spa discovered by the Lithuanians: they reach the last drop without reaching the customers

© Orijus Gasanovas

That the intimate business is going through a crisis can be understood by interacting with girls and their pimps. Services are offered at deep discounts, some up to fifty percent of the price. Instead of $ 150 per hour, ask for $ 70-80, or drop as low as $ 50 per stay. “We never have those prices, take advantage of that opportunity,” attract potential interested people.

Local strip clubs also offer bodily pleasures. Street customer “hunters” don’t even try to pretend – “they’re going to jump at first, and if you want – you can ask for more services.” In every way, trying to persuade me to become a client of the club, the man shows pictures of pretty women and finally offers to get up and watch them all live. I follow the representative of the club, we enter the premises, where there is a group of security guards, and just behind them, several beauties lined up. Dressed in underwear, some in bathing suits, highlighting all their roundness, they attack to greet and send kisses in the air. The situation is quite awkward, as if you have to point a finger at someone and lead them into the room. This is what customers often do here. However, when we see that we are filming, my colleague and I are asked to leave the club premises immediately. The girls don’t throw up, they keep waving and smiling. The camcorders on were not afraid.

I asked some “workers” I met on the streets of Cancun if they had any certificate that they did not have coronavirus. The women responded to my question with laughter and sadly they were unable to provide any health certificates.
“I’ll give you a discount,” he tried to offer, leading his speech.

You can see what Cancun nightlife is like and the city’s sex industry in the latest edition of The Journey of Journey.

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