There have been accidents in agriculture.


The victim was found with his head pinched between the loader frame and the bucket lift mechanism. July 9 at the farmer’s farm, the worker died after falling into a non-working food dispenser. Employee of another farmer on May 28. he fell from the steps of a water tank onto the concrete floor of the workshop and later died of a head injury. In 7 other cases, the health of agricultural workers was seriously damaged, according to the report.

In 2020, during the respective period, there were 1 fatal and 3 serious work accidents in companies with agricultural economic activities. This shows that in midsummer, with increasing workloads, employers in agriculture are making less and less efforts to ensure the safety and health of workers.

Unfortunately, this is not only the case in agriculture, but also in other major occupational accidents at work. Compared with the same in 2020. The number of fatal accidents at work, excluding traffic accidents, has increased by as much as 30 percent this year (from 13 to 17 cases). The number of cases in which an employee’s health was seriously damaged increased by 20 percent.

“This advance in fatal accidents at work in companies in the country is particularly worrying,” says Dalius Čeponas, deputy state labor inspector of the Republic of Lithuania. – It is clear that this situation is the result of pandemic circumstances: limited contacts between individuals and groups have significantly reduced the scope to control the actions of workers, leaving workers to make their own decisions, and such decisions are often made up to expense of security. . The situation is exacerbated by the abolition of quarantine, as more workers who have already lost their safe behavior skills return to work and employers fail to adequately restore their safe work and control functions, leading to pessimistic forecasts: the number of accidents at work continues to rise. it will maintain the uptrend. “

It is already noted that the majority of fatal work accidents are due to deficiencies in work organization and especially to the lack of internal control in companies; This year’s work accidents were mainly due to the employer’s representative not taking sufficient measures to ensure safety at work, the course of work and the actions of subordinate employees, which is what the employer is obliged to do by law.

The State Labor Inspectorate (VDI) actively urges employers to take all necessary measures to fulfill their obligations under occupational safety and health legislation and to ensure safe working methods as soon as possible, especially in the workplace. cases where workers return to their jobs after quarantine. proper control of employees.

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