There are tensions over the immunity data in the Seimas: some parliamentarians do not respond to requests for information


Last week, the Seimas Spokesperson launched a survey, during which he clarified how many Seimas members have immunity to the coronavirus. This means that you have been vaccinated or have had COVID-19. It is true that not everyone wanted to participate in the survey.

“There are 98 members of the Seimas who have presented data that they have been immunized, that is, vaccinated or sick. Three of them provided data that they do not have immunity, so we do not provide data, we do not know about 40 members of the Seimas, ”said Vaida Servetkienė, acting chancellor of the Seimas.

The data was not provided by the Lithuanian regional faction composed of members of different parties: Jonas Pinskus, Rita Tamašunienė, Petras Gražulis, Voldemaras Valkiūnas and others.

“It just came to our notice then. We haven’t considered that thing and will definitely introduce it,” said J. Pinskus.

“I do not know the reasoning, but knowing the contingent, they are possibly and in general against vaccines, against restrictions, against the general order,” said the vice president of Seimas Paulius Saudargas.

Immunity data was also not provided by members of the 32 largest opposition groups. The peasants say that the president of the Seimas has no legal basis to collect such data. Furthermore, it is not clear who, where and how will protect the data.

“It just came to our knowledge then covid the next day, the president of the Seimas may have difficulties knowing the examination of a urologist, ”said the member of the Seimas Agnė Širinskienė.

Agnė Širinskienė

Agnė Širinskienė

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

At the same time, the Chancellery of the Seimas ensures that it requests only the number of members of the faction with and without immunity. No other personal data is required.

“We collect information through factions, we don’t really ask for lists of names,” assured V. Servetkienė.

“The elders of the faction will be those to whom the Speaker of the Seimas throws all the burden and I really don’t see any possibility in the law,” said A. Širinskienė.

The groups are expected to provide data on immunity in good faith, albeit belatedly.

“Personally, I do not intend to inform the president of the Seimas about my state of health, about any inspection: neither the fight nor any other,” said A. Širinskienė.

To determine the general level of immunization in the country, these data, which were requested from the members of the Seimas during the survey, are also collected on educators, carriers or representatives of other professions.

“The attempt to cover up personal data and similar things, taking into account that in fact the members of the Seimas should show, perhaps with their example, what should be done, it seems to me completely null and void, with nothing to do with it. . This is probably immature political behavior, it cannot be called anything else, “commented communication expert Arijus Katauskas.

The vice president of the Seimas also says that there should be no more equal levels.

“It is bad, because we all see that there are tensions in society and it has not yet fully acquired immunity. It is probably the duty of the members of the Seimas to set a certain example, to come forward and understand, to come together ”, explained P. Saudargas.

Since August 23. both employees of the parliamentary chancellery and visitors can enter the Seimas only with the Passport of Opportunity or the negative COVID-19 test. However, this requirement will not apply to parliamentarians. For the Passport of Opportunity to be mandatory and not recommended, the Statute of the Seimas must be modified.

“I think that opportunity is really there to accept them, but we should look at the dynamics in general,” said the vice president of Seimas.

The Passport of Opportunities will become more relevant in the Seimas at the beginning of the fall session. According to the Vice President, the Opportunity Passport, although it is not mandatory, will be reviewed when entering the Chamber of Seimas. Then it will still be clear who of the parliamentarians does not have immunity.
