There are outrageous arrests: I can assure you that this is certainly not the end


“Mr. Sutkus actually participated in my meeting with the then Commander of the Armed Forces. He was involved as an individual who had known the Army Commander-in-Chief for quite some time, who is currently my advisor. And so much, he did not participate there as president of LVK.

Their presence in this House was as common as that of the heads of other associations. We have not had any bilateral meetings. We have discussed various topics, including tax policy, the latest initiative on Personal Income Tax, together with the leaders of other associations, “said G. Nausėda.

He assured that he had never felt any pressure from V. Sutkus on the candidacies of ministers or on other issues. The president called for the investigation to be completed, “and we’ll see how it really was.”

At the time of signing the memorandum on measures to combat the pandemic, the head of state was still unaware of the impending corruption case.

“Not at that time, I knew it the day before,” said G. Nausėda.

“I think the information is provided as much as possible without compromising the investigation. The decisions themselves to make certain suspicions, because there are certain reasons for them, are correct,” G. Nausėda told reporters on Friday.

Nausė says this is not the end

The president did not criticize officials for providing too little information.

The President also says that it is certainly not the end yet.

“I think the activation of the STT is timely, it fits very well with one of our priorities to curb corruption, to achieve a qualitative advance in the fight against corruption. I congratulate the investigation of the STT, which of course must be completed” They are approved and Appropriate decisions are made, or people are justified if there are reasons to justify them, “said the President.” But I can assure you that this is not the end and that you will see new decisions and developments in this area. “

As previously announced, the president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, V. Sutkus, was arrested during the pre-trial investigation of possible corruption in the police investigation on suspicion of receiving a bribe from the president of the Lithuanian Association of Banks, M. Zalator, and the heads of various construction companies. V. Sutkus denies the suspicions.

Police link potential crimes to illegal lobbying and the impact on legislative processes, BNS wrote.

Valius Ąžuolas, the head of the BFK, was also questioned as a witness in the investigation.

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