There are new challenges ahead at the Dust Seimas – if it weren’t for the Prime Minister, he wouldn’t have stayed long


The story was made public last Friday, and already on Monday, A. Dulkis’ communication advisor, Aistė Šuksta, announced that she would leave SAM and take full responsibility for the fact that the “Other Conversations” program did not announce that the Minister intended to pay the producer for the performance of the Minister’s Public Consultant.

After a stir in public space, the show’s creator announced that he had asked SAM not to pay for the show. The Ministry complied with this request.

After the event, which received a great response, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė asked all ministers to ensure that such situations did not recur.

A. Dulkys himself confirmed to journalists that he was not resigning.

Peasants: We will seriously consider the possibility of interpellation

However, the opposition “peasants” are seriously considering a possible appeal to the Minister of Health. How Delphi said the former minister, the vice-elder of the group Aurelijus Veryga, the question of the interpellation will certainly be considered.

“I think we will really take it very seriously. The minister was invited to the faction in the face of all these scandals regarding the reform of health institutions, so certainly the comrades of the faction had many questions, we did not receive an answer to many things, so I think this scandal brings the questions about interpellation even closer. ”, said A. Veryga.

He did not hide that similar thoughts had arisen for the faction about other ministers, but according to the politician, the work of A. Dulkis is discontent and among the ruling ranks.

“With the interpellations we know how they usually end. If the ruling majority is real, capable of meeting, it is difficult to question, but I know that at least due to the Minister of Health, his management capacity and the rulers themselves, there is a wide range of discussions and conversations on the matter. inside, ”Veryga said.

In his opinion, A. Dulkys still holds the position only because of I. Šimonytė’s back.

Aurelijus Veryga

Aurelijus Veryga

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“It is not only the discontent of the opposition that is natural, because our job is to look for some problems, to highlight them, but I know that there is also such discontent in the ruling majority. Probably at this moment only the Prime Minister is able to say a strong word to resist or retain the Minister, because if he were not the Prime Minister, I think he would not have stayed for long, ”said a member of the LVŽS Faction.

However, he pointed out that almost none of the rulers would support the interpellation of A. Dulkis.

“I don’t know, knowing their political and partisan discipline, when people leave Facebook to like Facebook, I don’t know if people will vote so bravely there, but informally I know there is a lot of dissatisfaction,” Veryga said.

The peasants asked the Public Procurement about the situation with the program “Other conversations”, in which the consultant of A. Dulkis participated.

Employees: Most of the faction are dissatisfied with Dulkis’ work

Viktor Fiodorov Delfi, the eldest of the Labor Party faction, said the faction had not yet had a specific discussion about the interpellation with A. Dulkis, but would definitely consider such an idea.

“We did not have a discussion about Dulkis’ opportunities for office, but if someone from opposition colleagues, we will probably consider that issue. There are really such moods in the faction, most of the faction think Minister Dulkys does not he is fulfilling his duties correctly, ”said V. Fyodorov.

According to him, the group’s colleagues are not satisfied with the vaccination policy and the scandals.

“And whatever you ask for, I will not get it from the ministry. If we only listen to what the head of the ministry says, it is very difficult to orient ourselves in this pandemic,” said the eldest of the “labor faction.”

As a result, the possibility of interpellation, assured V. Fyodorov, would be seriously considered.

Viktor Fyodorov

Viktor Fyodorov

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“It is true that there are members of the faction who value the work of this minister very badly. (…) When 80 percent. All the flow is related to the pandemic, with its handling, masks, vaccines, it is normal that this minister receives the most attention and the greatest discontent arises from it.

Now the situation is that despite being vaccinated it is more than 60 percent. nations, and the incidence of disease is incomparably more than a year ago, it seems that the activities of the minister’s team and the team itself are unjustified. All the measures that are being taken, which seem to be working, but basically they are not working, something is being done wrong, ”added the Seimas member.

Tamašunienė: The results are not encouraging in terms of communication and management of the situation.

Rita Tamašunienė, the old woman from the Lithuanian regional faction Delphi He did not hide that the idea of ​​interpellation between A. Dulkis between the opposition factions is alive, although it is recognized that it will probably be difficult to implement.

“The faction has not spoken, but the idea of ​​the interpellation comes from civil society, it is still alive in the Seimas among the opposition factions, but it is clearly a difficult situation and at least it probably needs to be politicized in the face of a pandemic and take more decisive action first, “he said.

According to her, everyone should participate in crisis management more unitedly, but the activities of A. Dulkis, R. Tamašunienė were not hidden, they raised a number of questions.

Rita Tamašunienė

Rita Tamašunienė

© Personal album

“In terms of communication and management of the situation, the results are not encouraging. Sometimes it seems that in conflict with both the president and the opposition, the rulers want to be more visible than take the appropriate measures to address the situation and manage the situation. pandemic.

We really lack clearer communication, there is distraction and those ideas are from the left, from the right: first they are denied, then they are done. Even the last idea with benefits (for vaccinated elderly – aut.p.) “, – recalled the member of Seimas.

Therefore, according to R. Tamašunienė, the interpellation initiative would be considered by the faction.

“Whenever something like this matures, you have to discuss it, put everything together for and against,” he said.

Skvernel: If we do what we have to do, we have to do air, not air.

Saulius Skvernelis, the eldest of the “Vardan Lietuvos” Democratic faction, does not hide his dissatisfaction with the work of the Minister of Health A. Dulkis.

“The latest story has only once again shown that stretch of SAM’s failure, as it was simply an attempt to buy ether in disguise, but in terms of a completely unsuccessful vaccination campaign that practically failed even before it started, we now see huge Money sums in motion. It was supposed to happen in September and it is late, it does not happen.

Here again, it shows that this ministry is doing poorly in decision-making, communication and some fundamental reforms in general, and I am not referring to the lack of control of the pandemic ”, commented the politician.

According to him, the faction will meet at the Seimas and discuss the activities of A. Dulkis next week. Still, S. Skvernel points the finger at the rulers, who, he said, should also evaluate the minister’s work.

“I do not want to take such measures and destabilize the already complicated situation in the Ministry of Health. I think that the rulers themselves should evaluate whether this is suitable for them. The prime minister means trust, the ruling majority apparently trust, and in the opposition, if we take any action, it needs to be real and not jerky. We will discuss what to do, “said S. Skvernelis.

Saulius Skvernelis

Saulius Skvernelis

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

He pointed out that there are criticisms not only of the minister but also of the work of his team.

“When the minister came to our group meeting, we compared several ministers who were present, the same Simon Gentville, it is as if the answers were different day and night. (With A. Dulkis – aut.p.) there is no content, there is no knowledge, there are elegant and universal phrases that are repeated and we see that there is probably a problem with competition in this field ”, added S. Skvernelis.

The Democratic faction “On behalf of Lithuania” circulated a report on Monday aimed at drawing the attention of the country’s leader, Gitanas Nausėda, and raising the question of how the president will continue to assess the Minister of Health.

The report notes that SAM’s plans to pay for the show, which was attended by the minister’s public consultant, “commemorate the political ethics and responsibilities that the president has discussed in principle in principle, especially with members of the government.”

Sys does not hide skepticism: I do not think the time is right in this context

Algirdas Sysas Delfi, the eldest of the Social Democratic faction, said that the faction had considered the possibility of interpellation, but not for A. Dulkis.

“Will we contribute? I cannot answer, because the situation is a bit unconventional. When something happened to the minister, there were not many side effects, and in this case I prefer to follow the old parliamentary traditions: if the minister does not get along or his The team does something wrong, the minister takes responsibility and resigns himself. It would be more logical and understandable, “said the politician.

According to him, that possibility, dismissing the minister, is always left to the Prime Minister.

Algirdas Sysas

Algirdas Sysas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“This is a person of political confidence and the party can always change its delegates,” Sys said.

Still, he said he was very upset about the recent events surrounding the SAM ad broadcast scandal.

“Some gold spoons, quantity wise, fade, but somehow there was so much noise about gold spoons, although the Ministry of National Defense announced it, then the minister was asked to find out, in this case, thanks to journalists. . Some double standards, “said A. Sys.

The politician did not hide his skepticism about the initiative to interpellate A. Dulkius.

“It just came to our notice then. The most interesting part here, all the more so, as I understand it, the position will be held in masonry, it will only be here for a period when serious budget legislation needs to be considered and the budget, and then we’ll run to the minister. “I don’t think this is the best time in this context, and the fights and all the other things,” Sys added.

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