There are 7 new cases of coronavirus in Maxima stores


“Yesterday, seven more Maxima employees were diagnosed with coronavirus. They are treated at home. Employees who had potentially close contact with colleagues with COVID-19 were isolated.

Store facilities and other units where coronavirus-infected workers worked have also been fully cleaned and disinfected internally. We consulted with the National Center for Public Health and took all recommended preventive actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 ”, says Ernesta Dapkienė, Director of the Communication and Image Department of the Maxima retail chain.

An employee of the Maxima XX store in the BIG Vilnius supermarket infected with coronavirus has been in isolation since Tuesday, October 20, when her colleague fell ill with COVID-19. The COVID-19 infection case was also detected in another Maxima X store in Vilnius, Gedvydžių str. 17, employees. You last visited the workplace on Tuesday, October 20. He had no close contacts.

An employee of a food production workshop located in Vilnius, who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, last visited the workplace on October 26. He underwent a COVID-19 test on October 28. Four colleagues who were in close contact were isolated.

The Maxima X stores located in Kėdainiai, S.Dariaus and S.Girėno str. 50A, the employee last visited her workplace on October 26. He underwent a COVID-19 test on October 28. He had no close contacts.

Maxima XXX stores in Marijampolė, V. Kudirkos str. 3, the employee was at work for the last time almost two weeks ago, on October 18. Possibly he contacted three colleagues who were in isolation.

Shops Švenčionys Maxima X, Vilniaus st. 37, the worker diagnosed with coronavirus was at work for the last time on October 24. A colleague who may have been in contact with an infected COVID-19 was isolated.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Inauguration of Maxima in Sventoji

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Inauguration of Maxima in Sventoji

The COVID-19 infection was also detected in another employee in Joniškis, where more illnesses were recorded. Since yesterday additional measures have been introduced to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the Maxima XX store in Joniškis. Store opening hours are shortened, customer flow is more strictly limited, and customers are served only by employees who have COVID-19 prophylactic experience and have negative results. In order to reduce the flow of customers, this store temporarily does not provide public services and ticketing services.

A total of 59 Maxima workers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, of whom 24 have fully recovered and returned to work. To date, 931 Maxima employees have been investigated for COVID-19. Currently, the test responses of 69 employees are still pending.
