There are 592 new cases of coronavirus per day in Lithuania, killing 10 people


Last day 592 new cases of COVID-19 were identified in the country, 10 people died from this infectious disease and 92 recovered, the Department of Statistics reported on Monday.

5021 molecular tests (PCR) and 3228 of antigens were carried out in the country due to suspicion of coronavirus.

The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 501.1 cases. The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the past seven days is 6.2 percent.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 234 thousand 232 people.

Statistically recovered and currently 211 thousand are alive. 503 people declared 167 thousand. 290 recovered. Statistically, there are currently 14 thousand sick people. 292 people, the declared number of patients reaches 58 thousand. 505.

The Department of Statistics considers that a person declared sick has a confirmed case and the end of the disease has not been confirmed by a doctor. A statistically ill person is one for whom illness has been confirmed in the last 28 days. After this period, the person is considered statistically healthy.

According to the department, the statistical rate of patients may be more accurate to assess the morbidity of the population, since among declared patients there may be cases in which a person is no longer ill but the family doctor has not confirmed the end of the illness .

A total of 3,770 people have died in Lithuania since COVID-19. 7639 deaths have been linked to this infectious disease, directly and indirectly.

About 1.2 thousand patients are currently treated in hospitals. COVID-19 patients, 126 of whom were in resuscitation

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 1,174 COVID-19 patients, 126 of them in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania reported on Monday.

Oxygen is added to 994 patients and 67 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

91 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day.

85 people were vaccinated on the last day

Last day, 84 people received the first dose of the vaccine, the second, according to Statistics Lithuania on Monday.

In the country, 563 thousand people were vaccinated against COVID-19 with the first dose of the vaccine. 724 people, both – 209 thousand. 600.

At least one dose of the vaccine is administered in 46.5%. more than 80, 59 percent. 70-79 years and 37.6 percent. Population aged 60 to 69 years.

In total, Lithuania has received 806 thousand. 525 doses of vaccine, 801 thousand. 725 of them were delivered to vaccination centers. So far, 773 thousand have been used. 324 doses.

People ages 50 to 89 died of COVID-19 last day

Ten people died last day from COVID-19, ranging in age from 50 to 89, according to data released by the Statistics Department on Monday.

Five of the dead were between 80 and 89 years old, four between 70 and 79 years old and one between 50 and 59 years old.

All of these people died in hospitals.

The Statistics Department notes that the number of deaths per day is preliminary and can be replaced with records delayed within a few days.

A total of 3,770 people have died in Lithuania since COVID-19. 7639 deaths have been linked to this infectious disease, directly and indirectly.

The majority of COVID-19 deaths (1,355 people) were in the 80-89 age group. The five dead were between 20 and 29 years old.

Vaccine delivery

A new shipment of Modern COVID-19 vaccines was delivered to Lithuania: 19,2 thousand. dose, the Health Ministry said on Sunday.

Already the seventh shipment of vaccines from this pharmaceutical company should be distributed to the municipalities within two days.

Until now, Lithuania had received 62.4 thousand. Doses of “Moderna” vaccine and 60.6 thousand were used to vaccinate the population. dose.

According to data from the Ministry, 563.4 thousand people have already been vaccinated against COVID-19 in Lithuania. population, or 20.1 percent. society.

On Saturday, the vaccination rate slowed considerably: only about 1.6 thousand people were vaccinated per day. population. On Friday, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė confirmed that the vaccine stock in most municipalities had been depleted due to accelerated vaccination and a lack of sufficient vaccines.

Stock tests

The National Public Health Laboratory (NVSPL) still has about 180.8 thousand. rapid serological tests for coronavirus.

As reported by BNS to the laboratory, it still has 180 thousand. 775 out of 510 thousand. serological tests acquired last March. They are valid for one more year.

Currently, the lab does not plan to make new purchases for such tests to show whether a person is immune to the coronavirus.

The purchase is the subject of a pre-trial investigation, with charges leveled against six people. Earlier it was announced that in this investigation, suspicions were raised against the former Deputy Minister of Health Lina Jaruševičienė and representatives of the company Profarma, the head of the company Bona diagnosis Redas Laukis.

Metropolitan vaccination plans

After receiving the new vaccines, the Kaunas Municipality promises to once again invite people over 65 to COVID-19 and the Vilnius Municipality also announced the invitation to vaccinate residents of this age group with the Pfizer vaccine.

According to the Vilnius municipality, next week the capital will again receive a large, about 14 thousand. doses, vaccine shipments Pfizer and BioNTech. Today, there are still almost 9 thousand left in Vilnius. vaccine dose. The vaccines will be administered to older people who have previously expressed their desire to be vaccinated with this vaccine.

“As of Tuesday, all Vilnius residents who are 65 years or older will be able to receive this vaccine,” the press release said.

Vilnius Municipality invites you to register for vaccination on Saturday, and older people are reminded of this possibility by phone call.

Later, after the weekend, depending on the activity of the group of older adults, registration will gradually open to employees and graduates of the educational system, diplomats with chronic diseases, social service providers, as well as officials, employees of the trading rooms and others according to the established priorities 64 years of Vilnius.

The municipality of Kaunas reported that this week the shipment of vaccines destined for the city was used within five days, so the vaccination center will not be open until Tuesday.

A new batch of Pfizer and BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines is also expected this weekend.

“First they will be vaccinated again for people 65 years and older. Exclusively for older adults, the online registration is already underway and will continue until Monday,” said the municipality.
