There are 450 new cases of coronavirus per day in Lithuania, the infection killed 10 more people


Last day 450 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in the country, another 10 people died from the infectious disease, the Department of Statistics reported on Saturday.

The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 242.8 cases.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 201 thousand people. 799 people.

Statistically recovered and currently 188 thousand are alive. 103 people, declared – 143 thousand. 793 people recovered. Statistically, there are currently 6582 sick people, the declared number of patients is 50 thousand. 892.

The Department of Statistics considers that a person declared sick has a confirmed case and the end of the disease has not been confirmed by a doctor. A statistically ill person is one for whom illness has been confirmed in the last 28 days. After this period, the person is considered statistically healthy.

According to the department, the statistical rate of patients may be more accurate to assess the morbidity of the population, since among the declared patients there may be cases in which the person is no longer ill but the general practitioner has not confirmed the end of the illness. .

A total of 3,321 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 6661 deaths are directly and indirectly related to this infectious disease.

Last day 7,412 molecular tests (PCR) were carried out on the presumed coronavirus, a total of 2 million have been carried out since the start of the pandemic. 129 thousand 635.

In addition, 814 antigen tests were performed daily. A total of 36 thousand of them were made. 737.

The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the past seven days is 6 percent.

The first dose of COVID-19 was administered to 8,310 people last day and the second dose to 4,369 people. A total of 209 thousand people were vaccinated with the first dose in the country. 199 people, both doses – 85 thousand. 373 people.

1,090 high-risk people were isolated the previous day, out of a total of 63,601 people currently isolated, including people with confirmed COVID-19 disease.

There are currently 53 cases where the circumstances of a person’s infection are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that people did not go abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19., Gas stations, car washes, but it indicates that the contact time is short and there have been no cases of contagion from other people in those places.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

A new outbreak was detected at Klaipėda Vision Education Center, coronavirus infection was confirmed in 4 employees and 3 students.

The outbreak continues in the Klaipėda kindergarten “Žiburėlis”. COVID-19 disease was confirmed in a kindergarten student. A total of 9 cases are associated with the outbreak. 8 employees and 1 student became ill.

The new outbreak is related to a sewing company located in Alytus County. COVID-19 was confirmed in 2 individuals, of which 1 secondary was confirmed in the family.

There was 1 new case (secondary in the family) related to the outbreak in the UAB Vitameda. A total of 13 cases (3 of them secondary, in families) are associated with the outbreak.

Diseases continue to register in the wood processing plant. 2 cases of COVID-19 disease were confirmed. A total of 20 cases have been linked to this outbreak. 16 primary families and 4 secondary families.

In the “Mastis” kindergarten in Telšiai, 1 case of COVID-19 disease and a secondary case related to this outbreak were confirmed. A total of 3 primary cases and one secondary case were recorded.

The confectionery company currently has 14 confirmed cases, 2 of which are secondary cases.

At present, a total of 20 cases have been confirmed at the Vilnius-based furniture manufacturing and trading company. Of these, their cases are secondary.

There are 4 cases associated with the outbreak of the Vilnius Holy Spirit Orthodox Monastery.

In a company dedicated to the manufacture and manufacture of clothing, located in the district of Svencionys. 5 cases were confirmed, of which 2 are secondary.

There are currently 4 cases related to the division of the trading company located in the Švenčionys district, of which 1 is secondary.

3 cases were confirmed in the “Vyturėlis” kindergarten in Švenčionėliai, of which 1 is secondary.

In a construction company located in Kupiškis. A total of 10 cases have been linked to this outbreak. 8 employees became ill and 2 secondary cases were confirmed.

There are 4 cases for employees related to the water supply company located in Kupiškis.

A total of 5 cases are associated with the outbreak at Biržai bakery.

During the last week, 4 cases of COVID-19 were registered in the Šiauliai Sports Gym. Cases of members of soccer teams have been identified. People who have been exposed to high-risk equipment are isolated and preventive examinations are organized.

In the outbreak of a taxi company based in Utena, 2 cases of the COVID-19 disease were recorded yesterday.

2 COVID-19 cases are related to Visaginas SC from the Utena County Police Chief Commissariat.

According to currently available data, 35 cases related to outbreaks in families were registered in Lithuania on the last day.

Hospitals are currently treating 784 COVID-19 patients, 95 of whom are in resuscitation.

784 COVID-19 patients are currently being treated in Lithuanian hospitals, 95 of them in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania reported Saturday.

Oxygen is added to 739 patients and 48 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

99 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day.

People ages 60 to 99 died of COVID-19 last day

Ten people died last day from COVID-19, ranging in age from 60 to 99, according to data released by the Statistics Department on Saturday.

The four dead were between 70 and 79 years old. The three deaths belonged to the age group 60 to 69 years.

Two people who died were between 80 and 89 years old, one between 90 and 99 years old.

All of these people died in hospitals.

The Statistics Department notes that the number of deaths per day is preliminary and can be replaced with records delayed within a few days.

A total of 3,321 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 6661 deaths are directly and indirectly related to this infectious disease.

The majority of COVID-19 deaths (1,192 people) were in the 80-89 age group. The four dead were between 20 and 29 years old.

President: No communication about vaccines

President Dalia Grybauskaitė, who has led the country for two terms, criticized the rulers, saying that communication about vaccines by the government is practically non-existent and calls the vaccination process chaotic.

“Communication in the public sphere, at least at the national level, is practically non-existent by the government. (…) The understanding that there must be visual communication, that there must be constant verbal and explanatory communication, I really don’t see that, and it’s really very unfortunate, because it also reflects the vaccination process itself, which is quite chaotic. ” , – on LRT television said the president.

According to D. Grybauskaitė, too much responsibility has been given to regional self-government and family doctors.

The reproaches of the minister

The Minister of Health, Arūnas Dulkys, expresses concern for those municipalities where the COVID-19 vaccination process is stalled.

“Those municipalities are concerned that viewers are ‘scared’ safe of roasted corn in boxes in a tense movie theater with boxes, and not participating in the real fight for freedom: meeting, hugging, being together. It’s hard to understand what it is: stubbornness and unwillingness to live in the 21st century or simply ignorance of management processes, lack of leadership or perhaps biased apathy, “the minister said on Facebook Friday night.

“Let’s not wait for someone to give us the meaning of vaccination on a plate with colored edges. Let us remember the wisdom of Victor Frankl. No meaning can be given, it must be discovered by all. I still believe that we are willing to shrug our shoulders. Everyone! ”, He added.

However, the minister stressed that last day the daily record was reached: almost 14 thousand people were vaccinated. people.

Lamb vaccination

The lowest: 3.4 percent. – Representatives of the Šalčininkai district municipality, who vaccinated the population, propose to change the vaccination procedure, allowing other groups of people to be vaccinated with unused vaccines according to priority.

According to data from the Department of Statistics, as of Friday, a total of 1,023 district residents had been vaccinated in Šalčininkai district. In one of the most vulnerable age groups, 80 years and older, only 6.7 percent were vaccinated in this district.

Not a better situation at Visaginas. Only 4% got vaccinated here. population. Only 7.7 percent of people over the age of 80 were vaccinated here on Friday.

“There are very few people on the great list who want to get vaccinated. I think more information is needed in our city. Those who refuse mainly indicate that they would like to be vaccinated with another vaccine, “said the news portal. said Inga Baševienė, director of the Visaginas Primary Health Care Center (PSPC).

“If there was another vaccine, they would receive it without any problem,” he said. I.Baševičienė was asked to specify which vaccine is preferred by the people of Visaginas and said that people want the Sputnik V vaccine.

He claimed that he could not understand what led to such a position of the people. It is true that the head of Visaginas PSPC said that he could not indicate what percentage of older people refused to be vaccinated. “Maybe we haven’t called everyone yet, because we can’t find everyone’s contacts.”

There is no shortage of vaccines in this city. “There is no shortage of (vaccines). We have enough. We have not vaccinated a single person at AstraZeneca specifically,” said I. Baševienė.

About half of the people invited to get vaccinated in Šalčininkai district during the first so-called vaccination question, currently about 700 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have not been used here.

“To change the vaccination procedure, to allow the vaccination of other groups. Now we have stopped among doctors, social workers, educators and residents over 65 years old,” said Josif Rybak, director of the BNS municipal administration on Friday.

“There are other groups that ensure the welfare of society. Some tougher decisions about teachers are needed under the Communicable Diseases Act, now just a guide, ”he said.

According to J. Rybak, the municipality has received about 1.9 thousand. Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccine doses: The first two are almost out of stock, but around 700 unused doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine remain in stock. The Šalčininkai administration director says that people refuse to get vaccinated with AstraZeneca.
