There are 31 active outbreaks in Lithuania, the virus has spread to two more schools


Aurelijus Veryga, Minister of Health, Head of State Emergency, and Daiva Razmuvienė, a physician at the National Public Health Center (NVSC), told the press conference on Friday how to handle the spread of the coronavirus infection in Lithuania.

According to D. Razmuvienė, 2 more new chimneys were registered last day.

“There were 29 active chimneys, yesterday 2 more were registered. In total, we already have 31 active fireplaces. The first registered fireplace in the Vilnius district is associated with a company engaged in the installation of water supply, heating and air conditioning systems. Here 2 cases were registered during the day yesterday. There are currently a total of 3 COVID-19 cases there. Another fireplace in Šiauliai, in a sewing company. Confirmed yesterday for one person, now there are 2 sick people in that sewing workshop. Clearly, it is not always possible to identify the source of the infection. During yesterday, there were 4 or 3 such cases in Vilnius and 1 in Kaunas county, ”said the epidemiologist.

The coronavirus is spreading in schools

The coronavirus is already spreading in schools, and some are even closing.

“Information has emerged on two new student diseases – Klaipėda S. Šimkus Conservatory and Raseiniai Šaltinis Progymnasium. The data so far are very modest. Regarding Klaipėda disease, the student did not participate in the learning process as of September 1, due to being in self-isolation, since as of August 31 he had contact with [susirgusiu koronavirusu] family member. But the reason for its contagion is a camp organized by the conservatory. The patient has visited there and there are currently 30 people who have had contact with this patient. There were a total of 78 children in the camp and they live in various regions of Lithuania, ”said epidemiologist D. Razmuvienė.

Daiva Razmuvienė

Daiva Razmuvienė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The second infected student is Raseiniai gym fifth grade student. The situation is still under investigation.

“The school currently has 32 people who have had contact. 26 classmates, a teacher and 5 relatives. However, the student visited an educational institution and attended not only his own school but also an art school. Epidemiologists are currently working. The possibility of a student becoming infected is associated with the family celebration that took place on August 22 in the Raseiniai district. The person interacted with the person who attended that celebration. Only after 8 days did the symptoms appear, ”said D. Razmuvienė.

According to the epidemiologist, the formation of outbreaks has now moved to educational institutions, where several new sick children are registered daily. The specialist said 101 children had coronavirus on Thursday.

“I think these fireplaces are the most relevant now, because they are the beginning of the educational process. <...> The focus is now on educational institutions. As for the last two chimneys, the number of contact persons is likely to be abundant. There are currently 32 people in Raseiniai who were at high risk. As the person also attended art school, it is clear that the number of contact persons will increase. There may be the largest number of fireplaces that will appear in educational institutions, ”warned D. Razmuvienė.

There will still be no distance learning

When asked if this would mean a return to distance education, A. Veryga said: “” This situation is not an excuse even in the city to think about distance education, I am not talking about the country. All measures are in place is a situation at a particular school and you make certain decisions accordingly.

In general, distance education, as repeatedly mentioned, will be pursued through other measures [nuotolinio mokymo] prevent massive use so that parents can go to work, participate in their normal activities, so as not to enter the country’s economy. Only in an emergency could a country be considered to return to distance education. “

More and more parents are asking doctors to recommend distance learning to their children. When asked if there were any plans to change the distance education recommendations as a result, Mr. Veryga said not really.

“There can be situations of this type, they should be exceptional when children have serious chronic diseases; distance learning could be meaningful and recommended for them, but it should not be a massive phenomenon and individual children who have already had access to education at home they should not have an influx of sanitary facilities, ”said the minister.

When asked by the Minister if it is really realistic to implement all SAM recommendations for educational institutions, A. Veryga replied that educational institutions themselves should adapt these recommendations in the way that is convenient.

“There are definitely certain peculiarities in educational institutions. <...> However, there are no very detailed recommendations written for each institution that are absolutely appropriate for each institution. Depending on the particularities of the institution, the facilities, the institutions must organize their decisions. As much as we hear, children are already taught in two shifts to handle this risk, and other solutions are being sought, I really believe that institutions that have paid enough attention to this have found solutions, no matter how many rooms there are. ” This is Mr. Veryga.

Neighbors will decide how to evaluate Lithuania

The Health Minister announced that a remote meeting of the Health Ministers of the European Union (EU) countries will be held on Friday to discuss the joint procurement of vaccines and the challenges facing the countries.

“We also look forward to the announcement of the Lithuanian indicator. The European Center for Disease Control should publish and update those indicators today, according to which our neighbors Latvia and Estonia will decide on the list of affected countries. We do not have those yet. indicators, “said A. Veryga.

If, according to the minister, the indicator is higher than 16 patients per 100,000 inhabitants, it is likely that the countries will decide to include Lithuania in the list of affected countries. In this case, isolation will be mandatory for Lithuanians when they go abroad.

The registration procedure for events is changing

As the head of the Ministry of Health (SAM) said at the press conference, in response to certain requests and comments, the order of registration for the events was adjusted.

“By registering participants, spectators at certain cultural and entertainment events, it will now be possible to register not only electronically, but also in other ways, such as paper lists. That, at the end of the day, if the spread of the disease were detected, so that we could find out who attended the event and inform those people that they were at risk and perhaps even meet high-risk contacts, “said A. Veryga.

Import cases – from 6 countries

On Friday, NVSC announced that of the 26 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Lithuania last day, 13 were reported in Vilnius, 5 in Tauragė, and 2 in Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Utena counties.

According to D. Razmuvienė, there are currently 31 active chimneys.

After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 15 people became infected, the circumstances of the infection of 4 people are not yet known. In addition, 7 cases of importation were registered during the previous day.

During the last day, 4 import cases were recorded in Vilnius County: COVID-19 approved by people who returned to Lithuania from Poland, Russia and Sweden and by a foreigner who arrived in Lithuania from Belarus.

Another 2 import cases were recorded in Klaipeda County on Thursday. Coronavirus has been confirmed in two people who arrived in Lithuania from Ukraine.

The seventh import case: The coronavirus was confirmed in Šiauliai county for a person who returned to Lithuania from Germany.

11 new cases are associated with chimneys

There are 31 active outbreaks in Lithuania, the virus has spread to two more schools

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

5 cases detected in Tauragė County during the previous day are related to the outbreak in one of the army units. A total of 32 illnesses have been linked to this outbreak, including those confirmed last day.

The case identified in Utena County on Thursday the 1st is related to the Intersurgical Company chimney. There are currently 46 reported cases related to this outbreak.

Another new case occurred last day at the Elmoris metal cap manufacturing company operating in Vilnius. This is the eighth case of infection associated with this outbreak.

1 case of coronavirus was registered last day, which is related to a construction company “Montuotojas”, about which diseases have been previously announced. This is the fourth disease associated with this outbreak.

Two more new chimneys were also registered. The first is related to Energomazgas, a company dedicated to the installation of water supply, heating and air conditioning systems. 2 cases of infection were registered on the last day. Based on currently available data, 3 COVID-19 cases are now associated with the outbreak.

The second new fireplace is at the Interscalit sewing company operating in Šiauliai. 1 person was confirmed the day before and a total of 2 cases of coronavirus have been associated with this outbreak.

Furthermore, 4 people (2 in Vilnius, 1 in Kaunas, 1 in Utena counties) were found to be infected after contact with people who were confirmed to have a coronavirus.

The circumstances of the infection in 4 people are not yet clear

At present, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 4 people were infected: 3 in Vilnius and 1 in Kaunas counties.

Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

NVSC reports that a total of 3004 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in specific people in Lithuania, 985 people are still sick, and 1920 have recovered.

According to D.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
