There are 27 new cases of covid-19 in the district, the inspectors rejoice with the conscience of the people


Daivutė Bulovienė, chief specialist of the Rokiškis branch of the National Center for Public Health, serving as the head of the department, told Rokiškio Sirenai that 275 residents of the district have been infected with the disease since the beginning of the epidemic, 27 new cases per day. To date, there are already 86. 184 people are still in treatment, one person has died from covid-19 and four more from comorbidities.

The foci of the disease remain the same, no new ones have been registered.

The interviewee said that the function of the department is to monitor compliance with quarantine requirements. The specialists of the department visited many places of trade and supply of services in Rokiškis and cities of the district. So far, according to D. Bulovienė, the results are gratifying. People are aware: seeing people walking around the city without masks is a rarity. Of course, there are cases where the mask slips, this usually happens with homemade masks, but when you make a comment, people like to fix it.

Supermarkets are taking ingenious measures to regulate the number of shoppers. For example, one of the largest supermarkets in the city could have around 200 shoppers at a time, but there are only 160 wheelchairs in the aisle. If they run out, the security guards will no longer let anything into the hallway.

There is no talk of disinfectant liquid to avoid disposable gloves. According to the requirements, it is even published how many people can be in the store, pharmacy at the same time. “It is very disciplined for people: when they see that they cannot go, they do not break,” said D. Bulovienė.
