There are 1,155 new cases of coronavirus in Lithuania, 13 people died last day


Last day in the country to make 10 thousand. 89 molecular antigen assays (PCR) and 6073 for suspected coronavirus.

The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 415.6 cases. The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the last seven days is 7.8 percent.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 224,309 people.

Statistically recovered and currently 204 thousand are alive. 340 people, declared 160 thousand. 666 recovered. Statistically, 11,000 are currently sick. 828 people, the declared number of patients reaches 55 thousand. 502.

The Department of Statistics considers that a person declared sick has a confirmed case and the end of the disease has not been confirmed by a doctor. A statistically ill person is one for whom illness has been confirmed in the last 28 days. After this period, the person is considered statistically healthy.

According to the department, the statistical rate of patients may be more accurate to assess the morbidity of the population, since among declared patients there may be cases in which a person is no longer ill but the family doctor has not confirmed the end of the illness. .

A total of 3,660 people have died in Lithuania since COVID-19. 7,430 deaths have been linked to this infectious disease, directly and indirectly.

Everyday illnesses in Lithuania are already manifesting in the country after reaching the so-called “black zone”. And the situation worsens. Specialists note that vaccination is gaining momentum, but most Lithuanians still do not have immunity to infections. Therefore, there will be no shortage of medium for the virus to spread.

Currently, 961 COVID-19 patients are being treated in hospitals, 94 of whom are in resuscitation.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 961 COVID-19 patients, 94 of them in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania reported on Friday.

Oxygen is added to 825 patients and 52 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

133 people were hospitalized per day for COVID-19.

More than 24 thousand people were vaccinated last day. people

Last day, 19 thousand people received the first dose of the vaccine. 340 people, the second – 4702, announced on Friday the Department of Statistics.

In the country, 435 thousand people were vaccinated against COVID-19 with the first dose of the vaccine. 743 people, both – 185 thousand. 444.

Lithuania has received 717 thousand so far. 245 doses of vaccine, all delivered to vaccination centers. So far they have consumed 621 thousand. 187 doses.

Currently, 96 thousand. 58 doses have not been used.

Allowed to vaccinate teams

The Ministry of Health has provided that vaccination against the coronavirus can also be given to groups of companies with more than 100 employees if the vaccine remains after vaccination with other priority groups. The presidency criticized the current order of priorities, advocating a return to more objective criteria such as age or people’s health.

Increase the number of beds

With the increase in the number of COVID-19 patients treated in hospitals and the increase in the occupancy rate of inpatient beds, the number of beds for coronavirus patients in the Kaunas region will increase from Thursday.

Kaunas Clinics announces that 70 additional beds are allocated for inpatients with oxygen supply: 50 beds are established in the Kaunas hospital, 10 in each of the Kėdainiai and Jurbarkas hospitals.

“We are monitoring the intensified flow of COVID-19 patients in hospital hospitals. 40 COVID-19 patients were admitted to treatment facilities on the last day. The last time we had such a large number of patients was on January 28, ”said Evaldas Padervinskis, Head of Inpatient Services Coordination Service at Kaunas Clinics.

He expects the third rising wave of COVID-19 to be weaker due to the ongoing vaccination process.

Explain the violation of vaccination.

On Thursday, SAM announced that it was clarifying the situation about possible arbitrariness in Marijampolė by forming a “live queue” of people who had been vaccinated against COVID-19.

“SAM approached the director of the administration of the municipality of Marijampolė with a request to provide substantiated explanations why the requirements of the legal acts on the organization of vaccination have not been met,” the report says.

The ministry says it regularly cooperates with municipal-appointed vaccination process coordinators and takes their suggestions on the vaccination process into account.

“In order to speed up the vaccination process, treatment facilities can move on to the next priority group or groups if the previous group cannot be vaccinated and, as a result, the facility does not use all doses of vaccine administered during the week.” added. said the ministry.

Morbidity in Europe

Lithuania ranks 17th in the European Union in terms of new coronavirus infections in the past two weeks and 17th in terms of mortality, according to data released by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) on Thursday. .

Last week, Lithuania was 20 and 16, respectively, according to these indicators.

According to data from the Center, during the last two weeks the indicator of new diseases in Lithuania reached a little more than 389 cases per 100,000. population – 77 cases more than a week ago.

According to this indicator, the first in the European Union is Hungary, where during the same period 100 thousand. The population was almost 1,118, followed by Estonia with just over 1,007 cases and Poland with almost 989 cases.

In the last two weeks, there have been approximately 46 deaths per million inhabitants from COVID-19 in Lithuania (eight less than a week ago) and the country is ranked 17th in the Community in terms of this indicator.
