The writer’s horror experiences do not allow him to sleep peacefully


According to the writer, the military ordered his father to open the basement and warned him that if he found something, he would shoot him first. The officer, looking at the basement, was confused, he did not even find his brother’s bedding in the potato keg.

“When the soldiers left, we inspected the basement,” recalls J. Elekšis. – It was clear that the secret exit of the ceiling had been opened. When I got to the roof, I saw that their tables were spread out and my brother went out to his neighbor Vaičius. “

Brother capture

And the whole village house fell through the windows and he saw his brother come out of the basement into the woods. He was hunted by a Soviet car manufacturer.

“Apparently, he screamed, because his brother turned around, but now we have turned towards the forest,” the writer recalls excitedly. “And that soldier started rubbing it with the machine gun.”

A vending machine tune came out of the house and everyone fired. Two officers placed two machine guns on the neighbor’s fence and two officers.

“The brother suddenly bowed down,” recalls J. Elekšis. “We even yelled … We thought it was a hindrance.”

Even the shots were silenced, but the brother did not fall, he just took the wooden soles in his hand and let them run even faster.

Then the whole field shook again from the shots …

“My mother no longer cried, but screamed, the children prayed and my father’s weak heart barely beat,” recalls Juozas. “Maybe an hour later we saw soldiers grabbing a brother out of the woods like a hornet …”

According to the writer, his mother threw a bag of warm clothes, sausages, bacon, bread and flew to the neighbors’ yard, but the soldiers, surrounded by a close circle of brother, did not even allow him to get close.

He threw the bag through the soldiers’ heads, but the soldiers pushed it out of the courtyard by force.

“Early in the morning, my mother and I went to Viekšnius to find a brother,” recalls J. Elekšis. – Everywhere he replied that he did not exist … In the morning, his father went to Mažeikiai to look for him. And he discovered … Among the many reorganized detainees in military uniform, bandaged legs … “

According to the writer, he learned the truth about the real situation from his brother perhaps only thirty years after the death of his parents.

“It turns out that he was caught and devastated by dogs, bitten almost barefoot, scratched his pants and jacket, therefore his mother was not allowed, he changed his military uniform,” says J. Elekšis. – The trees in the forest where the brother ran were cut down with gunshots, the branches were broken. A horrible dance of life and death was seen to be taking place here. His terrible music still doesn’t allow him to sleep peacefully … “

Life and science in the postwar years

According to the writer Juozas Elekšis, he grew up in a family where the word “needed” often replaced love. His father illegally crossed the Russian-German border in the early 20th century because he had to flee from the tsarist gendarmes who were pursuing him for his involvement in the 1905 riots.

His father found himself in America, where he spent almost six years, but when the crisis in America began in 1911, he had been out of work for almost eleven months, so he had to return to his small farm in the village of Kivyliai, then Akmenė. district.

World War II and the postwar years also seriously affected the life of the Elekšiai family.

“During the war, a German shell directly hit our hut, which collapsed,” recalls the writer. “We managed to escape, but our grain was stacked up in the hut, which was scattered all over the field since the explosion …”

According to J. Elekšis, he and his parents later picked up those sprinkled oat grains outside. Then the family mixed them with beets and their mother baked bread with this mixture.

“I still remember the taste of that bread from time to time,” recalls the writer. “However, it was extremely delicious for me, because we were living half hungry at the time …”

A successful creative path

After graduating from Viekšniai High School, J. Elekšis left Vilnius for his parents’ home, where he graduated from the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute and studied history. After graduation, he worked as a teacher, various administrative jobs, devoted many years to journalism.

Juozas Elekšis became famous as an extremely creative writer, leaving a unique mark in various bars of Lithuanian art.

The writer has published up to 26 books of his works (songs, essays, stories, aphorisms, anecdotes, humor, poems), he has created lyrics for more than 500 songs, and together with V. Malinauskas he created the operetta “Fairies in the House of toilets”.

The articles and memoirs of Juozas Elekšis were published in the “Homeland” of science in Lithuania,

“In Hot Commentary”, “Lithuanian Helper”, “Word of Doctors”, “Amber’s Homeland”, “Yearbook of Ethnography” and others. Publications.

Juozas Elekšis is a laureate of the United Nations World Health Organization, Lithuanian Ministry of Health (2008), Homeland Cognition Society (2008), Eduardas Šulaitis (Chicago, 2011), Vincas Kudirka Advertising Contest (2012).

Now the beautiful age (89 years) does not allow Juozas Elekšis to participate in creative gatherings: events of folklorists, writers, singing in ensembles, but at home he still prepares new publications with a book, with a pen in hand.

After recovering with a limp, the Maltese came to the rescue.

The writer Juozas Elekšis has known the Maltese from Vilnius for three years. During that time he has been using the transport service for the sick and disabled “Ražiuojam” provided by them.

“As soon as I can walk, I don’t hold my legs at all,” says the writer. – After the room – I still walk with the walker, but I can’t even go up the stairs … I have a pacemaker, I have a thrombosis in my leg …

According to J. Elekšis, his wife Zofija discovered the Maltese transport service for the sick and disabled completely by accident, via the Internet.

“When Juozas started having leg problems and couldn’t walk, we started looking for help,” says Zofija Elekšienė. – At first we tried the services of other organizations and companies, but we were disappointed … Punctual, dear ones, and most importantly – most of them just take them away, but do not take them out of the apartment. And how will a person get to the car if they cannot climb even one step up the stairs?

The writer of the Malta Patient and Disability Transport Service “Važiuojam” is really satisfied.

“I am very happy with the men of the Malta transport service,” shared J. Elekšis. – They always arrive very punctual. Usually I already sit in a wheelchair at the door and they have special equipment to move me to a special chair, tie me tightly and take me with my bus to where I need it.

According to the writer’s wife, J. Elekšis usually sees a cardiologist or dentist at the Santara clinics or the Antakalnis polyclinic. A writer in a wheelchair can be transported by elevator at these clinics.

“We have known each other for a long time and have a great agreement with Mr Juozas,” shares Vincentas Lukočius, an employee of the Malta Patient and Disabled Transport Service. – Usually she is already waiting for us at the door in her ready wheelchair, we have no problem with her. The writer has a great sense of humor, we talk, we laugh. It’s great that I’m optimistic about life … “

The Maltese administrator Nora Marija Bernotaitė is delighted that the Malta transport service for the sick and disabled “Važiuojam” has become so popular and is expanding its activities.

“In 2020, the Ride service was provided to more than 1,300 people with various disabilities (including their families),” says the girl. – The services are provided in Vilnius and Kaunas, we use 4 cars specially adapted for transportation and an ambulance for those patients who cannot sit in a wheelchair … “

According to the administrator, not only the disabled themselves or their relatives voluntarily request the transport service for Maltese and disabled patients “Važiuojam”, but also the Vilnius Santara Clinic, the Mykolas Marcinkevičius Hospital, the Pušyno kelias Rehabilitation Center, the InMedica Clinic and other treatment and rehabilitation institutions.

According to the girl, the Maltese transport service for the sick and disabled must be requested 3-5 working days in advance, as their need is considerable in Vilnius and Kaunas.

“We are very happy that the Maltese are not only bringing Juozas, but also taking him and bringing him back to the apartment,” says Zofija Elekšienė. – We live on the fourth floor, without your help we would perish. We have tried various social taxi services, but they only transport, but do not remove the patient from the apartment.

Maltese volunteers in 43 Lithuanian cities serve more than 2,600 old and sick people in need like Juozas. They are provided not only with the transport of patients and the disabled, but also voluntary home care, feeding on wheels and other services. The Maltese also pay a lot of attention to children from socially disadvantaged families: 16 day centers for children have been set up for them.

We kindly ask you to support the activities of the Maltese by allocating your 1.2 percent. by GPM.

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