The world is waiting for Biden and Putin to meet: Kubilius talks about Lithuania’s ambition


“I think one of the most important news that was heard during the NATO summit is that in 2023 the NATO summit will take place in Vilnius. At this point, it is time to roll up our diplomats and politicians and have a clear and unequivocal enough ambition for Ukraine and Sakartwell to have an Action Plan for NATO Membership in 2023, and in this way we can achieve the very important goals. for us (not only Ukraine and Sakartvel) we are very important for the development of the security space ”, said A. Kubilius in the program“ Delfi Tema ”.

According to the MEP, we should already be thinking about what we have to do, how to form a coalition of like-minded people, how to convince the NATO countries more skeptical than in 2023. The NATO summit in Vilnius would be a great success for the entire transatlantic alliance.

No miracles expected from Biden and Putin meeting

At that time, no major changes are expected in Lithuania after US President J. Biden’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting will take place in Geneva on Wednesday afternoon.

“It is one thing to send a clear message about what the West, and the United States in particular, will not really tolerate. That is important. It would probably be naive to expect very good news that Putin would suddenly leave after the meeting, beat his chest. with his fist and say, “Sorry, I was wrong. Starting tomorrow, I will withdraw troops from eastern Ukraine. “The Lukashenko regime will no longer receive support,” said A. Kubilius.

According to the MEP, we should not expect bad news from that meeting either.

“From what Biden’s talks with NATO, the G7 and the EU have seen in recent days, we see a serious approach … to systemic challenges, of which aggressive Russia is the greatest. So to think that Mr. Biden, when he meets Mr. Putin, will somehow be charmed to the depths of his soul by looking into his eyes, I’m not afraid of that. Unlike President Trump, President Biden is much more predictable, ”Kubilius said.

Relations between the parties are tense

Former Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius, who participated in the show, said on the show that the conversation between the US and Russian presidents would begin in a tense situation.

“It just came to our attention then. Many commentators also remember the 1985 meeting between Gorbachev and Reagan. It took place during the Cold War, it was a similar and tense situation,” said L. Linkevičius.

Biden had called Putin a murderer. However, as the interlocutor pointed out, he has now “promoted” it.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I think V. Putin would like it very much, because he wants to feel that opponent strong,” L. Linkevičius said.

It will try to draw “red lines”

The former foreign minister recalled that both parties threatened to name the “red lines” during the conversation.

“It will probably turn out which lines are redder (whose position is stronger), because they both expressed their thoughts on what to expect before the meeting,” said L. Linkevičius half-jokingly.

The interlocutor hoped that Biden’s firm stance would end Russia’s period of impunity.

“It just came to our attention then. Many of the crises and conflicts started by Russia have not been repressed with measures that would be normal in a normal situation. When Russia very demonstratively ignores international law, it does not work at all. Therefore , Mr. Biden should identify what is intolerable, followed by tough action.

And Putin, in turn, will probably prove his situation, and will probably teach Biden about democracy, which he already told reporters on the eve of the meeting, “said L. Linkevičius.

There are many of those lines

At the same time, the former foreign minister pointed out that Russia had already violated all the “red lines” many times.

“Of course, the lines have to be redrawn, but it will only make an impression if there is a reaction,” said L. Linkevičius.

The interlocutor pointed out what was happening in the United States itself: “cyberattacks against institutions, interference in elections, interference in the American political process.”

“There was also information that was not clearly denied when there were accusations against Russian intelligence agencies that they pay bonuses for US troops fallen in Afghanistan and pay those bonuses to forces linked to the Taliban,” Linkevičius said.

According to the former head of Lithuanian diplomacy, when it comes to lines related to democracy and human rights, the United States has repeatedly asserted that there are intolerable human rights violations in Russia.

“Even without waiting for that meeting, it is probably not a coincidence that Putin signed another document declaring that practically the entire anti-corruption network related to A. Navalns is an extremist organization, in other words, isolating them from the upcoming elections,” L. Linkevičius noted.

The interlocutor pointed out that the case of A. Navaln is not the first case of poisoning of political opponents. It has been said many times that this is completely unacceptable.

“It just came to our notice then. We will add that Ukraine, we sincerely hope that the position will be expressed firmly. All the more so since Biden’s meeting with Zelensky did not take place, although Zelensky himself requested it, and everyone expected it to happen. before the meeting. The position is expected to still be expressed, “said L. Linkevičius.

The interlocutor pointed out that Putin, for his part, said that the reaction was too sensitive, that Russia had not violated anything and that, therefore, the sanctions announced by the Biden administration crossed the “red lines”.

“In turn, he has his lines. He will accuse Americans of persecuting political opponents, and they see the process when Congress was attacked and we have seen riots. Putin has repeatedly said that this is about the persecution of political opponents and is trying to draw some parallels with what he is doing himself. That doesn’t make any impression in the West, but he’s probably trying to justify it to his local audience, “said L. Linkevičius.

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