The WHO leader is cursed for words he did not say: hundreds believe in the ingenuity of the creators of satire


The new coronavirus pandemic, which started six months ago, “has not come to an end,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization.

He and the WHO under his leadership are receiving increasing criticism from the United States for their response to the coronavirus crisis. The WHO has already announced a response to this, establishing a group of independent experts to assess its response to the pandemic.

The independent pandemic preparedness and response team will be led by former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark and former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. “With your help, the world will understand the truth of what happened, and [sužinos] answers on how to build a better future for a united humanity, “said Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization at United Nations headquarters in Geneva.

Following a series of accusations by the United States at the World Health Assembly in May, the members agreed to conduct an independent study to assess the UN agency’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, accused the WHO of not controlling the coronavirus pandemic and of being a “Chinese puppet”. And even if the WHO chief can still wait for a response to such accusations, it is in the records distributed by advocates of conspiracy theories about t. A. Ghebreyesus, a malaria expert, a doctor of microbiology from Ethiopia, has recently been citing quotes he falsely attributes to the WHO chief.

What a lie

“Only control, total control can save us as a species from extinction. There is no need to be afraid of the chip: it is the same device as the tonometer. It will allow you to better control your health and protect you from the source of the infection or vice versa – a healthy person of yours if the source of the infection is you. The quarantine method has some results, but it has a negative effect on the economy, “said Ghebreyesus, adding that the WHO was supposed to be the first to test the new chips in Africa.

Said recording with an alleged quote by T. A. Ghebreyesus has been broadcast especially in Russian in recent days and is being distributed on Facebook by the Lithuanian conspiracy theory group “UNFOLLOW MAKARONAVIRUS MEDIA”. In addition to various Lithuanian divisions, this post, originally hosted by a Bulgarian religious blogger, is especially actively shared by hundreds of people, and the post itself has been viewed by almost 56,000 people since July 6. together.

In many shared resources, the source is Yandex Zen, an automated content platform. However, this is not the original source of the record, though the richly carved cartoon author Dmitry Litvin doesn’t even correctly indicate where the alleged quotes were taken.

This is not difficult to do, because the quotes and the full article with the alleged introduction of microchips in humans, a popular conspiracy theory announces vaccines that will enter the bloodstream of small human control microchips, belong to the satirical website “Panorama” .

Websites founded in 2017 often share such fictional stories, and the makers of Panorama have no secret of mocking society and trustworthy modern media in a hurry to share information without first verifying it.

The article on Panorama, published in late April, includes citations from the WHO guide, but the article itself states that Panorama is a satirical website, so only naive or deceived people can believe and spread information. In any case, that information about Mr. Ghebreyesus’ alleged quotes is false.


WHO chief: COVID-19 pandemic is far from over

After harsh criticism, WHO is launching an independent study to assess its response to the pandemic.

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