The wedding of the elegant designer Agnė Deveikytė and Algirdas Gricius in the Stikliai courtyard: the bride modeled the dress herself


Guests arriving at the patio in the old town of the capital could feel like an entertainment business party, where everyone gathered was invited not to sit at the tables but to have fun, enjoy snacks, live music and, for Of course, the love of Agnė and Algirdas.

The modern wedding ceremony and subsequent celebration of love crowned the romantic friendship of the newlyweds, which lasted almost five years.

“We met through Tinder,” the girlfriend laughed. – Algirdas is a bit of an IT person, develops marketing strategies for various brands, and generally spends a lot of time working on a computer, so that dating platform was a normal place to look for the other side. We went on a date and got together. “

Both Agnė and Algirdas are well aware of young people’s fashion trends. Every year, the designer decorates brides with her own dresses, and her husband, in addition to her main job at a marketing agency, is also engaged in men’s style consultations, which, by the way, are often necessary for the couple. This hobby soon evolved: A. Gricius published a book and began lecturing. As a result of this activity, his name is increasingly heard in public.

“A couple of days before the holidays, I felt a bit of excitement, and the man was calmer on this subject, accepted everything much more rationally. It is true that I did not have much time to get nervous while decorating the brides until the last days. After the quarantine, many young people moved to July, just before my wedding, so I worked at my best until my own vacation.

It’s fun to finally be in the role of the bride. I have decorated them for a long time, and now I can go through and feel all the stages by myself, I think in this way I will be able to understand them even better. I think experiencing this with my own fur will make my job easier. Having experienced it myself, I will understand more clearly why they are so concerned, ”smiled the interlocutor.

On her fateful day, Agnė was decorated by the tailors who worked in her salon, who tried to make sure that the bride’s dress did not have the slightest flaws. The groom wore a suit from the men’s brand “Suitsupply” on the wedding day.

“I designed the dress myself and my seamstresses implemented it. They were obviously very excited because they wanted to make everything as beautiful as possible. They tried hard, they dressed the dress to the millimeter ”, remembers the young man.

Although the quarantine shuffled the cards for several young people who were planning a wedding this year, Agnė ensures that this period passed smoothly for their celebration.

“We had chosen this date before, we managed to calmly wait for the end of the quarantine. We did not panic, we did not change anything and in the end everything went well. We waited for the right moment. By the way, our wedding took place in an open space, in the patio, so there was no need to turn our heads due to security requirements. As if we had planned everything from before, “the bride was happy.

The designer said the turmoil caused by the coronavirus affected the business slightly differently than expected: his services needed a little more brides this season than last year.

A. Deveikytė, who decorated the endless number of young people with his creative works, did not want the pomp for his wedding, therefore the celebration was cozy, romantic and elevated in the city center.

“It just came to our attention then. Overall, Algirdas and I love sincerity, simplicity, certainty in life, so we try to create an elegant, aesthetic but sparingly vacation style, so we don’t get overwhelmed with the decorations. We wanted the wedding to reflect ourselves, and for us, the communication of the people is more important than the endless decorations that could overshadow what is more important. Especially since the courtyard of “Stiklių” is already beautiful in itself, “said the interlocutor.

A. Gricius asked his beloved A. Deveikyte a crucial question at home. Such a move by the future husband at that time was unexpected for the designer.

“He carefully prepared for this step, created a ring at Martinėlis & Co for a long time, and coordinated ideas. Algirdas thought it would be nice if the ring was decorated with diamonds of two colors: black and white. He was fully involved in the process creative.

I thought it would hit me over the New Year because we had a trip to Sweden at the time. We stayed in a luxurious five-star hotel. I thought it might happen there. And it turned out that as soon as he received the ring, he took it and whispered to me in the morning. I was getting up recently and was very upset because it was completely unexpected. Algirdas added that in the morning I am the most beautiful for him. We are not the people who need to introduce themselves or show off in front of others, so there was a great idea in the matchmaking house that was best for us, ”Agnė recalled at a delicate moment.

After the wedding, the designer chose a double surname and became Agne Deveikyte-Griciene.

The couple plans to spend the honeymoon in Lithuania for the time being, and later, when the situation due to the coronavirus subsides, the youth will move to the United States or Japan.

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