The virus also bites the big boys –


Unemployment is growing dramatically in Panevėžys. Over the past month, more than 2,000 people from Panevėžys joined the ranks of the unemployed. The pandemic, which has confused the entire world, has left not only small businesses on the brink of survival. The consequences are also felt by the business giants of Panevėžys. In some companies, dozens of people left the Employment Service as a result of changes in working conditions as a result of the pandemic.

There was no turn

Harju Elekter, one of the largest companies in Panevėžys, lost twenty employees during the pandemic. Tomas Prūsas, the director of the company, says that the change in working hours has led to this situation.

“Protecting COVID-19 and trying to break the flow of workers, we introduced shift work in the fall, which we have never done. Before, we worked one full-time shift and now we have two, ”says T. Prūsas.

Due to the change in working hours, according to him, a group of employees decided to leave work. The night shift turned out to be too awkward for those with families, young children.

The company has not yet recruited new employees through the Employment Service or other employment agencies. According to the director, specialists with such qualifications would not accept it. The company created the academy and a hired electrical engineering professor teaches the newcomers specific jobs.

Until now, the plant has been forced to operate at reduced capacity.

“It is an extraordinary year, not even our grandparents remember it. It’s hard to predict the job. “

M. Gudas

“We are working to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. There were already several illnesses in the company, the infections came from elsewhere: private vacations. The patients were isolated, they got sick easily. Fortunately, the disease does not spread within the company “said T. Prūsas.

The company currently has 227 employees.

Harju Elekter, which has lost part of its employees, does not slow down the pace of construction of a new plant on the outskirts of Panevėžys. The Estonian electrical equipment manufacturer plans to invest up to LTL 6 million in the development of the Panevėžys plant. euros. Construction works are scheduled to be completed in March 2021. The company’s office and production area will almost double, from 8.8 thousand. up to 16.8 thousand. meters square meters and the number of employees up to 350.

Parents were scared

During the staff, the pandemic also broke out in the Metalistas LT company. During its first wave, two retired workers with health problems immediately left the company.

“They were very good colleagues, but we could not persuade them, no matter how hard we tried to ensure safe working conditions. We were among the first to start measuring the temperature of people who came to the factory in March, we demanded to wear masks, we used disinfectants. Then everyone made fun of us and it soon became something common for everyone ”, says Mantas Gudas, president of the board of directors of Grupo Metalistas and president of the Regional Association of Industrialists of Panevėžys.

The first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed at the company last week.

The rampant coronavir had the greatest impact on Metalisto’s orders. According to Gud, they are waving along with the pandemic: They peaked during the peak and then doubled.

“It is an extraordinary year, not even our grandparents remember it. It is difficult to predict the work, the orders were standing, he was dancing ”, admits M. Gudas.

However, according to him, the pandemic did not affect the largest companies in Panev másžys as small ones, with the biggest shocks felt by hotels, cafes and the tourism sector.

On November 1, 7,700 unemployed were registered in Panevėžys, which is more than a month in 2017. Photo by P. Židonis

Unemployment is increasing

In October, the Employment Service received seven notices of massive layoffs in the country. So far these extremes have overtaken Panevėžys. However, unemployment in the capital Aukštaitija continues to rise.

According to data from the Employment Service, on November 1 of this year there were 7,700 unemployed in Panevėžys, which is more than a month in 2017. Registered unemployment reached 15 percent earlier this month. of the total working-age population.

Among the unemployed, mostly residents of Panevėžys between 30 and 49 years old. They constitute up to 36 percent. unemployed. Unemployed aged 50 and over: 35% and young people under 29: 29%.

Among Panevėžys job seekers, 52% are women and 48% are men.

Most of the unemployed worked with loaders, salespeople, taxi and truck drivers, cleaners, unskilled builders, painters, and related workers before knocking on the doors of the Employment Service.

Unemployment in the Panevėžys district reached 15.7 percent on November 1. 3,444 district residents are looking for work, 157 more than on October 1.

The area is dominated by job seekers over the age of 50. individuals: make up 40 percent. Unlike the city, here, although slightly, men are more unemployed than women.

Up to 37 percent. The unemployed in the Panevėžys district have not acquired any profession.

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