The Vilnius municipality has issued a permit for the demonstration in the cathedral, but marches can also be held.


Stop by until 4 pm

According to A.Bužinskas, the municipality decided in agreement with the police that a rally could be held in the Cathedral Square. The permit is issued for a period starting at 10.30 am. Until 4pm

“In principle, we see that the organizers have taken into account the observations of the municipality and the police about the last fact for which we revoked the permit. In particular, the event location has been changed to Cathedral Square, which appreciates security much more, a much larger area to accommodate more people, and certain provocations will make it much easier for officials to ensure security.

The second: the maximum number of people, the organizers reduced it from 15 thousand. up to 10 thousand. The third thing that bothered us a bit was the timing of the campaign itself, there was even a wait until 10pm at the same time. do. Now it will be until 4 in the afternoon, “said A. Bužinskas.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Adam Bužinskas

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Adam Bužinskas

Saulius Gagas, the head of the Vilnius LSC, said that the police had expressed their position that a local event could take place in Cathedral Square, but without marches.

“Police officers will do whatever it takes to ensure safety,” Gag added.

According to A. Bužinskas, in terms of safety and road safety, the weather is much better now: and we think we can give permission for that rally. “

The court ruling – Thursday

A court decision on the municipality’s previously revoked permission to hold not only a rally, but also a march on Avenida Gedimino is due to be announced on Thursday.

Lukas April / 15min photo / Protest of the participants of the family defense march in the Presidency

Lukas April / 15min photo / Protest of the participants of the family defense march in the Presidency

A.Bužinskas says in this regard that after the court gave an answer on the application of temporary protection measures, which would open the way for the march and the rally towards the Seimas.

“It just came to our notice then. If it is not authorized, it is a very clear rally in the Cathedral with no marches.

If the court decides to apply provisional measures, difficulties would arise, since two permits would be issued at the same time, one in the Cathedral Square and the other, with a march towards the Seimas and a rally there. We don’t want to speculate on that, we are talking about a rally in Cathedral Square, ”said A. Bužinskas.

Asked how he values ​​the accusations by the organizers of the rally that the security services do not want to work with them because of the municipality, A. Bužinskas stated that it is the same as blaming the municipality for buying tasteless ice cream at the ice cream parlor.

“We are not involved in this and I am sorry that it is difficult to find business partners, but we hope that someone will show up,” said A. Bužinskas.

The president replied

President Gitanas Nausėda said on Wednesday that tensions in society are caused by different approaches to the rallies, when permits are granted to some groups in society and not others.

“Tensions arise when we begin to evaluate different groups in society on different principles: we give permission to some, we don’t give to others, then we change our mind and give. This certainly does not contribute to the reduction of public tensions, “the president told reporters in the Seimas on Wednesday.

“I think we must understand that one of the fundamental rights that the Constitution grants to the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania is the freedom of assembly and expression, and we must adhere to this principle.” Whether or not we like what is said at those rallies It is simply an attribute of democracy, “he added.

The president has his opinion, but we see it differently: we do real work, we are responsible for the safety of the people.

A. Bužinskas replied: “The president has his opinion, it is good to express it, but we see it differently: we do real work, we are responsible for the safety of people and we do not want to take responsibility for the injuries of officials or the injuries of employees. participants or outsiders.

It seems to me that what we have achieved today shows that a compromise can be reached in the so-called tension. “

Police say they are ready

Gag did not specify the exact number of officers who will work at the rally, but said a larger police force is already working in the capital this week. Then there will be as many officers as necessary on Friday.

“I would like to inform you that already this week in Vilnius the city is working with reinforced forces. The day before and on September 10. there will be enough officers to guarantee public order,” said the Vilnius police chief.

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Gagas

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Gagas

In his opinion, the Plaza de la Catedral is more comfortable, and can accommodate a lot of people, and maintaining distances from the Ministry of the Interior will not be difficult.

S. Gagas confirmed that various information is floating in public space, officials evaluate it according to its competence.

“We learned from the lessons that cooperation with partners working on the event is especially important, which is probably the main focus. This is the Public Security Service, “said the Vilnius police chief.

The Home Office does not intend to provide additional protection, but distances will be required. The organizers also promised that there will also be free entry to the cathedral.

People plan less

On the eve of the hearing, the Vilnius municipality said it had received an application for the event on September 10. In the Plaza de la Catedral, which should be attended by 5 to 10 thousand. people.

Previously it was planned that 7 to 15 thousand people would participate in the protest with the slogans “Stop the dictatorship in Lithuania”, “Let’s give Lithuania back to the nation”, “Yes, for the liberation of the Seimas”. people. The procession was to begin in the Plaza de la Catedral and travel to the Seimas on Avenida Gediminas. However, after the August 10 demonstration in Independence Square turned into riots, the Vilnius Municipality reconsidered and revoked the permit.

Raimondas Grinevičius, the head of the Lithuanian Family Movement, who left after the commission meeting, said it was very urgent for the prosecutor’s office, so he did not want to comment on anything.

Mayor: A permit can be issued

Opinions were different before the commission meeting. Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius told reporters on Tuesday that there is always room for peaceful political statements, there is no room only for riots and protests of this kind, which clearly lead to riots.

“We received another request to organize a rally from the organizers, who did not do very well a month ago. As the comments have been taken into account: the location has been changed, the number of participants has been reduced, everything has not been dragged into the night, as if an uproar had been left, protection was finally promised.

We also received favorable police findings. Of course, the public statements of the Department of Security remain, but we believe that the permit can be issued, ”said the mayor.

According to R.Šimašius, if the police have no further comment, the permit will be issued on Wednesday.

He called for a peaceful protest

In a statement issued earlier this week, the Lithuanian Family Movement called on those who attended the demonstration in Cathedral Square to respect the law and protest peacefully.

“The Lithuanian Family Movement hopes for goodwill, mutual understanding and will do everything possible to make the demonstration peaceful.

We will work with officers, assisted by volunteers and police veterans. We are fellow citizens of the same country, loved by all, and we are not on opposite sides.

Let us be strong and understanding on this day, do not give in to groundless and provocative emotions that want to demonize and oppose each other, “the report said.
