The video demonstrated the amazing extent of the spread of infections through touch.


Japanese public broadcaster NHK suggested “seeing” what the infection looks like by touch, Science Alert writes. And the video they created spread quickly online and received lots of visits.

NHK, in collaboration with infectious disease experts working on Kavasakis St. At Marian University School of Medicine, hosted a buffet dinner for ten people. And the hands of one of the participants in this experiment were painted with fluorescent paint, which was supposed to replace “coughing in the palm of the hand.” Participants in the experiment dined together for 30 minutes.

And there is no doubt that when they replaced conventional lighting with UV light, they felt a little worse: everyone could see how much that bead of paint had spread.

In essence, this experiment has shown that an infected person entering a room can contaminate virtually anything. Dye appeared in the hands of each study participant and in the faces of three participants.

The organizers of the experiment showed that mainly the contact infection spreads through the lids of food containers, common tools, the handle of the beverage container. This simple demonstration clearly shows how easy it is to transmit virus particles just by touching objects.

The World Health Organization constantly reminds you to wash your hands regularly with soap and to wash all surfaces of your hands for at least 20 seconds, not to touch your face, eyes and nose, and to keep at least a meter away from other people in public places. The most effective means of protection against COVID-19 virus infection.

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NHK, along with experts, also conducted a second experiment that focused much more on the hygiene of dinner participants and the buffet atmosphere: the dishes were placed farther apart, the tongs were often replaced with clean ones, and participants were encouraged to wash their hands frequently. After this experiment, only one person shone with ultraviolet light, the same person who was the “carrier of the infection.”

One of the obvious lessons from this experiment is that buffet-style meals should be avoided in the near future. And the other is to show that they can touch each other, even without doing it directly, so you need to follow personal hygiene requirements very carefully, these days it’s just vital.
