The vicious circle: another drunk urban bus driver in Klaipeda


Pond view

On the fateful day, the citizen said that he had decided to have lunch with his wife, the eldest daughter Marija, who had returned from abroad, and her friend Ąžuolas, at a café located in the Kalniečių Park. Relatives of the daughter’s friend soon joined the quartet. After eating, the Kaunas resident went to the cafe together with his daughter’s friend. Then, a man swimming in the Kalniečiai Park pond suddenly caught his attention.

“The sun was shining. At first it was difficult to understand if a man or a woman swam in a body of water near a fountain. True, swimming was strange: the body moved slowly and the legs seemed heavy. Bestebint at the fountain, my wife came up to me and said, “Look what’s going on there!” At that moment, I heard a female voice screaming, “Save, drown!” or something like that. A moment later, I saw that the floating man’s face was rejected in the water, “Vygand recalled the details of the event.

I said that I would not expect anything: suddenly I took off my warm clothes and danced in the water to rescue the man.

Answered without hesitation

Kaunas’s wife immediately ran into the cafe to ask for help, and Vygandas had already dialed the Emergency number 112 on her phone. “I called and said,” Drowning! “As I spoke, I noticed that the man’s head was submerged. The dispatcher still told me to wait because he wanted to write my name. But I said I would not expect anything; suddenly I took off my outer clothing and danced in the water to save the man.” .

In a few tens of seconds, when he encountered a floating man, Vygand did not hesitate to open the sink so that his face would not submerge in the water, and saw that it was a woman. “His lips were already pale. I turned the woman on my back, hugged her body with my hand so that her face was on the surface of the water, and with the other hand separating from the water, I swam towards the shore,” said the man.

Civic: Vygant was surprised by the indifference of other people in the park. / Asm. archive photo

They refreshed

As we approached the edge of the pond, several people were already waiting here: cafe workers, Vygand’s wife, and several men who helped lift a woman who showed no signs of life from the water.

“My wife, a doctor, said she needed to turn her body to the side and ran to call the doctors of the relatives of her daughter’s friend who had lunch with us. The doctor, who left, did a heart massage to the woman”. A few minutes later, officers and finally an ambulance arrived at the scene and resumed resuscitation of the woman, “said Vygandas.

The Kaunas resident did not hide after telling the doctors who arrived that it was probably too late to save the life of the drowned woman, but after returning to the Kalniečių park café to get dressed and wash, a few minutes later she saw the Paramedics carry the woman in an ambulance.

“I went to ask. They told me that she had recovered her heart rate and that they were taking her to the hospital. A little later, an officer called to confirm that the woman had been resurrected. But when she came to my house to write a protocol, I knew that his health was deteriorating again. operate “, – the interviewee shared the details of other events.

Indifference towards others.

When asked if there were other people around at the time the woman’s floating body was seen in the pond, Vygand hinted that when they had lunch with their family, there was no shortage of visitors in the cafe and near the benches where it occurred. the disaster.

“I was surprised that none of them called the emergency number. Lack of time to understand the situation? And if it was their loved one, would they also be left without it? It doesn’t matter that the drowning woman was possibly antisocial. Let’s not judge to people exactly because of that. “Although he is an entrepreneur, he would be rescued by everyone, and if a person is antisocial or poor, then he is nobody. I have a strange attitude towards members of society. No action necessary, just call the services, “he said.

The Kaunas resident felt that the people who had been closest to the Kalniečiai Park pond all that time were likely to have seen the moment the woman was in the water. Because after floating on land, it turned out that the drowning was floating in huge slippers.

Vygandas / Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė

“When the woman was resurrected on the shore, I saw a bruise on her right breast and bruises on her right side, similar to the marks of the blows, like a blanket. Sunglasses and an empty small bottle of vodka were thrown underneath from the bank, “Vygandas recalled.

Admittedly, by the time the drowned man had already been pulled out of the pond and the special services had arrived at the scene of the disaster, the audience here wasn’t exhausted like it was a series, in contrast to the initial action of it all.

Heroes don’t feel it

The man does not hide the fact that such a case, when he had to save someone else’s life, was the first, but there was no doubt as to whether civic action was necessary. “I think every minute in such a situation is extremely important. Even now I am overwhelmed by the idea that maybe I needed to jump into the water to save a woman even earlier, but then I did what I could do best. If I was in a similar situation a second time, still “I would jump into the water again and save a person. We cannot remain indifferent, because such a disaster can happen to any of our loved ones, “said the Kaunas resident.

Disaster: Although the woman who emerged from the pond was resurrected, she later died in hospital. / Asm. archive photo

Even if you don’t see your wife’s doctor or family paramedics nearby when you see a person who isn’t drowning in a body of water or anywhere else, he says, he still wouldn’t miss out; if necessary, he would perform a heart massage himself.

I don’t think my act is heroic, it is a natural approach to the current situation. This is how each of us should behave. My conscience is clear because I did what I could.

“I don’t think my actions are heroic, it’s a natural approach to the current situation. Each of us should do that. My conscience is clear because I did what I could. It’s hard to imagine how I would feel if I remained indifferent and learned that in a pond, I did not understand those who stayed in the banks doing nothing, because they may have excused themselves for not understanding what was really happening, it is their business, but I think it is just an attempt to escape from reality. In a particular situation, you must first ensure your own safety and abilities. But if a person who sees a person in danger, for example, cannot swim, they can always call the services and at least contribute to their rescue. that the woman has not survived. ” Vygand said in a sad voice.

The behavior was appreciated by family members.

Even a civic man who visited the editorial office of “Kauno diena”, who was asked to briefly introduce himself, remained modest and only hinted that he works for an international company related to investments and caring for people’s well-being. But the greatest value he says is in harmony with the family created by the doctor Vilma and the three daughters of the two: Mary, 28, who lives in Switzerland, Cornelia, 23, who lives in France, and July, a nine year old.

The closest: Vygantas says that the highest value is in harmony with the family created with the doctor Vilma and three daughters of the two. / Asm. archive photo

The wife discovered Kaunas noble demeanor and her sudden reaction to the unexpectedly drowning woman disaster: the moment she saw help outside in the cafe, she realized that the drowning was already being rescued, and Vygandas decided do what.

“My daughter also looks at it very well. She said that I reacted very quickly when everyone was watching what was happening. Daughter Mary’s friend Oak also said that she was impressed with my actions and said that she was happy to have a mother-in-law like that. “He smiled. man.

Revived in 12 minutes

As Virginija Barankevičienė, a senior doctor on duty at the Kaunas City Ambulance Station (GMPS), told Kauno Diena, on July 20, a report was received about the accident at the Kalnieči parque Park Pond. 5:47 p.m. Paramedics arrived on the scene in 7 minutes. Until then, the woman drowned on the shore was revived by neighbors and firefighters. According to witnesses to the disaster, the submerged woman stayed for about 2 minutes.

“When the doctors undertook to resuscitate the patient, she suffered clinical death and complete cardiac arrest. As a result, the woman was intubated, ventilated with an AMBU bag for epinephrine, oxygen, infused therapy, and pumped water from the airways. respiratory “. “The unconscious woman was taken to the resuscitation room of the Kaunas Clinic Emergency Department during artificial lung ventilation,” said the interlocutor.

However, as confirmed by representatives of Kaunas clinics for “Kaunas Day”, the woman who was rescued from the Kalniečiai Park pond, in her 50s, unfortunately did not survive. According to the newspaper, she may have experienced physical violence before drowning in the Kalniečiai Park pond. The latter reason could have later contributed to his deterioration in health.

How to behave when you see a drowned person?

When asked how to treat a person in a situation where a drowning person is notable, the GMPS V.Barankevičienė lead doctor hinted that the most important thing is to take care of personal safety and assess rescue skills, whether he knows how to swim and can help someone else. While the person rescuing the diver is ashore, the person on the remaining shore should call the 112 Emergency Line and call special services.

“People who call an ambulance dispatcher are sometimes angry that he is asking them a variety of questions. But the questions about the drowning situation are short and accurate, just say ‘yes’,’ no ‘or’ I don’t know ‘, depending on “What the speaker sees at a particular moment. Until doctors arrive, it is very important in some cases, for example, if a person is not breathing, clicks on the chest. The dispatcher explains how to do it correctly and counts out loud specifying the required frequency, “V. explained, adding that according to statistics, people who are intoxicated with alcohol are significantly more likely to drown than those who are sober.
