The verdict of a Lithuanian scientist living in the US: after explaining what caused the tragedy after the accident of a Boeing plane that killed 346 people


This statement was presented at a virtual conference in Taipei, Taiwan on June 22 by Professor Emeritus of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) and the University of California, Los Angeles, Honorary Professor of Vytautas Magnus University, Doctor of Algirdas University Avižienis of Illinois.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX jets, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

Aircraft safety problems and their solution, which could have helped prevent accidents, prof. Algirdas Avižienis was presented at the 51st Annual DSN Reliable Systems and Networks Conference 2021, organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the International Federation for Information Processing.

According to prof. Dr. A. Avižienis, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) did not heed the recommendation of an International Committee made up of experts from the US, the European Union and 8 other countries.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

This committee, the JATR, acting under authority vested in it by the FAA, strongly recommended that fault tolerance, implemented with duplicate components, be applied to Boeing 737 MAX aircraft before they are allowed to fly again after a ban on aircraft. 20 months.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

“In the final decision document outlining what must be done to allow the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft to take off again, the FAA did not mention the JATR report at all and did not require the use of duplicate angle of attack sensors.

Another big mistake made by the FAA in this document is to claim that “additional redundancy” is not required to control the 737 MAX flight. This would lead to the conclusion that AoA sensor duplication already exists on 737 MAX aircraft, but this is not the case. Today the 737 MAX has two non-duplicable AoA sensors, just like the 737-100 in the 1960s, ”says prof. A. Oats.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

The professor assures that said FAA final decision document must be corrected by correcting the error and completing it with the observations made in the JATR report. At the conference, the scientist presented in detail the causes of the disasters of both Boeing 737 MAXs and discussed the FAA’s final decision. Teacher. A. Avižienis also invited representatives from Boeing to the conference, giving them the opportunity to respond to comments, but the company did not respond to their invitation.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX jets, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

The crashes of two new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, which killed 346 people, were due to the lack of additional angle sensors that are duplicated.

Algirdas Antanas Avižienis (b.1932 in Kaunas) is an internationally recognized, active scientist whose improved foolproof computing architecture is widely used throughout the world today. His concept drawings helped create the first autonomous STAR (Self Testing And Repairing) computer, the principles of which are still applied in NASA spacecraft, passenger aircraft, nuclear reactors, terrestrial satellites, etc.

Emeritus Professor of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) and of the University of California, Los Angeles, Honorary Professor of Vytautas Magnus University, Doctor of the University of Illinois Algirdas Avižienis / Photo by J. Petronis / Scanpix.

Emeritus Professor of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) and of the University of California, Los Angeles, Honorary Professor of Vytautas Magnus University, Doctor of the University of Illinois Algirdas Avižienis / Photo by J. Petronis / Scanpix.

In Lithuania, A. Avižienis contributed significantly to the restoration of the Vytautas Magnus University, which he directed in 1990-1993. Thanks to the professor, VMU became the first university in the country to implement a liberal system of science and studies based on Western principles. A. Avižienis received the title of honorary professor from Vytautas Magnus University in 1994. For merits to Lithuania in 1998 he was awarded the Order of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas of the third degree. 2012 at the end of June prof. A. Avižienis received the title of honorary citizen of the Anykščiai district.

Living in the USA, Prof. A. Avižienis was an active member of the Lithuanian community in the USA and the Lithuanian Scout Union. organized the first Lithuanian Symposium on Science and Creativity in Chicago. He earned bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees (1960) from Illinois State University. 1972 Awarded the title of professor at the University of California. Teacher. A. Avižienis has been awarded the Medal of Honor and the United States Medal “For Special Merits”, the highest badge of honor of the International Federation of Informatics (IFIP) – Silver Core. For merits in the development of international scientific relations, the French National Polytechnic Institute in Toulouse in 1985. awarded the professor the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.

Teacher. A. Avižienis is Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Vytautas Magnus University, a foreign member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, a member of the International Federation of Informatics (IFIP), one of the founders of the Nativa Foundation Česlovas Milošas, honorary director, honorary member of the Council of Reconstruction of Vytautas Magnus University.

2012 teacher A. Avižienis was awarded the prestigious Eckerto-Mauchly Award in the United States for his significant contribution to fault-tolerant computing architecture and arithmetic, and the Jean-Claude Laprie Computer Systems Reliability Award. In Kaunas, the scientist was awarded the “Santaka” 1st degree badge of honor for the merits of lifelong science.
