The United States has warned companies involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2 to stop working immediately.


The Secretary of State’s statement says that President Joe Biden’s administration is “committed to enforcing” a law passed in 2019 and expanded by the US Congress in 2020 to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2.

Last month, the US State Department added the Russian ship Fortuna, owner of the Russian company KVT-RUS, to the list of possible sanctions for Nord Stream 2, for which the sanctions were announced by the administration of the Former President Donald Trump.

“Nord Stream 2 is bad business, for Germany, Ukraine and our allies and partners in Central and Eastern Europe,” Blinken said, reiterating Washington’s stance against the € 11 billion bailout. A $ 9.2 billion project to build a second gas pipeline between Russia and Germany at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

The head of diplomacy condemned the plan as “Russia’s geopolitical project to divide Europe and weaken Europe’s energy security.”

The State Department is “monitoring efforts to complete the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and assessing information on the entities that appear to be involved,” Blinken added.

The Secretary of State, accusing many elected officials, especially Republicans, of failing to take the punitive measures required by law, reiterated to the United States “warning that any entity involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is subject to US sanctions, [tad jie] you should immediately stop working on the pipeline. “

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