The uniqueness of the daughters of Vilnius enchants to the depths of the heart: camera flashes – everyday life


The daughters of the characters are very different, but they are inseparable friends, G. Pareščienė told the news portal

“Diamond, our little girl, as everyone calls her, is a ray of sunshine, full of energy, she is always good, she is full of positive and happiness. Gabrielle is more serious, more concentrated and with character. They are together all the time, either in extracurricular activities or at home ”.

On stage since four

Gabriel is now recognized by many: she is a frequent guest on stage. At a very young age of 9 months, he began attending the Yamaha School of Music and his talent was noticed by singing teacher Danutė Umbrasienė in kindergarten.

“They saw her at 4, and since then she has started going on stage. Now he has had more than 30 submissions in various contests, city and community celebrations, television projects. The musical journey began almost 3 years ago, when she was seen in kindergarten and since then she has been participating everywhere, ”said the girls’ mother.

Gabrielė is full everywhere: she sings, dances, is now interested in drawing and also attends theater classes.

“It is fun that she starts and does not abandon her activities, because she is interested in everything: art, dancing, singing. What we focus on the most is singing. Gabrielė attended entertainment dances, theater, she still assists him now. During the quarantine he became interested in art. And during the quarantine or not, individual singing lessons twice a week are sacred, “jokes G. Pareščienė.

It would no longer be possible to count on your fingers how many times Gabrielė has been on stage. Fortunately, the girl’s scene as a second home – less and less scary. However, with the arrival of the quarantine and all the performances taking place remotely, getting back on stage is not easy.

“We noticed that during the six months that she had to go on stage, she was a little excited and she said, ‘Mom, I’m scared.’ But we have seen it with all the children, it is natural. His singing teacher says that when he goes up on stage he concentrates a lot, he lights a button when he doesn’t see anything around him and he does what he has to do when he goes out, ”said his mother.

Almost the biggest challenge was the TV3 project “Lithuanian Talents. Superchildren ”, in which Gabrielė, then 5 years old, reached the final. G. Pareščienė laughs that the main fear was not her daughter, but herself: “She probably had a greater fear that a 5-year-old might get on the air and not run away. It was the biggest fear, I didn’t sleep a week before. “

Model works work

In addition to all of Gabrielė’s talents, she also started working as a model when she was just 2 years old. His face adorned many magazines, brands and advertisements for children. Big eyes, long hair – how come the cameras don’t love them?

“She has been receiving several paid offers for a couple of years, she is filming in commercials. The agencies hire her, so she receives the money that she throws in the savings bank and waits when she can. She is not afraid of scenes, to the cameras, the people and the cameras, because she’s used to that from a minority and it’s fun for her ”.

Mom says that all the decisions about where to participate, take photos or film are made by Gabriel herselfė, they consult together. And if you hear “no” from your daughter, it means she can’t speak again.

“We always talk, I always ask them if they want, will mount or have a fun product. We always talk about what song we are going to go with, how we are going to dress. Communication with the child happens all the time, I don’t really decide anything by myself, she says what she wants, because she has a pretty strong “no”, when she doesn’t want to, she says it. If you say no, that’s not all. Everybody knows it and nobody stops if they refuse. “

However, Gabrielė does not brag about her achievements, sometimes she is upset and takes a lower place, but looks at her performances critically, maybe she did not smile or jumped badly. But one thing she’s especially proud of is her long hair.

“What she is proud of is her hair, the main thing here that she likes and shows that everyone walks with their hair down whenever they can. Said it will not be pruned, it will be golden hair and it will grow to the ground. The little one also has hair long, he has to get tired after the bath, dry him off ”, laughs his mother.

Gabrielė and Deimantė (photo

The little one follows in his sister’s footsteps

Little Diamond is also not after his sister: his debut in the singing competition will take place soon, he will participate in photo shoots and film together with his sister or learn the subtleties of acting.

“Gabrielė is more serious, diplomatic and reserved, this little guy is complete spirgas, it means many emotions. She sings, together with Gabriele she attends a drama where she builds children’s performances. Small as a photographic model, both together and separately, taking photos, filming, inviting agencies and raising money in a savings bank. Taking photos together is even more fun for them, ”says the girls’ mother.

G. Pareščienė jokes that the biggest star Diamond, who just blooms in front of cameras or on stage, boldly shows his emotions, likes to have fun.

The girls have endless activities, so I wonder how they guess everything. The mother is open: the whole family lives according to a strong regime, which helps to plan activities effectively and develops responsibility for the daughters.

“We have a regimen, they know when there can be some activity, we go to bed at 9 at night, unless on weekends they can watch some movies or projects for a longer time, until 10 at night. They know the rhythm, the order and it is good for them, they know when they go to sleep, when they play, when we are going to do the homework. He develops his responsibility, his ability to plan time, and the weekends are for entertainment, leisure, nature. I really like planning my day, which is probably also for the children to have planning skills, ”reveals G. Pareščienė.

An important part of daily family life is education. The woman maintains that outer beauty has never come first, and that science has the highest priority. The daughters’ great attention to science pays off: Gabrielė graduated from preschool, but his skills are already equal to those of his first graders.

“First we have science, then groups and other activities. I am of the opinion that groups are needed for a child to know everything, both theater and singing and filming. We constantly go to theaters, performances, exhibitions, we get acquainted with various fields. I am for the child to see everything possible, feel everything for himself, try, meet many people and then can choose the path he wants to take. I don’t just push with music, art, or dance. Let them try everything and any experiences in their lives will be helpful down the road. “

Sing everywhere and always

When asked whether talented and intelligent children are just the result of parental involvement or the fruit of children’s own work, the interlocutor emphatically states that both are equally important.

“I think 50/50. Gabrielle is very responsive. Without it, you probably wouldn’t be able to participate in so many activities. He captures the rhythm perfectly, he has a good memory, which is why he recites several poems in kindergarten. She herself is receptive. I think it is half, but if the parents do not make the contribution of extracurricular education, the child will die or will not be motivated, ”the woman shares.

Two talented daughters grow up in the Vilnius family (photo

It may seem like the family schedule is cluttered, but that’s not true. The family lives on the outskirts of Vilnius, near the forest, so their daughters spend a lot of time in the yard, where deer visit them in winter and birds spin on their wheels.

“They love birds, hunting frogs or butterflies, running with wild animals, meeting plants, swimming prude and pop soap bubbles. They are very curious and receptive ”, the interlocutor rejoices.

There are rituals in the family that are indispensable. For example, on Sundays, the sisters splash in the bathroom and get naughty with the foam from the bath. If the girls participate in contests, so does the whole family.

Gabrielė already knows what he wants from life: he will follow in the singer’s footsteps and Deimante has other things in mind, enjoys childhood and does not think about what awaits him in the future.

“Diamond is happy with life, freedom, toys and fresh air. Enjoy life, a very good story about her. Gabrielė wants to treat pets and sing to this day. I don’t know how she imagines it but he will definitely keep singing. “

It is not surprising that Gabrielė remains singing: the girl sings where she can. In the shower, playing, even before going to bed, together with a stuffed animal guard, he performs various competitions until he finally falls asleep.

“I hope that both daughters find their own happy path in the future, and now I will only help them to become familiar with a wide world full of possibilities, because each new experience, whatever it may be, is the personality and worldview. “
