The union war: what is the real mood of teachers about distance education?


The Union of Education and Science considers hasty and without foundation the proposal to implement universal distance education throughout the country, and requests that the current procedure be maintained, where the educational institutions themselves decide the teaching method after evaluating the situation and consult with the founders. Before making a decision, those responsible for the institutions must coordinate it with the union that operates in the educational institution.

“Proposals to introduce universal distance education across the country are not based on official data. I am a teacher myself, I communicate with my colleagues and we unanimously agree that the longer distance learning lasts, the more painful the consequences in the future. Negative results for the quality of learning and the economy of the country will be very well reflected in the evaluation of student achievement in the future. If a quarantine like the spring one were introduced, all, students , teachers, parents and the future of the state would suffer ”, says Egidijus Milešinas, president of the LŠMPS.

The head of the union points out once again that the founders of most educational institutions are the municipalities, which, together with the head of the educational institution, have to make decisions.
The directors of educational institutions must ensure the safety of employees and provide the necessary work equipment. This is regulated by the laws of the country, “says E. Milešinas.

Furthermore, E. Milešinas points out that with the introduction of distance learning, teachers themselves, preschool and pre-school education specialists and other staff will be severely affected financially. With the introduction of distance education, those responsible for educational institutions will have a reason to save at the expense of teachers and this time they will defend the interests of teachers and, as in the spring, they will prove why salaries should not be reduced of teachers who do not have work contact with children.

“Surveys of teachers working in primary and kindergarten classes show that the majority want to work in institutions directly with children, and the proportion that does not contradict distance education, according to our data, is much lower,” he says E. Milešinas.

In a statement issued on Monday, the president of the Lithuanian Education Workers’ Union, Andrius Navickas, emphasized that the situation is becoming particularly unfavorable in preschool, preschool and primary education institutions, as they work in contact form ( distance education is also provided in other institutions).

“According to November 4. By government decree, kindergartens and primary schools operate in contact form. But after more than three weeks, the situation is deteriorating catastrophically: the number of infections in educational institutions is increasing rapidly , and both students and teachers get sick. The question therefore arises whether it is worth risking the health of students, teachers and continuing to work live. With the increasing number of sick teachers, will there be someone to teach? even remotely? ”commented A. Navickas.

Aivaras Dočkus, an English teacher at the Ąžuolynas Progymnasium in Elektrėnai, who has just come down with COVID-19, says the quarantine should be a quarantine, not a parody.

We have information that municipal education departments are putting a lot of pressure on the administrations of educational institutions to continue teaching directly and demanding that they return to schools as soon as possible. Perhaps the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports give such instructions to the municipalities? “Asks the teacher rhetorically.

In the opinion of Jurgita Kiškienė, president of the LSSD Vilnius City Association, teachers and parents should know what the situation really is in the educational institution and at the same time decide which higher education to pursue. “We know of several cases in which the school administration is hiding the real facts about those infected in the institution. And parents, unaware of the situation, calmly send their children to school or kindergarten, “said the teacher.

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