The union is experiencing a number of irregularities in the transport sector: refusal to pay in cash is being considered


On Wednesday, Audrius Cuzanauskas, president of the Lithuanian Trade Union Alliance (LPSA), declared in the Seimas Labor and Social Affairs Commission that employment contracts in the transport sector are declarative.

“Employment contracts in this transport sector are practically declarative, where we see that one of the conditions is specified, but even the SLI recognizes that there are countless infractions. Employment contracts specify a condition, either for the payment of wages or for the payment of a 50% daily allowance. three days before leaving for a business trip, if the percentage of reduction of the daily allowance is indicated, but then the employer unilaterally reduces or transfers only part of the salary per order, without even stating that it is a salary “, he said To Cuzanauskas.

According to him, the problem is also unpaid leave.

“During this period, both foreigners and Lithuanian citizens do not know the consequences of signing applications for leave without pay. The forms are ready and you must sign if you want to receive a salary. And the consequences for the period without insurance and the license without pay: the employee loses his seniority, rejects the guarantees and social benefits, “said the union representative.

A. Cuzanauskas also pointed out that drivers are often paid in cash.

“As much as thousands, millions of cash, as you now claim that employees get everything in cash, is inappropriate. Companies that do not sell direct pay the employee in cash. Last week two employees came and we received through the Labor Disputes Commission that 42 thousand employees were paid in less than three years. EUR in cash, including the fact that the transfers to the bank were made in parallel, ”said A. Cuzanauskas.

“There is no adequate control in this sector. There have been very large-scale violations here, which raises many questions as to why these issues have not been resolved so far,” said a union representative.

Chief Labor Inspector Jonas Gricius said he did not want to agree that there was insufficient control in the sector.

“I don’t want to accept that there is not enough control. There is enough control, but I would put more emphasis on the issue of social collaboration and on agreements and attempts to reach a compromise, but not only on total control of everything. Sometimes It seems strange that the employment contracts are defective and the conditions are bad. There is legal regulation, the requirements of the Labor Code and the will of the parties. Explain that you do not sign what you do not know, cannot understand. We try to provide information in different languages ​​through counseling schemes. I wouldn’t see such a big problem, “said J. Gricius.

He agreed that there are problems with unpaid leave and cash payment.

“We agree that leave without pay is a strange thing. When you analyze whether 70-80 percent in the company? Employees go on leave without pay, that’s what is here about the indicator and when we work if everyone is on vacation. This is a topical issue, we have started the analysis, we are cooperating with Linava, we will try to find the reasons why this happened, maybe there are gaps in the legal regulation, maybe those reasons they should be removed, ”said J Gricius.

“We see a problem: the circulation of cash and, as of 2019, we propose to regulate the norms of the Labor Code by withdrawing cash from employment. Here there are joint initiatives with the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, but let us remember that there is a legislative tradition and any change in the legal framework must be discussed ”, said the head of the SLI.

Carrier’s representative Algimantas Kondrusevičius said that if cash is declined, banks should be required to open an account for an employee free of charge and issue a payment card within 24 hours.

“I understand the banking procedures, but there were 7 cases in our company when people received messages to update data before the New Year, drivers could not update, cards and accounts were blocked, people could not pay. The card does not work, you cannot go to the bank when you return, because you have to isolate yourself, there are other things. People write, call, say, put in cash. By completely prohibiting (paying in cash – ELTA) we have to guarantee the availability of money for people through cards or anywhere else, ”said A. Kondrusevičius.

Speaking of employment contracts, he said that the main things for foreign drivers are provided in a language they understand.

“We run our legal farm in Lithuanian, but the main documents, labor and financial, are in a language that the drivers understand: Russian, English, German and even French,” said A. Kondrusevičius.

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