The unclear question of the sacred houses hung from the hair and the plans of the businessman who bought them. Deal


In 15 minutes Entrepreneur Anatolijus Riabečkovas, whose company Nemuno Lights, decided to buy summer houses for sale at Vytautas Magnus University in Šventoji in December last year.

“These cabins were for sale and they turned out to be interesting to me. In addition, I am dedicated to the production of modular premises, so I immediately looked at the project, how everything could be changed, expanded. I participated in the auction and I really knew I wanted to, and I won it, ”he said.

He said that the state will pay the owners from 2 to 4 thousand. euros for a house, and I paid an average of 16 thousand for each of them, – said A. Riabečkov.

For 10 cabins offered 160.5 thousand. euros

In total, A. Riabečkovas and other participants raised the price of 10 houses on Kopų Street 4 times, from 40 thousand. up to 160.5 thousand. euros The notarized purchase and sale agreement was signed by the company Nemuno Lightsur with the Vytautas Magnus University on January 31 of this year.

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

However, after the news came out in the media that the Government planned to take over the houses in Šventoji for the needs of society, A. Riabečkovas asked the Vytautas Magnus University to provide more information and suspend the execution. of the contract until the situation is clarified.

“It just caught my eye then. Also, it is said, he will pay the owners between 2 and 4 thousand euros for a house, and I paid an average of 16 thousand euros for each one. Even before signing the contract, I contacted VMU and they told me they would search and respond. But while they were collecting the information, we signed a contract and they were slow to provide the information. I transferred the first installments, but I didn’t want to take more risks. 15 minutes I speak.

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

A. Riabečkov asked to postpone payments until the destination of these buildings is known. However, Vytautas Magnus University warned in March that if Nemunas Lights failed to meet its obligations and pay the remaining amount, the university would unilaterally terminate the contract.

“I asked them to give me a guarantee, but I couldn’t give it to them.” And in the end, he simply ended the contract and announced a new auction, which also did not indicate that the house could be demolished. By the way, this has not been done at the time when you can buy good and expensive firewood, “he said.

The businessman went to court

15 minutes Announced that VMU had announced the sale of various real estate properties, including country houses in Šventoji. The latter are in the “coastal zone”, and it is these buildings that the Government is considering taking over and demolishing. According to the environment ministry, the university has promised not to sell the buildings, but the auction is still announced. The university itself explains that talks are being held with the Ministry of the Environment, but no concrete solutions have been reached.

READ MORE: Vytautas Magnus University sells houses in Šventoji, which the Government is considering demolishing

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

It is true, after this publication and additional 15 minutes VMU announced that it would suspend the sale of country houses in Šventoji.

Today (Tuesday), after finding an agreement in principle with the Ministry of Environment, the auction of the Vytautas Magnus University in country houses in Šventoji is suspended “, 15 minutes VMU reported.

Organized by Vytautas Magnus University from July 23 to 24. repeated auctions, during which the real estate you own will be sold in Kaunas, Kėdainiai District. Cabins in Šventoji were also for sale.

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

A. Riabečkovas filed an application with the Kaunas City District Court, where he seeks to obtain guarantees regarding the destination of the cabins and to cancel the termination of the contract.

“I have to obtain state guarantees that I will not lose my money and make sure after paying 160 thousand. I will not recover 20 thousand. Euros I already paid 25 thousand, but then I asked to wait and let me know, I did not want to pay because I did not know what would happen next”, I make sure.

In addition, the businessman in court sought to apply temporary protection measures to the summer houses so that they could not be sold at auction while legal proceedings were pending. However, the Kaunas District Court rejected this claim.

Furthermore, according to A. Riabečkov, if the auction had taken place and the final amount was less, he would have to make up the difference.

“If someone buys for 40 thousand. Initial price and no one will increase the price because they are afraid to reach this agreement, then the remaining 120.5 thousand. I will have to pay myself. But if someone will offer 160.5 thousand or more, I will not have than pay anything, “he said.

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

A. Riabečkov said in the fight for these recreations, because they really want and believe in the project, but they do not want to be deceived.

“I don’t want to stay durnius on the site, which will yield 160 thousand. and I will say all the good things. I want to demand justice in court, receive guarantees, “said the interlocutor.

VMU: the contract was legally terminated

According to representatives of the Vytautas Magnus University, the contract with the company Nemunas Lights was terminated because the buyer had committed a material breach of the contract. He did not pay the sale price.

“The University is convinced that the claim is unfounded and that the purchase and sale agreement has been legally terminated. The court rejected the request for provisional measures from the UAB Nemuno Keruriai, which means that the request was unfounded. Buyer was disregarded as he did not pay the required amount to the university and the contract was terminated. There are no legal obstacles to the auction. ” 15 minutes VMU commented.

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

Photo of Vytautas Magnus University / Vytautas Magnus University Cabins in Šventoji

Why should Riabečkov pay the difference if the winner of the second auction offers a lower price? According to the representatives of the university, this is stated in the auction rules.

“If the winner of the auction is not paid and the object of the auction is sold a second time and for a lower amount than the first time, the unpaid auctioneer must reimburse the organizer for the costs of organizing the second auction and the difference if the sale is for a lower price. ” The initial price of the cabins was 40 thousand. it had risen to 160.5 thousand euros. – 15 minutes VMU representatives commented.

Consider taking over the cabins

15 minutes recalls that in March of this year a proposal was presented for the acquisition of almost 300 holiday homes in Šventoji. The government has postponed this decision for fear of the legal consequences and the impact on business. Although the authorities have dedicated resources in the last three months to evaluating the consequences of such an initiative, this information has not been sufficient for the Government.

READ MORE: The cabins of the saints are slowly slipping into the hands of the authorities, but the businessmen will resist

Luke April / 15min photo / Šventoji wooden houses

Luke April / 15min photo / Šventoji wooden houses

That these cabins fall within the area supervised by the Government, 15 minutes approved by the Group of Construction Policies and Territorial Planning of the Ministry of the Environment.

“All these 10 cabins, according to the State Service of Protected Areas of the Ministry of the Environment, fall in the coastal zone according to the cadastral numbers, the list of buildings proposed to be taken over for public needs. The Ministry of the Environment agreed with Vytautas Magnus University that these houses will not be sold until decisions have been made about their fate. ” 15 minutes approved by the ministry.

According to the Group on Construction Policies and Spatial Planning, no decisions have yet been made on the demolition of buildings proposed for the takeover of the coastal zone for public needs, in particular its demolition.

“The proposals for these solutions and the decisions themselves will be formulated and adopted on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis related to the acquisition of buildings for public needs,” explains a group from the Ministry of the Environment.

Luke April / 15min photo / Šventoji wooden houses

Luke April / 15min photo / Šventoji wooden houses

Former Vice Minister of Environment Marius Narmontas 15 minutes He mentioned that the state is preparing to more precisely calculate how much the owners of Šventoji cabins should be paid. It was said in March that the compensation for them would reach at least 1.7 million. However, according to real estate analysts, this amount may increase several to several times after conversion.

“An analysis is needed to professionally assess the cost of an asset and its potential impact. The government had asked for an evaluation of the possible impact on the economy, the losses of the business developed by Energetikas. The second is to adjust the prices not from the data from the Registry Center, but by interviewing real estate experts, ”said M. Narmontas in late June.

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