The UK is armed: the international situation is dangerous


Speaking in parliament, Johnson will announce that defense spending will increase by € 16.5 billion over the next four years. pounds (18,500 million euros).

The move is in line with the ruling Conservative Party’s electoral program announced last year to increase defense spending by 2025 to 0.5 percent. exceed inflation.

The Downing Street report said that the additional funds “would strengthen the UK’s position as Europe’s top spending country in defense and the second largest in NATO.”

News of plans to increase defense spending is being announced for the British economy this year after a historic recession due to the coronavirus crisis, when the government was forced to allocate unprecedented amounts of aid to support the population. and companies.

“I have made this decision despite the pandemic, because the defense of the Kingdom must come first,” Johnson said in a pre-published text.

“The international situation [dabar] “Britain must stay true to its history and support our allies,” the prime minister said, saying it was the most dangerous and intense competition since any period since the Cold War.

Johnson will argue that the new spending will give Britain a “chance to end the era of withdrawal” and will be used to “enhance our capabilities in all areas.”


The decision to increase UK military spending to a total of € 24.1 billion over four years. British pounds (about 26.9 billion euros) was adopted at a crucial time for the country.

Britain, which officially withdrew from the European Union in January, will end an 11-month transition period after Brexit at the end of this year and enter a new phase of international trade and diplomatic relations.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden will assume power in the United States at the end of January, and the allies of the transatlantic bloc await a more stable period in NATO after four chaotic years of Donald Trump’s leadership.

Newly appointed acting US Defense Secretary Christopher Miller praised Britain’s decision on Wednesday night.

“The UK is our most loyal and capable ally, and this increased spending demonstrates its commitment to NATO and our common security,” it said in a statement. “As a result of this increase, the UK Army will continue to be one of the best fighting forces in the world.”

The additional funding will focus on “cutting edge technologies” such as cyber and space capabilities, as well as addressing “the deficiencies in our defense arsenal,” Downing Street said.

Johnson will also announce the creation of a new agency focused on the research and application of artificial intelligence, the creation of a new National Cyber ​​Force and a new “Space Command” to launch its first missile by 2022.

After the previous 1,500 million. £ 6bn (€ 1.6bn) in financial injections for another £ 6bn. £ 6.7 billion will be spent on military research and development, including more advanced air defense systems.

Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said these decisions provide “the financial certainty that we need to modernize, plan for the future and adapt to the threats we face.

“Defense will be at the forefront in creating jobs and business opportunities to help us recover from a pandemic,” he added.
