The UK in a security report identified Russia as an active threat, announcing 40 percent. increasing the nuclear arsenal


The 100-page Integrated Foreign, Security and Defense (IR) Policy Review warns of a “realistic probability” that a terrorist group will launch a successful attack with a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapon in the next decade. This is being reported by The Guardian and The Times, who have already had access to the leaked document.

The review also reveals a plan to increase the number of warheads in the UK by more than 40%. This would complete the phase of phasing out nuclear warheads that began after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Plans to increase the number of submarine-launched Trident nuclear warheads from 180 to 260 show that three decades of gradual disarmament are being halted.

“The main objective of our nuclear potential is to keep the peace and deter aggression. In 2010, the government announced plans to reduce its nuclear potential from 225 to 180 warheads by the mid-1930s. However, given changes in the security environment and the wide range of technological and doctrinal threats, this is no longer possible, so the UK will increase the threshold of nuclear potential to 260 warheads, “the document says.

In addition, four submarines will remain in the British Navy, and one of them will always be ready for combat.

“Since 1994, our missiles have not targeted any country … We remain committed to maintaining the minimum impact force necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the nuclear deterrent force,” the review said. It says the deterrent must act against a “series of threats to the country in all directions.”

At the time, activists warn that Britain is at risk of launching a new arms race, although it also needs funds to fight the pandemic.

The full title, Global Britain in a Competitive Age, offers a glimpse of the UK’s place in the world up to 2030. Recently, there has been mounting criticism of reducing the UK’s spending on international aid, seen as an essential part of power. British squishy.

It is believed that the document should also include a commitment from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to reallocate 0.7% of international aid. national income (currently 0.5%), “when the fiscal situation allows it”.

It is also stated that when presenting the final result, the Prime Minister should say to MPs: “I am very optimistic about the UK’s place in the world and our ability to seize future opportunities. The ingenuity of our citizens and the strength of our union will go hand in hand with our international association, modernized armed forces, and the new agenda for environmental goals. All of this will allow us to move forward with confidence and security in shaping the future of the world. “

Fighting climate change and conserving biodiversity have been identified as the UK’s top international priority for the next decade.

The review also refers to the “India-Pacific side” of diplomacy and trade. In addition, the first operational deployment of the British Royal Navy’s HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier will be implemented in the region.

Johnson will make his first major overseas visit after Brexit next month, and the prime minister will visit India.

On the eve of the official review, leaked details about the content of the review came to light, including a clear description of Russia under President Vladimir Putin as an “active threat.”

Commenting, Labor Secretary Lisa Nandy, a shadow government foreign secretary, said: it damaged the foundations of our defense. “

In the case of China, the situation is described in more detail.

Beijing will be described as a “systemic challenge.” This is due to the contrast between the Chinese authoritarian system and the democratic system favored by the UK and its allies.

However, The Times reported that the review described China as “the greatest state threat” to the UK’s economic security and emphasized that China’s military modernization and the increasing persistence in UK interests would pose “increasing risks”.

The review also assesses the nuclear weapons situation. The number of nuclear warheads in the UK is said to rise from 180 to 260. Such a move will elicit a fierce response from the Scottish National Party, which opposes the resumption of nuclear deterrence in the UK.

It is also stated that a special center will be established under the Cabinet of Ministers to respond to future crises, building on the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prepares to present its post-Brexit foreign policy plan

The UK will deliver the biggest security, defense and foreign policy changes since World War II to London on Tuesday to secure more opportunities after Brexit.

The findings of the Integrated Review will provide recommendations on how best to deal with emerging threats, including those from Russia and China.

They will also announce an increase in the country’s nuclear arsenal, according to reports outrageous to disarmament militants.

According to British newspapers The Guardian and The Sun, the UK is preparing to increase the number of nuclear warheads available from 180 to 260 by the middle of this decade.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab declined to comment on the reports, but said the arsenal was a “basic insurance policy” to protect against threats from hostile states.

Britain “has always been committed to a credible minimal deterrence on the nuclear front,” he told the British broadcaster BBC.

“Over time, as circumstances change, so do threats, so we must maintain a minimum of credible deterrence (measures),” he added.

Russia, led by President Vladimir Putin, is also reportedly described in the document as an “active threat” to Britain.

But he recommends closer economic ties with China, although the country is described as “the biggest threat to Britain at the national level,” The Times reported. This move could enrage advocates of a tougher policy toward China.

In recent years, London has repeatedly clashed with Moscow and Beijing over issues ranging from espionage and cyberattacks to human rights.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote in the Times section of the newspaper that it had been decided to review UK policy on the basis of “brilliant selfishness” and that this provided an opportunity to set a new course after Brexit.

The UK “will coordinate (its actions) with like-minded democracies in the US, Europe and around the world to present and protect these ideas and beliefs from those who oppose them,” Johnson added.

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