The UK has had the highest number of COVID-19 cases since February


According to data published by the government, 11,007 new infections were confirmed last day, the majority since February 19, when 12,027 people were confirmed with COVID-19.

This would indicate that the country with the highest number of virus-related deaths in Europe is facing a third wave of pandemics.

Professor Chris Whitty, the government’s top medical adviser, said the height of the current wave “is not yet clear,” but that it would “definitely translate into more hospitalizations and, unfortunately, more deaths.”

He also said that the country should prepare for new waves of the virus.

The number of COVID-19 cases per day has risen sharply in recent weeks, from around 2,000 cases in the past.

The delta variant, which was first introduced in India and is considered by government researchers at 40-80%. more contagious than the previous dominant strain, they account for more than 90%. all new cases in the UK.

Most new cases of COVID-19 are confirmed in younger people who have not yet been vaccinated.

Starting Friday, all people over the age of 18 in the UK will be invited to get vaccinated, Health Secretary Matt Hancock confirmed.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / UK during coronavirus pandemic

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / UK during coronavirus pandemic

On Monday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the complete lifting of restrictions on the coronavirus in England has been postponed for four weeks.

“By July 19, we will vaccinate two-thirds of the adult population in two doses, including all people over 50, all vulnerable people, all [kovos su COVID-19] social and health workers on the lines and all people over 40 who received the first dose in mid-May, ”said the prime minister.

“Based on the evidence I see now, I am convinced that we won’t need more than four weeks and we won’t need [tęsti apribojimų] after July 19, “Johnson said at a news conference.

Previously, restrictions in England due to the pandemic were planned to be lifted on June 21.

On July 5, the government will decide whether the restrictions can be lifted before the new deadline.

The latest government data shows that 19 people who had previously been infected with coronavir died last day. The total number of COVID-19 victims in the UK is 127,945.
