The truth of Z.Vaišvila is paid for by his relatives –


Last June, on the wedding anniversary, Z.Vaišvila apologized to his wife Regina and daughters Jūratė and Vaiva for the risk taken three decades ago: “I think the price for this and because I am who I am, our family still pay now. “

– Probably not worth asking about your public attitude: it is not a matter of choice, but rather fate …

– Everything seemed evident: we have to free ourselves, we have to know the truth, – that was the incentive to create the Sąjūdis. 1988 June 3 When I arrived at the event organized by us in the hall of the Academy of Sciences, where Sąjūdis was born, I had already experienced the experience of the first ecology club “Žemyna”; We managed to draw public attention to the development of the Ignalina nuclear power plant and had already collected close to a million signatures, which we intended to send to the President of the USSR Council of Ministers, Nikolai Ryzhkov. As a result, considerable pressure from certain institutions was already familiar. So I was not surprised or surprised when, after the election of the Sąjūdis initiative group, I went to the Jonava district with my wife. To pick up the girls left by relatives, I noticed a black “Volga” following me …

– Today is no longer the Volga, but the Toyota police are blocking your way.

– The family has been in tension since 2009, when the judicial marathon began. Although the court in 2018. In November, the bankruptcy case was filed (in 2013) against my company FF Lizingas without the company declaring itself insolvent, as it can declare insolvency if the balance includes 13.3 million assets and 2.2 million liabilities, and must be more than half of the assets), but it has not been completed. An unprecedented bankruptcy case that I still object to as far as possible has been settled by law for two years and is now in its seventh year.

In addition, family members also participate in court proceedings. 2016 In the summer, my family and I were in an extremely difficult situation, when the sheriff did not allow me to take even the minimum established by the state of the seized account. Also, there was an accident at home, I suffered serious injuries: fractures of the knees, the skull, the second vertebra of the spine, crushed bones in both wrists … When the request for life insurance was transferred to my daughter on request mine was also sued. How could I not feel guilty if my daughter was forced to quit her job? she walked the courts all year and helped me. Health problems even happened to her.

I am not talking about how you feel when you are sick, you have a medical certificate that cannot be presented in court, in the prosecutor’s office, but the processes are still ongoing. How should you and your family feel when you have not yet received a subpoena, and the prosecutor decides that you should have already received it and sends the police to bring it? The moral and physical financial oppression continues.

– When did the record change, when did you feel like you were hitting someone?

– The first surprising episode – 1992 summer, when I, the then Deputy Prime Minister Gediminas Vagnorius, had to run the Government de facto for a good month. Several documents passed through my hands and I am surprised to see how our Government, without my knowledge, although it is my area of ​​control, has given Tauro Bank and Lietverslas Corporation of Gennady Konopliov the right to use the Lithuanian state seal in negotiations with Russia. on military ammunition.

I immediately asked Vytautas Landsbergis how it could be, and he replied Landsbergically that you could understand how he wanted. Well, I said, I will do what it should be: the deal will be handled by a state institution. Then I became V. Landberg’s persona non grata, and he wondered if his name was on the documents he had taken or not. I had no other question.

– I had the impression that you sinned more against an established group in power, speaking of black points in the biography of Dalia Grybauskaitė.

– This is another episode. In the run-up to the 2009 presidential election, the initiative group Sąjūdis club decided that Sąjūdis needed to nominate its own candidate, well, Romualdas Ozolas suggested, and I said, agree who. Ozol refused, and I didn’t think this or that if two members of the initiative group, me and Landsberg, would collide in the elections. I tried to talk to him about it for a long time until I finally heard that he would not talk to me about it, that there would be Dalia and that, he warned me, he would do nothing because he would be sick. That’s the “bad” thing since 2009. and continues

– Perhaps you have managed to gather friends as Director General of the SSD and President of the Government Commission on the KGB Liquidation, the Taking of Documents and the Asset Inventory?

– When I went abroad to organize Lithuania’s accession to Interpol, I took document bags out of the KGB building at night. The SSD identified who, according to instructions, on which route and where they were moving, I spoke about it. I also responsibly carried out the KGB’s inventory and interception tasks, which were compounded by a commission established by the Supreme Council at the same time to investigate the activities of the KGB. I have repeatedly asked Mrs Lbergberg to observe her rules of procedure, because there were ex-members of the commission walking through the old KGB building and, I apologize for that word, stealing documents. More than once, I stopped them with documents and memory drives, forcing them to return. I was not surprised when I received SSD inquiry and reorganizations after such actions.

– High school with a gold medal, studies: with a red diploma, you are a doctor of physics. Never to the point that it might not be in the scientific interest to sacrifice for the public good?

– My father was a surgeon who had developed neurosurgery in Šiauliai, and my mother really wanted me to be a doctor too. Dad was a correct, active, willing, strong person (few people know that he dealt with the severed legs of Rasel (Prascevičiūtė), called Moscow, organized the plane). People knew him as fair, demanding. When he died unexpectedly, the entire city came out to bid him farewell. There were so many people that I had to shut down traffic.

I am a semi-Samogitian, according to my father: when I am under a lot of pressure, I generally go in the opposite direction.

No one will change me: if I decide what, I will do it for myself, but not for someone else.

It’s a matter of family survival

Says the wife of Z.Vaišvila Regina VAIŠVILIENĖ, Advisor to the Director of the Medical Library on Information Dissemination:

Who knows us and wonders how we survive? A person can reduce his needs to an apparently impossible limit, give up a lot and still smile, try not to offend another. I am very grateful to my team. I have heard few gossip or unnecessary speeches. I too have tried not to impose my political or other opinions on others. Yes, I can admit that this library is very important to me, I am “fed up” with the problems that caused it.

I met Zigma at some student union event. As always, physicists invited philologists to FIDI festivities, this time Zigmas also offered several invitations to librarians.

I still don’t know today how much I caught your attention. He was stubborn, but not one of those intransigents who could talk about everything and without end. Maybe he was a little interested in that, wondering what kind of man could be silent as he walked beside him.

Once upon a time, I told a friend in my class who was studying shipping, that it couldn’t flow because he couldn’t wait 5-6 months to return from the sea. He said half jokingly, half seriously. Unfortunately, things turned out like that later. I had to wait not six months, but all the time. After the studies, an internship, after the internship, graduate studies, writing a dissertation, and soon the Green Movement, the Sąjūdis started, and then a whole wait. Now waiting at least some peace, life for you.

June 3 I had to be in the hall of the Academy of Sciences myself, when Sąjūdis was born, I witnessed all these events. Since that day, we’ve seen Zygma less and less at home, less and less together during summers.

And I think Dad is a very important person for all children. In this regard, Zigmas has offended the girls, because since the beginning of the Sąjūdis, they have been given less and less time and have returned home after falling asleep. Of course, it is not someone else’s problem, it is the choice itself. Maybe he couldn’t realize that there is only the present and that his time should be allocated for work, duty, wife, family, leisure, sleep, etc., even if it’s only 24 hours a day. I can only say that the daughters were never stolen, they did not make exceptional demands. Everything they have has been accomplished through their own efforts. The old woman is raising two daughters with her husband, lives in Switzerland and it is very painful that a person who has worked all his life cannot go or fly to visit the children. It is a pity that we cannot have a good normal leisure time because we need to follow up on court proceedings.

What does politics mean? It is a sewer that absorbs and can no longer get out of it easily. There are still some traces. At first there was great enthusiasm, then the need to defend themselves and at least to some extent defend the weakest. If others talk about something topical without issue, Zigmas sits down, analyzes, and presents things as they really are.

There was a great deal of work on both the Supreme Council and the Government, because in addition to physics, one had to become familiar with economic and legal problems. He worked countless hours, and the time was complex and ruthless. The singing revolution was disappointing, there was a black job and, at the same time, a lack of communication, suspicions, the search for enemies among oneself, when those enemies also abounded abroad. This made life difficult for both the state and the private.

The most painful thing was when in 1990. in April, Maironio st. At the printing press in Zigma, the soldiers were beaten by the soldiers until they lost consciousness, and the 2nd Congress of the Sąjūdis took place the next day, and no one asked what Zigma’s health was. Another more difficult stage, during the 1992 elections, their own Jews were beaten on the forehead of each other. And then he wondered why the “communists” won. If he did not want to sell the principles, to serve one group or another, he lost his job, his livelihood. That was reality.

Zigmas spoke English and Russian well, he already knew the basics of law, finance and economics well, so he was able to do many things on his own. He started the business. We started to recover a little. And when business started, as always, jealousy erupted. And where two fight, the third or nobody wins. Wasted effort, health. The point is not even finances, but moral damage when you hear the threat that you will be forced to go to the container.

An example like this: Zigmas was insured with life insurance, he received a benefit that was transferred to his daughter’s account because Zigmas was unable to move on his own for a long time. A partner who lived in our home for years while renovating his apartment, knowing our entire family, was able to take his daughter to court and claim the amount of insurance he received from Zigmo’s “debts” from the bailiffs, which we use for medical and other family needs. Who to contact then? Bye? Or to the police? It also won’t help if you don’t defend yourself if you raise your hands.

If anyone thinks that this fight is about finances, they are very wrong: it is a matter of survival. This is how we shrug and live.

As in every family, everything has been and will be in our family. The greatest value is trust. And you can lose it very quickly, because jealousy, the hate virus is very common, once planted, it can regenerate very quickly. “
