The transformation of the Vilnius station reawakens passions: the inhabitants lack vegetation and dialogue Business


On Monday, the Vilnius Community of Innovators issued a press release describing their grief over the Vilnius Connect project.

Population: unfulfilled expectations

According to Rūta Petkutė, a Naujininkai resident who has been involved in the process from the beginning, the municipality’s representatives pledged to put the public interest first by starting the process again.

“As this project is not implemented by a private real estate developer, but by the Vilnius city municipality and the state company Lietuvos Geležinkeliai, it is obvious that they must give priority to the public interest. Municipalities have repeatedly agreed to this verbally in meetings.
representatives. So when we got involved in the process, we expected to be heard, ”he said.

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / Vilnius Station District

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / Vilnius Station District

However, according to R. Petkutė, during the two years of sending the letters, the needs and expectations of the population were not met.

In 2019, an architectural-urban creative workshop took place, the results of which seem to have met the expectations of the residents. But now, according to the residents, in the detailed plans, many ideas of vegetation and sustainable mobility did not appear in Naujininkai. Until March 18, residents can comment on the draft detailed site plan.

“In meetings with the municipality and representatives of Vilniaus Connect, we have repeatedly emphasized the tragic noise and pollution situation in this part of Naujininkai, asking you not to make it worse by increasing the flow of cars to the projected office buildings. The municipality shared its promises about a “green connection with the Square of Light” and a “green zone” that creates a buffer, but there is nothing similar in the proposed detailed plan, “said Monika Kondratavičiūtė, representative of the Initiative Group of Naujininkai residents.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15 min photo / updated Vilniaus Stoties str.  roundabout

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15 min photo / updated Vilniaus Stoties str. roundabout

According to her, instead of the promised pedestrian alley, residents have been given two parallel streets that prioritize car traffic and serve new offices: car traffic will be left on Pelesos Street and the redesigned street will essentially become a detour from the old town. where the transit traffic will be directed. Meanwhile, neither the plans nor the explanatory note mention any more significant development of vegetation on the Naujininkai side.

“What the detailed plan offers are cosmetic solutions that do not create any long-term quality for sustainable mobility, do not reflect modern urban trends and do not listen at all to the needs of the population,” says M. Kondratavičiūtė.

Photo of Saulius Žiūra / Vilnius Station District

Photo of Saulius Žiūra / Vilnius Station District

Competition is the first of many

Head of Vilnius City Municipality According to Vytautas Lelis, Advisor to the City Department of Architects, during the preparation of the detailed plan, close cooperation was established with the Naujininkai and Naujamiestis elders. A Beginner’s Study was also prepared, in which key solutions were discussed with the community.

A strategic environmental assessment of the detailed plan solutions was presented in August last year. And now, on March 18, a public discussion on detailed solutions to the plan is scheduled.

“The dialogue with the public was developed throughout the detailed plan, at least 10 publicity meetings were held instead of the usual 2. We will strive to make the later stages known no less intensively, because the territory is important to the residents of Vilnius as a whole. Once the detailed plan is approved, project proposals are envisaged, during which both the tasks and the solutions will be coordinated with the public ”. 15 minutes He explained.

According to him, the detailed plan covers a total area of ​​more than 32 hectares. In this area there is not only the train station, the station square, but also the industrial area along the train tracks, and architectural competitions are planned for the entire conversion area.

Meanwhile, the tender for the reconstruction of the Railway Station and the Plaza de la Estación is the first tender and is already being announced.

“We are following the expert and community recommendations received during the detailed plan development process, and we are announcing an architectural competition for this part. We understand that a detailed plan will not provide architectural answers; the best idea can only be selected in an architecture competition. Therefore, in the conditions of the architecture competition, the requirements for the station square – traffic, organization / connection of pedestrians and bicycles with other parts of the city, cultural heritage and other requirements will be presented as a task, ”he said. .

Lithuanian railways visualization / artistic expression, imagination of what the capital station territory could be like

Lithuanian railways visualization / artistic expression, imagination of what the capital station territory could be like

The guidelines are already clear

Martynas Burba, representative of the Lithuanian Railways, 15 minutes He said the detailed plan contains guidelines, not solutions, which are already clear at this stage.

In order to better integrate the Naujininkai district in the city, it is planned to install a new railway connection, in preparation for the Rail Baltica project and increase the number of passengers, we plan to renovate the existing train station building and the municipality plans to improve the infrastructure public terminal, ”he said.

According to M. Burba, the detailed plan in this case contemplates only the location of these objects on the territory and the essential regulations: purpose, maximum size and height, but the architects will provide detailed solutions. The solutions they propose should follow a detailed plan.

“Our vision is to create a new center of attraction here from a closed industrial area with leisure and service spaces, convenient connections for pedestrians, cyclists and all who choose convenient and environmentally friendly train travel that will connect Vilnius with European capitals” he explained. .

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Vilnius train station

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Vilnius train station

It promises a great transformation

15 minutes recalls that it is planned to transform the area of ​​more than 30 hectares between Geležinkelio and Pelesos streets and their entrances into a multifunctional business and transport center. It is planned to connect the Naujininkai district with Naujamiestis and Senamestis.

In the summer of 2018, Lietuvos Geležinkeliai signed a letter of intent with the municipality of the capital, according to which it is planned to modernize the territory of the Vilnius station in 5 to 10 years: connect the train and bus stations, relocate the headquarters Lietuvos Geležinkeliai and Develop commercial facilities.

In 2019, a vision of the station territory was created in the architectural workshops of the project called “Vilnius connect”. The development concepts are prepared based on your results and taking into account the recommendations of the experts.

In November 2019, the Vilnius City Municipality, the Lithuanian Railways, the Vilnius Bus Station and the Baltisches Haus signed a letter of intent, by which the companies pledged to contribute to the station renovation project. Vilnius from the capital station. Under this agreement, the bus station itself should also be rebuilt.

The Vilnius bus station intends to start the reconstruction of the existing bus station territory, allocate resources and finance the station reconstruction project.

Estonians have already chosen the project

15 minutes application, when Tallinn has chosen the project by Zaha Hadid Architects for the office of the famous architect Zaha Hadid to the main Rail Baltica terminal. The local architecture studio Esplan also contributed to the project.

The project will create a 10-hectare integrated center for international, national and local rail services.

This center will be integrated with tram traffic along with the bus station.
