The toxicologist is not surprised by the courage of the Lithuanians: in the forests he is so absorbed that he also goes into resuscitation.


Gabija Laubner, head of the Acute Poisoning and Toxicology Resuscitation and Intensive Care Units at the Vilius Republic University Hospital (RVUL), does not hide her disappointment, because every year, unfortunately, the trends do not change: mushrooms soon appear, also mushrooms.

“Just as it is normal for mushrooms to start growing after rain and humidity, so do those who collect and eat them. They are inseparable things, just as smoke cannot exist without fire or without fire ”, he affirmed.

The doctor says that next time he and his teammates even joke that “the season is about to start here”, but all the laughter ends when people start to get seriously ill and have to fight for their lives.

“Unfortunately, in those cases it is not known whether to save them or not, especially when it is late,” lamented the toxicologist.

Almost every day he lay under the patient

When asked how many patients had suffered from mushroom poisoning in recent weeks, Laubner said that roughly one patient is admitted to the hospital every day, although two to three times as many are admitted.

“I want to remind you that we are only one hospital in 5 in Vilnius and we only serve Vilnius, but at least a few patients visit our reception department every day. In the last week, we have hospitalized approximately one patient per day. So, although more people apply in general, every second third is admitted to the hospital, “said the doctor.

When asked for the name of the severity of these patients, the toxicologist said that this month alone she had had at least 4 patients poisoned by poisonous mushrooms.

“Fortunately, when the antidotes and treatments were prescribed in time, we managed to save them, we have another patient in resuscitation, which is very difficult, so I would not dare to predict what his health will be like,” he said.

Gabija laubner

What symptoms should you take to the doctor?

Mr. Laubner regretted that although the dangers of collecting and consuming mushrooms were not discussed every year, they did not reach people.

“Start to realize that they will eat those mushrooms too and say, ‘Don’t pick, eat only known mushrooms or only collected by those people who, you really know, know about mushrooms,’ that doesn’t seem to work much.

But then at least you have to take into account that if it happens after 12 o’clock. if during the day a person begins to feel unwell: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, so as not to make mistakes in this place and seek medical attention. Because the longer a person stays, stays at home and indulges, takes digestive medications, it can be a sadder outing ”, warned the toxicologist.

“What’s really amazing is that everyone who walks into the admissions department is one hundred percent sure that they have eaten good mushrooms,” Laubner said.

The doctor urged not to make such a deceptive mistake, to seek medical help at the slightest suspicion of discomfort.

“It is always better to apply, we will do the tests, if they are good, then we will start treatment at home to treat food poisoning. But it will be better than losing the effect of poisonous mushrooms, “Laubner noted.

Make sure you eat good mushrooms.

One of the first questions encountered in a patient with mushroom poisoning is, what mushrooms did he eat? Still, the reality is this, the responses doctors hear sound curiously sad.

“They say they ate green acorns when they don’t understand what it is, green plants that don’t even grow in September, mushrooms from the forest, little scales … Then you really think about it again: those brave Lithuanians.

And what is really surprising is that everyone who enters the reception department is one hundred percent convinced that they have consumed good mushrooms, “said G. Laubner.

The most dangerous mushroom, which Lithuanians most often mistake for edible mushrooms, is the green myrtle. It is extremely dangerous because it causes severe damage to liver function.

At the same time, the doctor warned that it does not matter whether poisonous mushrooms are eaten immediately, whether they are canned, frozen, dried.

“If a green mussel falls with the poison amatoxin, then it is not completely subject to anyone, neither to time, nor to cooking, to baking. Whatever is done, the poison does not lose its properties, even after 30 years you can open the bottle and it will be poisonous. For this reason, poisonings also occur out of season, for example, when mushroom products are removed during Christmas, “said toxicologist RVUL.


Mushrooms to taste

According to the doctor, the flow of mushroom poisoning remains somewhere until mid-October.

“In fact, both last year and this year, there are a lot of mushrooms and mushrooms grow in those families. However, if the slightest suspicion arises, it is not necessary to collect unknown mushrooms, not eat them. Basically, it is better and more valuable eat squirrels, boletus, red squirrels. All mushrooms other than these have a very high nutritional value and there is still a risk that poisonous ones can be picked up, “warned G. Laubner.

At the same time, he added that, problem, next time free to eat and good mushrooms.

“Yes, there are problems eating good mushrooms, especially for those who already have some problems with digestion in their medical history: pancreas, gallbladder, stomach, etc. Because mushrooms are not yet an easily digestible food.

Eating a mushroom should look more like a tasting, a snack, even a dessert, but not a meal three times a day or a whole week. In addition, mushrooms spoil very quickly, if a person has already collected good mushrooms, it is best to consume them the same day, “said G. Laubner.
