The topic of speculation about S. Skvernelis and the gender change in the confrontation between R. Karbauskis and V. Čmilytė-Nielsen


R.Karbauskis and V.Čmilytė-Nielsen discussed the quarantine restrictions in the country and the vaccination process on Thursday on the Lietuvos rytas Oponentai television show.

“I think those decisions should have been made a long time ago, because now we are in the third wave, the number of diseases is increasing and all those decisions are made late. If we had started businesses and people before, now we could talk about something, even having to close a little.

If tomorrow we have 2,000 diseases, I am anxious about the government’s decisions, because that is not the time, “said R. Karbauskis on the program.

It says that the government has transferred responsibility to the municipalities.

For her part, Seimas spokeswoman Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen emphasized that certain races are currently being held against time and claimed that the release from quarantine conditions a few months ago would have been simply impossible.

“Both health experts and doctors spoke in unison about the importance of precaution. When the new legislature began in the Seimas, at that time we had up to 4,000 illnesses a day and we had a very large number of deaths. It seems to me that a great effort of this Government has reduced this number.

Today we already have the luxury of talking about releases, not only because summer is approaching, but also because we have a growing number of people vaccinated. Now, in a sense, we are in a race against time: the more people are vaccinated, the faster the liberation process will be, ”said the president of Seimas.

R. Karbauskis stated that the central government, by allowing municipalities to organize and manage the vaccination process, thus alleviates responsibility.

“We see different processes in different municipalities. <...> This current situation shows that we did not want to take the best examples and deliver them to the municipalities, which were not prepared to adequately coordinate this issue, ”said R. Karbauskis.

The president of Seimas pointed out that in the context of European Union countries, Lithuania looks good in terms of vaccination numbers and sees the independence of municipalities as an advantage.

“It is natural that municipalities have different successes in vaccinating people. <...> It also depends on demographics, desire to get vaccinated, beliefs. Certainly there are a number of factors, but I would like to point out that Lithuania, among other EU countries, looks very good in terms of vaccination results.

In the top ten, we are stable and this shows the context of how we see ourselves compared to other states. I have reason to believe that this month, with more new shipments, we will definitely be one of the leaders.

As a liberal, it seems better to me that municipalities be given more autonomy. Those closest to the population, who ultimately know them personally, can organize that vaccination process more seamlessly. I would not see a problem or a gap here, it can be a good example, “said the president of Seimas.

Simpler quarantine conditions are lacking for vaccinated people

The leader of the LVŽS did not skimp on the criticism of the Prime Minister, who, according to him, with his speeches could provoke even greater mistrust in the people.

“Yesterday there was a statement from our Prime Minister on the ways in which the people of Šalčininkai are going to be vaccinated – it was said that they will use military doctors, SAD doctors and they will have to go to places where people don’t want to be vaccinated. I think that these statements by themselves provoke a strange assessment, because we are not going to force people to get vaccinated ”, explained the president of LVŽS.

For his part, V.Čmilytė-Nielsen described such interpretations as absurd.

“It’s absurd, nobody talks about sending troops and you don’t have to interpret some sayings and take them out of context. We must trust the conscience of the people, increase confidence in vaccines and, in my opinion, we are trying to do it in every possible way, ”said the president of Seimas.

According to R. Karbauskis, the lack of communication between the Government and other leaders is one of the biggest problems.

“This is a tragedy of this situation: we constantly see that a minister says one, the prime minister says another, and the president of Seimas says a third, after all, people no longer understand what will happen next”, R. Karbauskis . answered.

He also regrets the fact that people with immunity are still unable to live more freely.

“We have been waiting for decisions, they are happening little by little, but it seems very strange to me that this has nothing to do with people who are sick, vaccinated and have immunity, why 50? Why can’t 300 people with immunity gather at Kaunas Arena to watch basketball?

Why are we afraid to allow more people with immunity? I have not received this answer, but the government will have to answer the question why people who have been vaccinated have to watch basketball on television, ”said R. Karbauskis.

The president of Seimas pointed out that as long as mass vaccination has not started in Lithuania and there is no so-called passport of opportunities, it would be risky to make such decisions.

“I fully understand the government’s logic: as long as mass vaccination has not started and while being vaccinated is a privilege, it is natural that great care should be taken in using this vaccination as an argument in favor of greater rights.” We have a very unequal situation, “said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Guess about S. Skvernel’s plans and gender reassignment

R.Karbauskis commented that the president of the Seimas may not read the documents sent to him by the shadow government, but V.Čmilytė-Nielsen noted that he is more focused not on the work of the royal government, but on the Seimas.

“He could agree with the opposition leader that the shadow government, instead of criticizing the real government and offering constructive proposals, is more focused on the work of the Seimas.” It seems to me that this may be related to the early departure of Mr. Ramūnas from the Seimas, because now it seems that attempts are being made to find ways to do that Seimas policy, and not what the shadow government should do ”, He said. V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

They also commented on possible rumors that S. Skvernelis was preparing to form a new faction in parliament.

“I think the division has become clearer in recent days, but it was not really rumored about me. Ramūnas Karbauskis should be asked here,” said the Speaker of the Seimas.

“I know enough about what is happening at Seimas, but I am not guided by rumors,” he emphasized.

R.Karbauskis emphasized that, to his knowledge, the opposition leader in the Seimas of the faction is not creating.

When asked to put a question to the president of Seimas, R. Karbauskis was interested in what she thinks about the Freedom Party’s proposal on gender reassignment for minors.

“What do you see in the proposal of the Freedom Party for minors to change their gender? We read it everywhere ”, asked the president of LVŽS.

She, for her part, assured that there was no such discussion.

“We are talking about various proposals with the coalition partners, and there is no such proposal in this session of the Seimas. I would really invite them to follow the facts, not the rumors, and criticize what is real and not what is implied.” said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.
