The “Today is yesterday” exhibition features works by famous artists and guests embroidered by grandmothers.


A group of people gathered at the Arcángel Art and Conference Center to greet the author. The event was hosted by actor Eimutis Kvoščiauskas, winners of the international competitions Ulijona Pugačiukaitė-Mažeikienė and Gabija Maknavičiūtė-Janavičienė played the violin and played the piano.

“For three months, several dozen older people from all over Lithuania embroidered the works of famous Lithuanian artists on canvas. Artists and grandmothers who have not seen each other until now met for the first time at the event. It is a really exciting time and proof that friendship between generations can be mutually beneficial, “said Ermita Kirdeikytė, marketing specialist, creator of the social project” Today is Yesterday. “

Opening of the exhibition

Opening of the exhibition “Today is yesterday” / Photo by Paulius Peleckis.

11 artists came together for this project, including Algis Kriščiūnas, Eglė Ulčinckaitė, Kęstutis Grigaliūnas, Laisvydė Šalčiūtė, Antanas Dubra, Viktoras Paukštelis, and others. The works drawn by these artists were transferred to canvas by 25 elderly people, and designer Robert Kalinkin created unique bags.

We had selected 30 grandmothers, but some embroidery did not finish due to health reasons. We must not neglect the elderly because their time on this earth is numbered.

Opening of the exhibition

Opening of the exhibition “Today is yesterday” / Photo by Paulius Peleckis.

Opening of the exhibition

Opening of the exhibition “Today is yesterday” / Photo by Paulius Peleckis.

“When we started this initiative a few months ago, we had selected 30 grandmothers, but several of them did not finish their embroidery work due to health problems. It is a kind of reminder to all of us how to protect, appreciate and not neglect older people, because their time on this earth is already numbered. I think this unique experience was useful not only for our elders, but also for artists, as a kind of reminder that you can draw inspiration from the past that is still alive, ”says E. Kirdeikytė.

All bags created jointly by seniors and famous artists will be sold at a charity auction. The funds raised will be donated to the “Silver Line” organization, which provides free telephone emotional assistance to seniors.

Opening of the exhibition

Opening of the exhibition “Today is yesterday” / Photo by Paulius Peleckis.

“For a person to feel happy, he must have a purpose. For an older person, creating an image with his own hands is also a goal that gives him the strength to love life. By participating in this activity, everything revolves around to that goal, and there is no room for bad thoughts … ”- says project participant Liudmila Kudina, who embroiders the work of the artist Eglė Ulčinskaitė“ Still Life II ”.

Afternoon moments:

According to statistical data, one in three people over 65 years of age in Lithuania lives alone and some grandparents do not leave home for the whole year. Psychologists find that people who experience loneliness are much more likely to develop depression, disinterest, and forgetfulness.
